They Aren't Chasing After Each Other And Being Silly

Li Yanchen was peeved. 'Am I not a good listener?'

Li Yanchen couldn't believe he outright accused him of being very bad at singing.

[I feel sorry for Mr. Li.]

[Xuanxuan flatly said he can't sing at all. Mr. Li looks sad.]

[Why are you taking it so seriously? It's just a show. They want a good rating. They will do anything for that. Just let it be.]

[The one who commented above must be new to the livestream. Xuanxuan never does anything for clout. What he does and says is genuine.]

[Mr. Li, do you want to perhaps learn a new skill? If you do, Yun City Art Alliance welcomes you. We accept adults too! You can learn to sing or dance. You can even choose to learn any musical instrument that you prefer. Even for tone-deaf people, we can effectively teach them. No refunds, though.]