Journey Through The Valley Of Death.

With the fire of purpose burning deep within the heart of Mark, he set off on a mission. He knew he should accomplish it and on time. There wasn't the slightest moment to waste. He was on his way and there was no going back. The cab arrived in a minute time after Theodore ordered it. He opened the door that led to nowhere only for a cab to appear in front of their very eyes.

"Magic?" Aria asked in astonishment. The cab was literally floating with no assistance whatsoever. It seemed so unreal and hence the question.

"Oh no, It's basic logic." Theodore said, as he tap the top of the cab, showing Aria the cable that made sure the cab was hanging safely above the ground.

"Where to?" The cab driver asked Theodore who was standing on the right side of the cab.

"Under. I need to hurry up with my supplies. I'll pay you double for any trouble caused." Theodore assured.

"Aight mate. Hop on in. It better be worth it though. I wouldn't want the law on me ass this early in the morning."

"I totally understand." Theodore said, with a smile. Turning to look into his apartment where Mark and Aria stood waiting while looking at him,

"Well, what are you guys waiting for? Hop on in."

Mark and Aria looked at each other. They were unsure if Theodore just wanted them dead or if he's an ally. Mark just had an almost fatal accident because he went out of the apartment and now a cab hanging with but a mere thread he's ordered them to enter. Anyone would be skeptical at this point.

"Mark, I don't like this. It's looking sketchy." Aria said as she turned to look at Mark.

"Well me too. However, there's no way around it now. It's either we follow him or we waste our time here doing nothing. Milana is also in critical condition. We've got to risk it." Mark murmured to Aria.

"We're coming" Mark answered Theodores' Initial question.

"Well, better not waste your time now. We have a lot of work to do the moment we arrive our destination." Theodore said, as he went towards Milanas' bed, picked her up and gently placed her on a stretcher, and wheeled her over to the cab. He began to re-treat her wounds, removing old bandages and applying new ones.

"Speaking of which, We are in Tenebrae right now, right?" Aria asked as in rhetoric.

"How about we head towards the main town area? I mean, The people would be really glad to see us, well, me in particular. Isn't that the fastest way around all this? We also have advanced medicine there. We could treat Milana and who knows, even cure me."

On hearing her say this, Theodore looked at Mark as in a signal to tell her the truth about what is really going to happen should they show themselves in front of the Tenebrites.

"Well, Aria" Squatting to match Aria's height, Mark began. " You do have a point. However, I would like to disagree with you this one last time. You see, I don't actually have a good history with these Tenebrites you speak of and it's an unspoken rule that Wall Workers and Tenebrites never mix. I can't tell you the reason right now because it would just disrupt all your beliefs but for now, hold on to this. Your so young to know the truth. Not now anyways. It'll be safer for all of us if we go through with what I and Theodore have planned out. Trust me, if it was possible I would do anything to make sure Milana lives however, any more waste of time would mean her death." On saying this, Mark began hearing strange noises coming from the Cab where Theodore and Milana were. Hearing this same noise, Aria rushed towards the cab and so did Mark. It was Milana. She was shaking as if in a state of shock.

"She's having a seizure." Theodore said as he looked horridly at Marks' face saying this. Mark was staring him dead in the face with bloodshot eyes.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Do something about it." Mark ordered, still looking at Theodore.

"I'm trying the best I can here, Markandeya. All we can do right now is wait. This is her reaction every time I open her wounds in an attempt to change the bandages. It happened from time to time when you were still asleep. Please, don't worry. I assure you, it's nothing." Theodore pleaded, trying to reassure Mark that Milana would pull through. I mean, if he doesn't, he's pretty much dead. Mark was reading to cut through his throat and let the blood fly if Milana should pass right here, right now. Mark couldn't care less about the little children of this gentle giant. He couldn't care less about anything either. His mind was focused on saving Milana and Aria.

Still looking at Theodore with intensity, Mark replied.

"I see. Well, we better hop on the cab now Aria. we don't have a choice. come on." Mark said, as he got into the cab and stretched his hands for Aria in an attempt to help her get into the cab. She accepted his advance as she got in safely and they were on their way.

The cab was in a cuboid shape and had a width that contained them all comfortably. Its' length from front to back was an easy fifteen meters across, the width being only seven meters. The cab had an extension of wood on each side that ran from front to back. This wood served as the seats on each side, sat Mark Aria and Theodore respectively. Milanas' stretcher was perfectly placed in between the two rolls of seats. Right in the middle of the cab which was lit up by bright candlelight that hung safely on the roof of the cab. The drivers' section and the passenger section were separated by a plank of wood with a rectangular hole in the middle of it for communication for both sides. Being the closest and looking into the drivers' seat through a hole, Theodore ordered

"We'll be taking the route of Myrrh. I am uncertain we'll need to reach the Market. I don't want to attract much attention."

