[Bonus chapter] Why did you...?

The other two men turned to look at him with confusion on their faces. They had heard him saying they should leave now, but shouldn't he give them a reason to leave and not order the two of them just like that?

"Death is approaching one of you, we need to leave," he said, understanding why they were just looking at him as if he had done something wrong.

Hearing him, they both stood up and then looked at each other. Nigel could tell who was coming and why they were coming to visit because she never came to him when he was outside and away from the Wallace properties. Her coming here was for the old man with him right now but he didn't tell him that. It seems she had found out on her own and that too so quickly. 

"Let's leave then, you are still to tell me about the man, I would not want you dead before that."  The man glared at him but Nigel and the other man had already started heading for the door leaving him alone in the room.