Struggle For Family Status That Lasted for Half a Year

Who would have thought that during the Li family's dinner gathering, it was Lin Wan who would be cooking? The most important thing was that all eight dishes tasted good.

Li Zexuan finished the last sip of soup in his bowl. As the eldest son, he had to show the maximum support to his stepmother.

Only after finishing did he remember to take photos and post them on his social media.

Even though there was just a little bit left, Li Zexuan still took a few close-up shots. He also took a photo of Lin Wan.

The caption read: "Can you believe it? Ms. Lin cooked a table full of dishes... and they actually taste good!"

[Xuanxuan, can your social media posts be about anything other than Lin Wan? Every sentence is about Lin Wan.]

[Why does it feel like Ms. Lin's cooking a meal is more exciting to you than winning an award? Isn't it a bit too much?]

[Alright, congratulations on being able to have a meal wherever you are in the future.]