A Father, A Mother, And A Grandmother

Li Yanchen put his arm around his wife's shoulders. "My parents passed away a long time ago. If you don't mind, can I invite you over for the holidays? We can meet and eat together whenever we want to."

"Yes!" Lin Wan turned to Auntie Bao. "Mother, you, Uncle Yang, and Grandma Yang can come over. Will this be okay with you? We can get together and have a nice meal."

"Wouldn't it be too much trouble for you? I live so far away in the Lin family's old mansion, and you have to drive all the way to pick me up. It'll be easier if you leave me out..."

Yang Ruoxi and Lin Wan were having none of that.

"Please, it's no trouble at all. You know, Wanwan always talks about you. You took care of her for so many years. You're like her mother."

Auntie Bao's tears fell again.