You Look Beautiful When You Smile

Luan Rongrong and Xie Wanyu had been roommates for only half a month, but she trusted Xie Wanyu.

"You know Wanyu, we are similar," said Rongrong. "It's the same for me. The column under "Father's Name and Information" is empty."

Xie Wanyu's eyes widened in the dark. 'Does she know about my past?'

"You were brought up by your grandma," said Rongong. "I was brought up by my grandma too."

Luan Rongrong sensed that Xie Wanyu was surprised. "Wanyu, we are both transfer students. It's not hard for me to find out about you. We are so lucky to be roommates. When I was in Tongzhou, I always moved from one school to the next. I cried a lot about it because other students were always mean to me. Grandma used to say that they wanted to make me feel sad and wanted to see me cry. If I did, it would mean they won. So, I always tried to smile."