Only Mother is Good

Li Zexin sat between Lin Wan and Li Yanchen, unsure where to put his hands.

Eventually, he folded his legs together, placed his hands on his knees, straightened his back, and focused on the podium.

Lin Wan glanced at her stepson. "Li Zexin, you can relax. Why are you so nervous?"

"What? I'm not. I'm fine." He looked even more nervous than before.

This was the first time he was attending a meeting with his parents. He didn't know what he was supposed to do. He glanced at the other students and saw that they were all calm and happy. Some were even holding their parent's hands.

Li Zexin had an idea. Since his parents were here just for him, he wanted to hold their hands too. He was always jealous when his father carried his younger brother in his arms.

He linked his arms with Lin Wan and Li Yanchen on each side.

Lin Wan was surprised. She then continued to listen to the teacher.

Li Yanchen moved his chair closer to his son.