
Far away from Natasha, Reaper states at the back of a certain man with long dark hair that he let down falling over his shoulder and to his lower back and had beads of multiple colors around his neck. He was dressed in all black and had an annoyed look on his face which he concealed each time he was looked at while he listened to the other two men. 

The expression on his face showed that he did not like to be there but had to stay there probably for reasons that were beneficial to him. Feeling the murder intent directed at him and the familiar weight of death that hung in the air, he turned around and his golden eyes found the pair of Azure eyes staring at him.


They were like flames inside the socket and he didn't need to see who it was that owned those pair of eyes. There was only one existing entity that could creep him out and that was Death. The color of his eyes alone was enough to warn him. To let him know that he was not in his best mood.