You Are My Little Flame In The Winter

In the afternoon, Auntie Huang was surrounded by the maids from other houses. They informed her that they wanted to visit the Li family house more often.

Auntie Huang told Lin Wan about it. Lin Wan didn't mind. She told Auntie Huang to prepare some snacks and interact with the maids of other houses.

Lin Wan also told her that she could invite anyone she wanted because she was part of the family too. Lin Wan always considered Auntie Huang as her own family.

Auntie Huang was delighted. She made some tea and snacks and invited the maids of other houses inside. They talked amongst each other about all sorts of things.

The Li family was bustling with activity.

In the evening, Lin Wan put on some light makeup and waited for Li Yanchen to get off work.

Li Yanchen was equally eager to meet her.