They will come for her

"Hades," Reaper called. The coldness of his voice was not something new but it was different this time, even Natasha felt it and a chill ran down her spine. It was after a few seconds that the name he called registered in her mind and her body stiffened, invisible cold sweat trickling down her spine and forehead. 

The man holding her was none other than the Devil!

"Death," Hades called and Natasha could see a fluctuation in the eyes of Reaper the moment he called his name. It appears they were not on good terms with each other. "I promise I will let her go if you promise to let me go this time," he bargained. 

The fact that he was even pleading with Reader had Natasha wondering. Was he immoral? So why was he begging for his dear life at the expense of hers?