Are You Going To Sneak Out In The Middle Of The Night?

Lin Wan heard their conversation. She guessed that Tiantian was planning to come to Yun City and Yang Ruoxi wanted him to stay at some hotel.

"He can stay here in Xuecheng," said Lin Wan softly.

There were six rooms in the Lin family's old house. Lin Wan and Auntie Bao could clean up the other rooms. It was more comfortable than staying at a hotel.

"Why don't you talk to your father and see how he reacts? Or are you going to sneak out of your house in the middle of the night every day while I'm there?" said Tiantian. He had already shown her picture to his family, and they liked Yang Ruoxi very much.

Tiantian's family wasn't very conservative. When he told his family about his last girlfriend, they were happy for him. After his breakup, his parents comforted him, but his grandparents hadn't talked to him for days.