
Mark possessed an interesting trait. He always followed his gut and most of the time, it was right. He had no need for complicated explanations as he knew the were given to make you think twice about an action, which most of the time should you do so, miss opportunities and makes you regret your decisions. In summary, the moment your gut tells you move, do so without questioning. This he didn't do on time and now he regrets it. He tried being a little bit mundane and this is where it got him; A friend in coma and a victim of The Halos in mortal danger. "If only I hadn't suggested and just went on with my instincts. If only I had moved the moment I came back with Aria. If only I had gone a day earlier. This wouldn't have happened. No, I wouldn't let my past determine what I do in the nearest future. No, it wouldn't be the same as the last time. This time it's different. This time, I am very sure of it. She's the one. She's worth risking it all. But what if she isn't? What if I'm wrong? No, I can't be. I don't even have a choice when you look at the cards I'm being dealt with. I'm left with no choice right now. I'm either all in or nothing. I better do something about her health and quick." Mark thought of all this as he looked at Theodore, who was now obviously in a state of unrest after Marks' threat. He knew Mark was always like this, but he didn't expect it to happen so soon. He wouldn't dare disobey Mark, but he also didn't want to ask why the rush. He always saw Mark as a Supreme Deity that came down to play with mortals such as himself. He knew never to ask questions and that is how part of the reason The Wall Workers survived the Halo invasions from the early days of the walls. At that moment, Theodore began feeling sleepy. He hadn't slept in nearly a month. He felt safer somehow with Mark close. He remembered a story told to him years ago, as he fell asleep and drifted into a trip down memory lane.

"Papa, papa!" Little Theodore screamed as he ran towards a gigantic man. The man smiled as he welcomed the racing Theodore with his arms wild open. He used Theodore's Momentum to swing him from the ground all the way up into the air and back into the ground. "Hey hey there, Theodore! You shouldn't be rushing and shouting out loud like this. You wouldn't want to attract Halo attention now, do you?" The giant said. It looked almost Identical to Theodore in every aspect, except it's grey-colored eyebrows were rather bushy, unkept and covered his entire eyes. His smile reflected a really white teeth. The teeth was so white, it didn't match the giants entire body hygiene.

"I'm sorry. Mama asked me to give this to you. She said you shouldn't be working under this sun all day without having a meal or two at least. She's always so worried and thinks you might collapse from fatigue like the rest of the Workers. She's always worried papa." Theodore said, as he handed the giant a present wrapped in purple clothing. His face changed from a bit joyous to worried as he looked the giant in the eye. It looked at Theodore and smiled back at him.

"Now, don't you worry. I'm perfectly in good health. If anything, I think I might survive this entire Lifetime of Building this Wall. Your mama shouldn't be worried. When you do go back tell her the father of Theodore, Tell her Humphrey The Valiant, The Tribal Leader asks that she prepares his special dish on his arrival. Tell her I arrive home tomorrow. It has been quite the longest of times." He said, with a pride look in his face.

Theodore watched with so much admiration as his father boasted of his name. He always made it clear whenever He was near his father that he always admired him and his father never disappointed him as he would tell Theodore stories about the experiences he has had in all his time in the Walls' Foundations.

"I'll be sure to relay you message papa!"

"You better do" He said, as he patted Little Theodore's head gently. After a while, Theodore decided to stroll around the Walls. It wasn't safe, but there were other Wall Workers ready to put their life in the line for him. All Wall Workers possessed this awesome trait. The were gentle people who would never draw blood unless provoked and would always sacrifice their lives for their young, should the be given the chance to. It always remained a mystery as to how The Destructive Walls' Defense System was built by this Harmless people.

Theodore Wandered all the way to the place where the Main Gate would be built to explore. He had so little a chance to go past the inner Wall Foundations. This was his first Time on the Outer Walls. On his Way back to his father, He saw a person. This person wasn't dressed as a Wall Worker. His appearance was different. No civilians would dare come to the Walls or even attempt walking past it into The Outsides. Theodore was perplexed but he was also cautious. He wanted to know who this person was. He wanted to find out his source of courage. A normal human cannot dream of surviving The Outsides more than a minute or two should he be lucky. But this human, He was different. He seemed different. He wasn't like the others. He wasn't your normal civilian, nor was he a soldier or even a Wall Worker to say the least. This human hadn't the qualities to classify him as mundane. This person had transcended humanity. Little Theodore could tell by mere looking at this person that he is strong. So strong that he wouldn't worry about the Halos rather, the should fear him. This person was an apex predator. The strongest. Theodore could feel the bloodlust oozing from all corners of his body. But all this aura wasn't directed towards him, or any Wall Workers to say the least. He felt safe seeing this person. Theodore looked around, and he noticed other Wall Workers felt the aura too. There stares were so piercing that if staring was a sword, they would have slashed this person a billion times over. As this person walked pass through, Theodore ran as fast as his little legs could carry him towards his father who knew already knew why Theodore was on high alert.