On hearing this, The drivers' face obviously changed. He was no longer happy. He was in a state of concern.

"Why Myrrh mate? We could other routes y'know? It shouldn't be the Market Square now. I understand that but why Myrrh mate? This be putting me in lots of trouble now, innit?"

"Don't you worry. Nothing much will be happening. Trust me. If anything, I'm paying thrice the usual." Theodore baited.

"The pay better be worth it. I mean, it's the Streets Of Myrrh." The driver cautioned.

"As I said, don't worry. They'll be more than foolish should they try doing anything to this cab" Theodore assured the driver once more. Not with this man here" Theodore said, as he pointed towards Mark. The driver looked back and just at that moment, his eyes met with Mark. The fear in his face knew no bounds.

"By the Halos Rings!" The driver said as he decided to focus all his attention on the back where Mark was.

"It's you! The savior. The hero of humanity. I have heard all about you. I've seen your posters. The're everywhere mate. Especially with your latest endeavors." The drivers' interest definitely peaked. His face changed from a state of fear to that of pure admiration for what could have been the greatest moment of his life. Mark obviously wasn't interested as he politely cautioned the driver.

"Don't you suggest this your new position of seating a dangerous one for everyone on the boss? I mean, you're no longer driving now, are you sir?"

"Oh, you mean the cab? No worries mate. I could always spare a few moments off the roads to hear your ventures lad. You're one in me millions! I wouldn't want to miss this opportunity. Besides, the shitty cab is always on auto-pilot. It can go on for hours while me takes a nap. Oh, and please no pleasantries ya hear? I go by Gregory. Everyone calls me Greg." The driver said, as he kept looking at Mark with a smile on his weird-looking face. His face resembles that of Theodore, except his eyes were easily seen from his swollen face. His nose was bigger than Theodores'. Way bigger. His mouth was the same. He wore an earring that he left hanging on his left earlobe.

"I see." Said Aria. "This work of yours. It should really be fun to try out from time to time."

"and who's this young wan over here? who might you be luv?" Asked Greg in a rather impolite manner. He couldn't hide his dislike for the little girl. She didn't do anything to deserve it, but with time you'll come to know why he's slightly irritated.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Where are my manners? My name is Aria. Ariadne Luna. I wanted to know how your entire network of transportation works? You said you could leave it on auto-pilot and nothing would happen. What about other cabs that move through the same routes? How do you guys make sure of your safeties?" Aria asked, as she has always been so inquisitive.

"Oh, we don't go through the same paths luv. All cabs have a cable just for themselves. No worries for interception. We never crash into each other, unless I have to worry about repairs. Me never do though. There's no need for now." Greg assured.

"You might be one good Colleen after all. I thought you were all about whining. Turns out you proved me wrong. My dearest apologies." Greg said, in an apologetic tone.

"Oh, it's nothing. I never once felt offended by you though. I would understand if you think me a ranter and I wouldn't blame you if you did. I tend to go on and on about stuff that basically don't matter. Oh my," Aria said, realizing her mistake "I'm doing right now, ain't I?" She said, as she looked at Mark to affirm her doubts about the situation, which he slightly nodded in approval.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." She said, as she felt embarrassed by her actions.

"It's no worries" Theodore assured. "Don't worry about it. Always be yourself. No matter what. Okay?"

After saying this, Aria felt even worse for something so little that it was irrelevant.

"How long until we arrive? I'm beginning to get tensed up over this." Theodore asked Greg, who was now seated in the normal position as he had turned his head to face the front of the cab.

"We almost there mate! A few more minutes. When you snuff out the faint scent of incense, we would have arrived. They're a troublesome lot you see. The people of Myrrh I mean. No matter what you do, don't look them in the eyes, don't wave, and don't move. Basically, don't show signs of wanting to be friends. These people won't think twice about killing you just for the fun of it. A foolish lot I might add." Greg said as he kept looking forward.

"Oh one thing, watch your mouths."

"Alright" Echoed the lots in the passenger seat.

The air became tense as the cab slowly made its' way on the cable through the darkness with the only lights being seen being the candlelight reflecting from the cab. The darkness trend continued until a sudden spark of light could be seen on their right. Then on their left. With each spark, they looked both ways in a state of shock and fear.

