Alter Ego

Aria watched on as Milana told the legendary tales of Mark. So much excitement in her eyes that Aria could only smile and watch. At that moment, it seems she had forgotten all about the massacre of her friends, well, trying to forget. Mark was pretty much awake at this point but decided to keep his eyes closed and avoid unnecessary questions by the inquisitive Aria. Aria had so many questions to ask both of them. From her times of childhood, she was thought by family and friends, mostly the academy that all humans beyond the walls are not to be trusted and all have been hit with the Halos Curse. For some reason, she couldn't believe these two weren't like the people mentioned in during those lectures. She felt something different about both of them. She felt so much bloodlust coming from Mark, but for some reason, she knew it wasn't directed towards her. It was only Milana that shared energy similar to an important person in her life; Susan. Susan was always carefree, smart, and decisive. The same went for Milana, except Milana was exceptionally tall in size, about six feet, nine inches. An extraordinary height for a female indeed. However, With these levels reached in height, she remained below Mark who stood seven foot three. Compared to them, Aria looked like a baby. A normal human would be terrified by now but Aria, for starters, isn't normal and she didn't sense a need to be scared for her life, although still cautious. These gentle giants meant no harm.

The stories would flow from Milana to Aria until dawn. At that moment, Mark got up, like the dead rising from the grave. "Milana, we have work to do. Finish up with this and get going" he said, as he made his way up to his feet, and walked towards the corner of the room where his sword stood leaning diagonally. Picks it up and was about to move out when Aria asked. "Where are you guys going?"

"Well," Milana began. "We have a kind of ritual every night. Mark does though. I just tag along. You should too. come along now. Let's get going. Together. it's best I show you than feed you tales. That way, I highly think you would understand it better."

"I see. Can I have a change of clothes at least? I wouldn't want to be going around in these" Asked said, as she referred to the rag clothes Milana put on her during her fever period.

"Oh yes. How can I forget? Come." Milana beckoned to Aria. "Mark you should head out. This fine lady," she said, signaling with her eyes towards Aria. "needs a change of clothes. It will be quick I can assure you."

"Oh, I see. The sooner the better then. I'll wait outside" Mark said, as he exited the house.

"Well, lucky for you I have one if not the best closets in the world!" Milana exclaimed as she opened up a wardrobe filled with normal-looking clothes. "Uh, yeah," Aria replied, reluctantly.

"It's not much but it should be okay for you. I'm a bit taller than you are....." She said as she looked at Aria from top to bottom and it was the first time she realized.

"Wow, you are small. How tall are you?"

"Um, 5'8, and I'm not small. You're just exceptionally tall."

"Yeah, I know. I get that all the time. Well, I will find my biggest shirts for you. it should fit like a short gown or so." Milana suggested, obviously mocking Aria, which of course Aria didn't take lightly. But although she knew these people were not bad, she had it at the back of her mind not to upset them whatsoever.

As Aria undressed, Milana was amazed by the sight her eyes beheld. When she first undressed Aria, she took little to no notice of her body because all her attention was on saving the little girl. Now, however, Milana could see what she initially couldn't. Aria's body was so pale and white but still had the elegance of a goddess. No, her godly attribute was because of the paleness. Her white hair flowed down to stop at her waist, her eyes were so beautiful with a touch of grey in her iris. Milana looked closely at her palm and that was when the amazement stopped. she noticed the tip of Arias's hands began turning black, like that of a dead body. A look of concern immediately struck her and it was at that moment she remembered what Mark asked of her. How could she tell her? How could she break the news to a girl that was obviously suffering but trying to hold it back in, smiling at every slight hint of happiness? her face looking down to Aria's fingers glided back towards her face to see a gentle smile being let out by Aria. Milana was so scared to say a thing to Aria after seeing how happy she was at this moment.

"Milana, Can I get the shirt now? I've been standing for almost a minute waiting for you to reach for the wardrobe, considering it's not mine but you have been staying there, not moving. Are you alright?"