"Papa! Papa! I met a person." Theodore said, as his eyes of admiration burnt brighter than it's ever burnt and for some reason, His father knew it wasn't in admiration for him.

"He wasn't tall or as huge as you were but for some reason, I felt scared! Not scary scared, but safe scared, you know? Oh and he didn't even notice my presence. I mean, you should have seen him papa."

"Theodore, you shouldn't be so nice to someone like this. He isn't someone you should consider an idol or a god. He isn't someone you should be proud to meet. You should be lucky you got out alive and that's all that matters. Now, off you go now and remember, if you see him next time, you go the other way, okay?"


"No buts. No exceptions. You see him and you run okay? He's not a person you should get close with. Not now at least." Humphrey Ordered.

"Okay papa. I understand." Theodore said with a sad look on his face as he dragged his legs through the floor to show his melancholic mood at the moment. He wanted to know. Be wanted to find out more about this person. He didn't want to disobey his father, but he also didn't want to let this thought of his go. "Who was that mysterious man. Who is this man that was feared by all and loved by none? Who is this man whose mere existence struck fear in the hearts of all men? Theodore had to find out, one way or another. Every atom in his body was reeking of suspense. He needed to satisfy this new found lust. Off he went to discover the truth. He went around the entire Wall, asking Wall Workers about it from the east to the west, back north and afront the south, Theodore asked but in all the people he asked, not one had the guts to reply him. They didn't want to have anything to do with this mysterious person and all Theodore got from them all was this, "Don't go asking this questions kid, it'll put you in dilemma. Drop this question." They all had the same look in their faces everytime he asked the question, "Who is the guy on the Blood-Colored Robe?". So much time had passed and the sun had set. Theodore couldn't go home at this moment, so he decided to sleep with a few of the Workers inside the walls. As he laid down in an attempt to sleep, he noticed the took turns in keeping watch. While some slept, the other few were out in the look-out for Halo movements. He couldn't sleep, so he followed suit and stayed up with the rest awake. He was on the Southern Side of the wall, where his father and the rest of the Wall Workers were. His father was snoring his life out fast asleep. The others knew not to disturb him, because he was their strongest asset and he always worked harder and faster than most and therefore, he deserved all the sleep he could get. Theodore was looking around to sight a Halo even if it's one. He knew he shouldn't be wishing to see one, however, he hasn't laid his eyes on one all his life. As he strained his eyes, he saw a dot on the horizon of The Outsides. It stood there without moving as many other dots started appearing from many corners. Theodore was shocked. He thought his eyes deceived him, which could never be the case. Wall Workers had clear natural night-vision. He wasn't also sleepy to say the least. He decided to clear his eyes with his hands and looked again. This time, the dots started advancing, coming towards them. He wasn't sure what was happening until the person besides him on lookout screamed "HALOS! They're here! Halos! Every one in position! Quickly!" As soon as he said this every single person asleep immediately got up and took their weapons aimed it towards the Halos direction. Theodore kept looking to find out what was happening. Who could blame him? He's never had such thrill and excitement before so this feeling was new to him. His father beckoned to him. "Theodore!" As his fathered shouted his name, everyone that heard the scream looked at him. He knew he was in big trouble. He should have left for home as soon as he had given his father the purple wrapping. However, this was not the case. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm sorry papa. I was about leaving, but I got carried away by all attractions the Walls had to offer. I overstayed and went round the walls. I was so tired from all that stress that I just couldn't find the strength to depart for home. I sincerely apologize." Theodores' speech was well said and thought out properly. He knew that should he say anything that wasn't the truth or anything that sound so silly, his papa would make the most of it with a spanking that lasted for hours. He didn't want to be spanked. Not now or here anyways. The embarrassment would be too much to bear. Luckily for him, his father bought it.

"Ah. You really deserve a good spank. For now, the matter at hand us bigger than the both of us and it's time to show you how much of a sharp shooter your pops is." As Humphrey said this, he began dishing out instructions to the others. "Ready the canons! They approach!" As his father was ordering everyone around, Theodore noticed a silhouette pass right through his left in a scamper as it headed towards the direction of the Halos. He felt the aura from the last time. He noticed the person he knew who it was. "The was that mysterious person from before!" Theodore exclaimed, as he pointed as the shadow as it kept on it's path towards the Halos.

"Back him up! Kill the Halos that get through!"

At the bark of this command from Theodores' father, the crowd echoed "Aye Aye Sir!"

