How certain are you?

Hazel looked at him, smiling as she heard his promise. He had never lied to her, at least none that she was aware of or that had come to harm her later on. And she believed he wouldn't. 

She wanted to be seen on equal footing with him, and she got what she wanted, but she also knew that there was a long way to go to be seen as his equal by his subjects. 

Not only was she a human, a creature loathed on by the Arcadians, she was also the only human in here. One with no backing beside Arzaan himself and his few friends. She wasn't allowed to make friends either. No one wants to be friends with a human. She wasn't expected to make friends either because she was queen. 

He was her mate, husband, and friend. The one friend she thought she could have, Heidi, was also gone. He was her everything in this world. So she must play her part in helping him as much as he is helping her. 

"Thank you," she said, truly grateful to him.