How Would You Feel If I Bring Home A Son-In-Law For You?

"No, no… it's not sour. It's really sweet."

"Then what's wrong? Why did you go quiet all of a sudden?"

Yang Yiren placed a hand on his knee. "I… I am the caretaker of the graveyard. People don't really like associating with someone who spends his life taking care of a cemetery. I never thought someone would offer me food so kindly…"

Yang Yiren trailed off. Auntie Bao understood him. Yang Yiren was single-handedly taking care of his young daughter and his old mother. It must have been difficult to do that and earn money so that his daughter could study abroad.

His mother was getting on in years. Every time he returned home after finishing his work at the graveyard, she would be busy taking care of the house. Yang Yiren's heart ached when he saw his mother all alone. He usually went to a grocery store after work to buy ingredients to make something delicious for her.