It was at this moment Little Theodore witnessed the most interesting scenario in all his life. He saw this mysterious man draw a sword and dive straight into the Halos direction. With a swing of his sword, they all became mincemeat, dropping on the floor like it was raining meat. This mysterious figure kept on it's streak as it jumped from corner to corner with each jump, a Halo dropped to the floor. Although he wasn't slowing down, the Halos that kept coming towards the Walls were still much. This was when the Wall Workers got into business.

"Ready! Steady! Hold! Hold!" Humphrey screamed on the top of his voice as his commanded the entire fleet. He was waiting for the Halos to reach a certain distance from them. The range of the firearms made by the Wall Workers were small, therefore the needed the Halos to reach a certain distance and when the did, Humphrey yelled out his lungs in a wholesome command.

"FIRE!" With this, Theodore felt the ground vibrate from the impact of the firearms leaving their nozzles, canons being fired in a single line, the sound was so loud that Little Theodore put his hands around his ears in an attempt to quieten the noises of bombardment but it was no use. The were so loud that the could be heard from five hundred meters away. The noise became so much that Theodore decided to sit with his ears left bare. In the shortest of times, he had gotten used to the noise. So used to the noise that his bleeding ears didn't bother him.

"Hey kid!" A voice beckoned on the floor next to him. It was another Wall Worker. Theodore wasn't in the mood to listen to any ranting from anyone. He was in pain. Especially if the ranting came from the most wretched of all Wall Workers. Euphraim.

Wall Workers never despised each other. They always stuck together no matter what. The accepted any kind of person, or specie that wanted their welcome. If there was one thing, they would never reject anybody unless they have done something worthy of death. Euphraim was guilty of such offence. An offence so abominable that he was sent out here to labor till death since he was a teen and now he's in his old age. Theodore didn't want to reply him because of this. His father had already warned him earlier to always steer clear of Theodore and people like him. However, Theodore broke this rule the moment Euphraim stated "I know a thing or two about the Man in Red-blooded Robes." This very statement hooked the interest of The little Theodore. He had been searching for this answer all day and to think it would come from the place he least expected. But it was worth finding out.

"Well, Euphraim. What do you know?" Theodore said, still cautious as he asked, with a superior tone.

"You see, Little one. That man over there" He said, point at the area with the most dense population of Halos in The Outsides. From that crowd, Theodore saw this man break out from the dense crowd as the fell to his feet. He was killing an amount more than all of the artillery combined.

"Well, turns out he isn't from this world. A rare specie. He's been around ever since I could remember. He's an extraordinary person. There's a reason he's feared by all. So promise me right now, I don't know you. I haven't met you in my life. But I know this. You would lead this people someday and until then, always do as he ask. I may not leave to see tomorrow. I may die on this spot but should anything happen, heed my warnings for it is true. You have been told and I think this little I have said so far, is enough for you to pick up on." After saying this, Euphraim took off his ear aid and gave it to Theodore. "Here, have this. It'll help with the pain." After saying this, he stood up, took his firearm, and began shooting. Theodore looked on at the intense battle going on before his very eyes. He wanted to help in any way he could, but seeing all that was happening at the moment, he knew should he try joining any sector of this battle, he would only be slowing down the rest of them. With the noise being lessened a little bit, Theodore was finally at peace. Everywhere was calm. The battle cries were no longer there. The sound of bullets leaving their nozzles were but a mere purr to his ears. He became comfortable. So comfortable that he slept off in the midst of battle. He was so relaxed and relieved because he knew the battle was being won and there was no need to panic. The war was over.

Mark had already made up his mind to save the both of them and time was running up. Theodore was fast asleep and he couldn't wait anymore. "Theodore! Get up you lazy fatso. We have work to do. We do not have all day." Mark said, as he gently kicked Theodore in the legs.

"I'm up. I'm up. Theodore said, as he stood up immediately from his seat. He was still feeling the impact of getting up that quick, as his back began to ache.

"I'm sorry Mark. I'm not as young as I once was. But you're right about one thing. We better get moving. I'll call for a cab right now. Where to?"

"Under." Mark answered.

"Alright. Are we leaving her here?" Theodore asked, as he pointed towards Milana who was still laying on the bed unconscious.

"No. It's not safe here. I'm grateful to you for saving her. I trust you however, I cannot say the same for your clan. I think it's best we carry her along."

"I see. It is no problem then. I'm putting my self in a huge risk doing this for you. You know that, right?"

"I do. I am very sure you have a solid reason for doing so."

Their conversation was cut short by the arrival of the cable car. On getting to Theodore's apartment, it honked. It was the signal that the should hop aboard and so Mark, Theodore, Milana still asleep, and Aria all hopped on the cab as it began heading into the darkness that laid outside The apartment.