Old And Childish

Lin Wan recalled that Auntie Bao made her eat a lot of ginger because it was good for her health. Ginger had so many benefits, especially in winter. Ginger could be boiled with water to make tea or to just soak one's feet to dispel cold.

Lin Wan filled a bucket with warm water, and she asked Auntie Bao to take off her socks.

"Wanwan, you don't have to do that. I should be taking care of you."

"Mama Bao, please sit down. We're a family now. You are older. I should be the one taking care of you." Lin Wan held Auntie Bao's hand and led her to the chair.

Li Yanchen placed a chair near her. "Wanwan is right. We're a family now. You have taken care of her long enough. It's nice to be taken care of."

"Mr. Li is so cultured. He's right. We feel happy when someone cares for us, and we care for them. It's a different kind of happiness."