"Oh yes, Aria. Forgive my forgetfulness as I was in a state of thought."

"I see. if I may, What were you thinking of?"

"Well, Aria I have something to tell you. It's very serious and has everything to do with you."

"Something to do with the Halo's curse right?"

Aria asked as she smiled with her face downwards.

"I know all about it. It's also thought in Tenebrae you see. The symptoms are clearly visible and I don't think I have much time left to live. At first, I thought this was a myth, well it turns out it isn't. In the same way, I thought that all people outside the walls were all swindlers and rogues. Turns out there are good people after all, right?" she said as she raised her head to look at Milana still smiling but something was different. Aria's eyes were filled with tears of regret, guilt, and fear. Regret of not being able to save her squad. The guilt of being the only one left alive and she never had so much fear of death in her entire life right up till now.

"Don't cry. come here." Milana said as she brought the sobbing Aria towards her bosom.

"I'm sorry for your friends. I'm sorry you had to know about this news in the worst way possible but this is for your own good. It's better knowing now than later on." Milana said, we a look of concern on her face.

"I know. I totally understand. I just curse myself for what happened you know, if only I came on time I could've,... I could've done something"

"There's nothing you could do, Aria. A halo isn't a being you'd want to go up against. You need a strong resolve to face off against them. Do you think you have that?" She said as she looks downwards to get a glimpse of Aria's eye.

"Yes. Resolve. I think I have way more than needed." It was at this moment Milana noticed the intense aura coming from Aria. Her tears stopped and what followed suit was something she never expected. Aria was smiling. This wasn't a sign of happiness whatsoever. What emitted from her facial expression wasn't a positive emotion. Milana noticed something was wrong.

"Aria, are you okay?" Aria, still smiling, looked up at her and said. "Oh yes, why won't I be? This Halos, a funny set of species eh. They go around killing people for what? They don't even eat their dead bodies. They just leave them lying around. I wonder, have they once felt this way? Do they have emotions? Wow!" She exclaimed. "I can't wait to find out. Well, after I kill all of them."

At the end of this statement, a slight hint of fear could be seen in Milana's eyes. "Who is this girl? What does she mean 'kill all of them?' Does she really think it's possible? Mark has been doing so much since I could remember and even he hasn't wiped them out entirely. I know this is straight out funny to see, but I can feel right now that should I laugh, Aria would kill me" All these thoughts overflowed into Milana as she carefully pushed Aria away, and stooped a little to match Aria's height. She looked into Aria's face. "Hey, are you okay?"

Aria's eyes were different from what it usually was. The slight hint of grey in her iris spread out fast to a full ghostly pale white, with a touch of pure black pupils.

"Yes. I think I am. What about you?"

She stopped smiling and looked at Milana.

"I'm good. Yeah, I'm good. Hurry up, here" she said, as she picked out a black sweater of hers and handed it over to Aria.

"Put these on. They should fit properly. I'll wait here till you're done." Aria wore the cloth and it fit her like a short gown would, except the sweater's sleeves were a little too big that they covered Aria's hands and extended all the way down, right below her hips. As she wore those, she looked at Milana, who was still searching for a short that would fit until she found what was the closest to Aria's physique, a gave her a black set of skorts.

"Here you go. These are my favorites. I would have given you another pair but this is the only one I can get that fits."

"Alright. I better finish up." The skorts seemed a little too big on Aria. Who would blame her? Milana has an enormous hip size so it was a miracle the skorts even fit.

"How do I look?" She said, beckoning to Milana who was still stuck in fear at the corner.

"It looks great! A little bit saggy, but great."

The clothes were so overflowing that one could totally confuse it with a regalia and still won't be incorrect.

"We better get going. We wouldn't Mark to wait all day now, would we?"

She said as she hopped joyfully out of the house, with her clothes still flowing.

"Well, for one thing, she's still a kid deep down, and so am I. I better not let my guard down though." Milana thought as she followed suit directly behind Aria.