Mr. Li Is A Changed Person Because Of Me

"A year of knowing each other is enough to get married. You've been together for half a year. A year will pass in the blink of an eye after both your parents meet."

"I never said I don't want to get married. I just think things are progressing a bit fast. If we meet the parents, the next step will definitely be discussing marriage. They might even impulsively decide to have a wedding during the Spring Festival. I'm not mentally prepared for that yet." Yang Ruoxi lacked any confidence in marriages. She wasn't like Lin Wan.

In simple terms, Lin Wan's change of mind about marriage was an accidental result of her ending up in the Li family. Both of their parents had experienced failed marriages. After the divorce, they abandoned their children. Lin Wan and Yang Ruoxi always thought that marriage just complicated things and harmed children.

It wasn't until Lin Wan met Li Yanchen that she discovered that marriage could be so blissful.