514. Don't compare Ji Hanzhi with Luo Xi

Lin Wan lay on the bed, the corners of her lips curled up.

"Mama Bao actually found her other half in this world."She could not help but sigh.

"It's great that the people you care about have a good ending." Li Yanchen pulled his wife into his embrace."

"After we go back, we'll discuss it with Mama Bao and see if we should book a hotel in Yun City."

"Okay, I'll pay for it. If you're too busy, I'll get Assistant Qin to help you."

That night, Lin Wan and Li Yanchen were discussing Mama Bao's wedding.


On the fifth day of the live broadcast.

The program team released the last mission--the interstellar circle. All the members held hands and formed a circle. Two of the members held the hula hoop together. Everyone had to go through the hula hoop to the other side. During the process, they could not let go or touch the hula hoop. Otherwise, they would start over again.

This game could test everyone's tacit understanding and the tolerance between members.