515. I received a real signature

Nan Nan was an emotional person. She looked at the bullet screen and her eyes could not help but tear up.

Michael put his arm around his wife's shoulder and whispered comforting words into her ear.

Very soon, Nan Nan smiled.

The director announced that all the families were still gathered together.

The mothers sat in a circle on the carpet.

Lin Wan took out her notebook and pen.""White Snow, can you give me a few autographs? My friend admires you and gave me an order. If I don't bring your signature back, I won't go back either."

The woman was exaggerating.

"I admire you too." For the first time, Lin Wan acted like a fangirl.

"Sign them all?" White Snow took the pen and paper without hesitation."She looked at the thick notebook and asked.

"Ten or twenty is fine too."

White Snow lowered her head and signed one by one.

Then, Xia Mo and Nan Nan…They all took out their small notebooks.