

Amyra's POV...

After Amelia left, Lucas invited me to have coffee with him since it was still a bit early. I added some apple pie to a plate and placed it in front of him. He also placed my coffee in front of me.

" Lots of milk and a cube of sugar. ", he grinned.

" Thank you. ", I sigh, enjoying the burn at the back of my throat.

We were currently sat in the garden, the cool August breeze and some fireflies being our only companions.

" How did you know that I'm allergic to chocolate though? ", he smirks, probably remembering my mild confrontation with Tasha today.

" Your mom tells me things about you every time we talk.. which is pretty often if you ask me. She's an amazing woman. ", I smile, thinking back to when she called yesterday. She told me some other things that I won't be telling Luca.

Hm, Luca.

It has a nice ring to it.

" You talk about me? ", he grimaces.

" Yup, you are my husband after all. ", I smile to myself, gulping down more of my coffee before it gets cold.

" Hey, be gentle. You could burn yourself. ", he chuckles.

" So.. ", we both start, smiling at the awkwardness of it all.

" Tell me more about your childhood. How was it like, growing up? ", he asks, offering me some pie.

" Well, it wasn't the best. Neither was it terrible. I actually wish I had older siblings on several occasions. Boys, preferably because Camilla was such a bully. One time, well, she told me I was adopted. We were just six and it completely broke my heart. ", I giggle, remembering how much I cried that day.

" Wait, you're twins. How'd she manage to get you to believe that? ", he frowns in thought.

" She said I was given plastic surgery to look like her so I won't question anything. She had her toys taken away for a week because of that. In return, she pushed me off a swing and somehow managed to convince me that I'd fallen on my own. And now that I think about it, that bitch is the most toxic sibling ever. ", I quip, pulling my mug closer to my chest.

" Oh wow, am I glad that it's you I married. ", he chuckles and my heart warms at that.

It makes me happy that he's not secretly hating me for walking down the aisle and not Camilla.

" Not really sure about that. ", I laugh nervously, rubbing the back of my neck.

" Why not? You're much nicer. ", he says as he watches me intently.

His stare makes me uncomfortable so I avoid his gaze as I reply him.

" She's more attractive and more outspoken. ", I start before he immediately interrupts me.

" Hold it right there. What do you mean more attractive? Have you seen yourself? ", he starts, causing a blush to flood my cheeks.

" You're way more attractive than her, you've got more curves and pardon my language but your ass is just.. "

I quickly interrupt him.

" It's okay, I get it. God, you have no filter, do you? ", I laugh and he joins me.

" Sorry but I just want my wife to know how beautiful she is, inside-out. And if it means me telling you that every single day of our lives then I will. ", he says and this time, I meet his gaze.

For the rest of our lives? Oh God.

He's making me feel different things right now and it honestly confuses the heck out of me.

It also scares but most especially frustrates me.

I've been feeling this way for some weeks now and I hate that he makes me feel so many feelings all at once.

" Thank you. It's getting really cold now, let's go inside, yeah? ", he says and as I get up to pick up our mugs, he stops me saying that he'll have the help do that instead.

" Your hands are shaking, Amy. ", he say in alarm, taking my cold hands in his. He tries to rub them and blow hot air on them.

" Come on, let's go. ", he pulls me into his embrace, walking inside with him.

" Martha, please prepare some chicken soup for Amy. She's shivering. ", he says as he leads me up the stairs to our room.

" It's just a little cold. ", I insist but he's having none of it, glaring at me when I say I'll sleep it off.

" You know how you get when cold. We're not risking anything. ", he frowns.


Long story short, he brought me to the hospital the next day. She confirmed that I had an infection which hadn't quite healed yet.

I had to stay in the hospital for a few days. Luca even had my parents visit and we spent time together.

Apparently, Camilla told them about our conversation and it confused me as to why the hell they were still in contact with her in the first place.

" Oh hey there. ", Luca says as he walks in, smiling at my cousins who came to visit.

" I didn't know you had company. ", he places the fruits he'd brought on the table at the corner of the room.

They all exchange greetings, watching him.

" How are you feeling today? ", he asks while planting a kiss on my forehead, to which my cousins exchange looks.

" Uhm, better, I guess. I'll be back home by tomorrow. ", I murmur to which he grins broadly.

" That's great. "

Mary clears her throat loudly as she and the girls start packing up their stuff.

" We'll get going now. ", she says, causing Luca's eyes to look up at her.

" Wait, I hope I'm not the reason you're leaving. ", he asks, sincerely apologetic.

" It's just that we haven't seen each other in a while and I thought she'd be alone. ", he continues but they laugh it off.

"No, you're not. And besides, you deserve to spend time together. You're married and all so it's expected that you'd miss each other. ", Brielle clarifies.

" Okay then, bye Amyra. ", they say and each hug me before leaving.

" Thanks for the fruits. ", I say to Luca but he just smiles, tucking my hair behind my ear.

" You're welcome, wifey. ", he says.

" I've been meaning to discuss something with you for some time now. A month exactly." , he chuckles as he takes my hand in his.

" I know we didn't exactly meet on the best of terms and this marriage wasn't something either of us expected but the first few weeks of our marriage got me thinking. "

He exhales heavily before continuing, " I really surprised myself as well but later realized that I've started liking you and not just as a friend or whatever. "

My heartbeat spikes at this and the heart monitor shows it.

" Luca.. ", I start but he shakes his head at me, willing me to not speak.

" You don't have to say anything right now. What I'm trying to say is that I'm willing to try harder for this marriage. I don't want it to feel like a contract but an actual marriage. ", he sighs.

" You have all the time in the world to decide if you're willing to give this a try. I'll be waiting right here by your side till then. ", he smiles.

As he moves to sit at the other side of my bed, I grab his arm and stop him.

" I also have something to confess. ", letting out a huge sigh, I continue.

" I really like you too. "


Happy New Month, people!

God, I feel so emotionally drained right now. Been feeling like this for weeks now but today.. sigh.

Aaaaanyways, it's a new month. Meaning new resolutions and plans to be focused on. Let's all pray for the well-being of the world. Especially now that certain parts of the earth need our prayers.

I'll try to update soon.

Love, well, me :-)