What have you become!"

Nigel had tried to ignore the noise made earlier but he could no longer ignore the sound of a gunshot. He heard e shots being fired as soon as he stepped down from the bed and the place went dead silent. 

He paused in his area for a moment as if deciding whether to proceed and check it out or not. It was obvious by now that every inhabitant of the major was wide awake wondering what was happening.

He sought a flashlight and his gun and proceeded out of the room after finding them taking slow and careful steps trying to be as silent as possible. He arrived at the living room where everything was happening and found two guards fed and one standing over them, still holding a gun and pointing at one of them.

The other presence caught his attention too, she stood up and it didn't take him any effort to know who she was. Her shape and figure were enough to let him know who the woman was. "Natasha!" he exclaimed.