Someone I Care About

Yang Ruoxi replied to Lin Wan. "I'm at the hotel. Heading out now. Meet you at the village entrance."

"You're leaving?" asked Tiantian.

"Yes. I told my father that you'll reach Yun City only at noon. If anyone sees you now, they'll think I lied. I'll come to meet you after lunch. What do you want to eat? I can bring some food over for you."

Tiantian was sad to part with her. He held her hands. "Alright. I'll just take a break and rest here. Otherwise, I don't think I'll be able to walk in the afternoon."

"Okay. You rest. I'll knock when I reach. Do you want me to drop you to your room?" Yang Ruoxi wrapped her arms around Tiantian's neck.

Tiantian chuckled. "No need. I'll wait for you. Come back to me soon." He stroked her cheeks. "If you decide to let my family meet yours, just tell me. I can call them over anytime."

"Alright," she said.