I Want to Walk Sideways

Li Zexin turned around slowly. "Yun Xi High School. You must have chosen it too, right? You'll definitely get in."

The girl blushed. "You know that I chose Yun Xi High School, and you did it too?"

"You and the class monitor are the two top students in Class 9-3. You two always rank first and second. If not Yun Xi High School, then where else would you both apply?" Li Zexin didn't need to guess. The answer was obvious.

"Li Zexin, you can make it too. There's still half a year left and this semester, you are already in the top ten," He Jiaqi said to him.

"Thank you! I hope we can continue to be classmates," Li Zexin said with a smile.

After half an hour of discussion, the class teacher announced the next activity on the agenda: student speeches.