Undoubted Decision

Mark was surprised at the view his eyes presented him with. Aria was looking so swallowed by the clothing that he let out a smirk, but immediately composed himself before she could notice. However, it would be seen that it was too late, considering Milana saw it as she came out.

"Do my eyes deceive me? Mark you were about laughing. No you were laughing. This is the first time I have seen you laugh. All my attempts to do so seem to prove Null."

"I never laughed. I have no idea why you would suggest otherwise. Well, Aria" He said turning to her "Milana," turns to Milana "We head out now. Try keeping up. I wouldn't want any of you to slow me down."

"Where are we going this time." Milana asked.


"Huh!" exclaimed Aria. "That's my hometown!"

"Yes it is. You still haven't told me what we're going there for. Is it the location for the night?" Milana asked, with a wide grin on her face. It was so wide it went from ear to ear. It was quite clear she had an ulterior motive. At first, she wished for Mark to drop Aria off in her hometown. "This Aria girl isn't a normal teenager. She's too bloodlusted. I fear for my life. A good chance to bring her back home, where she belongs with the Tenebrites. Yes, a logical solution indeed!" Said Milana in her thoughts. She's been chased, beaten and nearly died countless times all at the mercy of the Halos but in all this, she has never felt fear. This feeling was new for Milana and she wanted for it to vanish, fast.

"Yes, it is. Aria" Mark said turning towards her. "How's your body holding up?"

"Well, now that you mention it, I think it's pretty much better. Thank you for asking."

Mark looked at Milana, who was still grinning and said "Well, we don't have much time then now do we. It's time to find IT." At the mention of 'it', Milana stopped grinning. She couldn't believe her ears at that moment. did he mean....

"Yes," Mark affirmed her thoughts "The Witches Green. You said you knew the location, yes? Well, now's the right time to find it. We're also close to Tenebrae so it's a matter of time before we enter the city."

Mark said as he picked up his sword, His leather sack and tied up his hair to form a ponytail. His robes still flowing.

Milana was still in shock at the statement Mark had just made. she was driven by multiple emotions flowing into her mind. She couldn't make out sense as to what was about happening. All her life she had dreamed of eating of the fruit. She left her hometown for it. She left everything behind for it, even though it was nothing much. She risked her life countless times and even after meeting Mark, he never once said yes to her advances to find The Witches Green. She was thrilled to know Mark had finally decided to, but at the same time she dreaded his reason why. "It's Aria. It's all her fault. Aria is the cause of this." She said as she turned towards Aria, looking at her with envy. She couldn't get it off her mind but when her eyes met Aria's, She couldn't focus that emotion towards Aria no more. Aria's stare was so gentle and calm that it made Milana rethink her decisions. How can you hate in someone that has just been hit with what could easily be the greatest trauma of her life? How could you hate on someone whose chances of death in the next two days are ninety-nine percent? All these thoughts ran through her mind as she felt nothing but pity for Aria and so, all negative emotions towards her vanished as quickly as the arrived.

"Where are your bikes?" Aria asked, inquisitively

"Oh about that," Milana said, as she looked towards Mark, who decided to take it up from there.

"No need for one. We don't have a reason for bikes nowadays and now isn't the best of times to get one. We travel by feet and that's how it's always been. Now I see. You can't keep up can you" Mark asked Aria.

"No I most definitely can't."

Sighs "No worries, hop on now." Mark said, as he moved towards her and squatted, indicating that she hops on.

"Oh, but I can't. I would just slow you down. Besides. I think I'm a little bit overweight." Aria said, with an embarrassed face.

"No worries. Haven't you ever wondered how I brought you here in the first place?"

And on this statement, Aria hopped on with no questions asked. She knew it would be best to avoid Mark saying anything unnecessary out loud. Mark got back up to his feet and signaled for Milana to follow, which she did and so in the shortest of times, they set off for Tanabrae at insane speeds.

Milana and Mark moved so fast on foot, Aria questioned in her mind "Am I on a bike? No this is Mark's body. I can feel his hands on my bum. But what is this speed? can humans move this fast? Is that even allowed? How is Milana keeping up?" Aria was scared but she couldn't show it because the cool breeze blowing as the covered the distance made her slowly fall asleep. She was already miles deep into the sickness and time was not on her side. It has never been. But, there's an exception. She sits on Marks hand, the same hand that changes destiny. The same hand that is the literal twister of fate. Would his hands be able to help her this time? Well, that's an answer that lies beneath the surface of what is displayed. The true story lies yet to unfold.