You Are So Brave

Li Yanchen realized he was smiling and quickly composed himself. 'It's too late to praise me now.'

"Well, Mr. Li had many admirers," said Li Zexuan suddenly. 

Only Du Zheng and Ji Hanzhi flashed through Li Zexuan's mind. They were both crazy.

Lin Wan was speechless. Li Yanchen, who was watching the livestream from inside, was also stunned.

So far, there were only two crazy women who had chased after him. 'What does Li Zexuan mean?'

Li Yanchen realized that the kid was trying to make Lin Wan jealous. He felt a sense of pride. Li Zexuan was indeed his son through and through. He was very talented in answering questions.

[I thought it was just Ji Hanzhi who wanted Mr. Li. Are there others?]

[Ooh… spill the tea, Xuanxuan. We are ready.]

[Are there many young ladies in the company who chase after Mr. Li?]