If I And Ultraman Fell Into The River Together, Who Would You Save First?

The children protested. Even Feifei said, "Mommy, you're cheating!"

Tao Jingyuan pinched her son's little nose. "Feifei, you can also ask simple questions. I could only come up with this one. Whatever comes to mind, I'll ask. It's not like I have to find weird questions just to make things difficult for others."

"Oh, then… we can ask whatever we want?" Feifei returned to his seat.

Next, the arrow pointed to Tutu.

The question came from Li Zekai.

[Yay! It's Tutu's turn! I wonder what questions the children will ask. Let me guess. It might be something along the lines of, "Tutu, where did you buy your Ultraman?"]

[It must be about toys.]

[Or maybe they'll ask, "Tutu, have you ever considered losing weight?"]

[Tutu, do you prefer Dad or Grandma?]

Li Zekai blinked and stood up. "Tutu, if I and Ultraman fell into the river together, who would you save first?"

Silence fell over the room.