In The Afternoon, In Their Own Yard

"When you go back, don't expect to stay in one room," Li Zexin said.

"I mean, it will be fun at home."

"You can ask Brother Xuanxuan. I don't care anyway."

"Brother Xinxin, does that mean you agree? Great!" said Li Zekai.

Li Zekai turned to Li Zexuan, only to see Li Zexuan burying himself in the blankets and pretending to be asleep.

"Big brother, you're pretending to sleep again. If you don't want to, just say no. Why act like this?" Li Zexin complained.

Li Zexuan slowly poked his head out from the blanket. "Do you even need to ask? I'm already an adult, and adults need their own private space."

"Alright. When we get back, Li Zekai and I'll be living together. Don't you be jealous."

"Brother Xinxin, I've thought about it. We should each have our own rooms. I also need privacy now." Li Zekai suddenly changed his mind.

"Why does a little kid like you need privacy?"