Go Away! Why Are You Everywhere?

Li Yanchen noticed the admiration on Lin Wan's face. She had been applauding and smiling all along.

"Wanwan, is there anything in particular that you admire about me?" Li Yanchen couldn't help but ask.

"Many," said Lin Wan.

"Such as?"

"Huh?" Lin Wan wondered if Li Yanchen wanted her to praise him.

She understood his hint. "You love your wife and your family. You always cherish the time with your family. You work so hard to provide for them, and you never give up..."

Before Lin Wan could finish her words, Li Yanchen interrupted her and said, "So many? I'm this great, and I didn't even realize it!"

"Mr. Li, stop being so cheeky. Clearly, you hinted for Ms. Lin to praise you, and now you're pretending to be modest," Li Zexin said.

Li Yanchen slapped his son's back. "Go away! Why are you everywhere?"

Li Zexin rubbed his back. "Ms. Lin, you see, he's not as loving to his family as he seems. He hits me without hesitation."