"Remember," Whispered Greg. "Don't move" after saying this, a large thump could be heard on the roof above their heads. Something had just fallen atop their cab and they didn't know what it was. All of them were driven to a pause by Gregs' initial warnings. After a while, another thump was heard. This time, louder than the last one. They still kept mute. Aria and Theodore could literally die from just the sheer looks of fear on their faces. Arias' clothing was already soaked in her own sweat as she tried as much as possible to remain silent. His breathing became heavy. So heavy that it was competing with the clanks of the cab for who would make the loudest noise, which the clanks won all the time. Theodore had never been so scared of anything in his life. He had already gone through this route, but every time he did, it has always been the same. The scary feeling never got old. That was The Streets Of Myrrh for you. The air around this street has always been so dense and there was nothing to be done about it. Mark slowed his breathing to match the situation as he remained calm, trying not to make a noise whatsoever. He could easily go through this situation, but this time the odds were so much against him, that if this was a game of poker, the opposing side would be tagged a cheat. Not only was he hundreds of feet above the ground, but he also couldn't risk the attempt of making a scene while Milana was strapped on the stretcher, unable to move. Fate had decided to teach Mark a lesson for his prideful thinking as what he least expected began to unfold right before his very eyes. He didn't think of this scenario, not him, Theodore, or Aria. Even Greg. They all had a look of amazement, shock, and fear at what had just transpired in front of them all. The looks in their eyes hadn't the slightest hint of positivity as they looked on to what might have been the most unlucky moment in all of their lives. The timing was so off that one could have easily said it was all an act of someone to frame these people inside the cab and they wouldn't be judged as wrong. "why now of all times? Why did it have to come to this?" Arias' thoughts ran rampant as she stared at the unexpected event. The cabs began shaking violently, making so much noise that couldn't go unnoticed. The noise was coming from none other than Milana. She was having a seizure. She made the cab shake and made extreme noise that couldn't go unnoticed in all the calm of Myrrh. At the sound of this, Greg turned to find out what was happening and turned forward back. With an outlet of distress from seeing what was right in front of him, he exclaimed, "Oh shi....." Greg was cut short by a quick whoosh of wind that went through the Drivers seat. Mark, Theodore, and Aria looked to see what happened. They decided to look into the drivers' seat and it was at that moment, they realized. Greg was gone. They looked around the seat and found nothing, but his head on the floor of the seat, beheaded from its' body. On seeing this, Aria let out the loudest scream she had ever. The scream wasn't as loud, but because of the silence, and the sound bouncing off as echoes back to their ears. After this, Aria sat down and held her hands over her head in an attempt to hide her body from what had just happened. Who would blame her? She had already gone through a similar scenario just two days ago. The effect of the trauma was still fresh and she couldn't do anything about it. The thoughts of her squads dying in front of her still stayed with her. She tried all she could to recover in the quickest way possible, but it didn't work as she was triggered by Gregs' head lying on the floor of the driver's seat. Mark after seeing this, sat back on the seat. He was looking at Milana. She was still convulsing. Seeing her doing this, he looked at Theodore.

"I thought you said it stops when you change the bandages. What happened? Why's she still like this?" Mark asked, really annoyed this time.

"I did sir. I did. I have no idea what's happening. It has never happened before. Maybe the bacteria has spread. I was only delaying the inevitable by doing so." On hearing him say inevitable, Marks' eyes were filled with bloodlust as in an attempt to cut off Theodores' head this instant. Theodore, noticing this, took correction of his mistake quickly.

"I'm sorry. Let me retrace. Her condition is getting worse and right now I don't know what to do. I can only give her a new pair of bandages and that's it. I can't save her. Not with my level of skill."

"I see. Do your best." Mark said, as he stood up and took his sword from the corner of the Cab. "Fix her up the best you can. Apply a new set of bandages. Do what you must. I'll be back."

"Where are you going? There's no way you plan on doing this. Not by yourself. Do you think you can accomplish this? I mean, I don't doubt your skills but right now, we're literally in the dark. Can you pull this off?" Theodore asked, with concern for Mark and in fear of his life.

"If I don't," Mark said, going towards the scared Aria, who remained squatted in a state of trauma reminiscence, pats her head to comfort her. "Who will? Take care of the cab for me, okay?" Nodded his head towards Theodore and continued "I trust you to do that, Theodore." This remark filled Theodore with so much responsibility. He's never been tasked with something this important before, especially from his lifelong hero. Mark was about to leave when he stopped him.

"Wait. Here, take this." Theodore said as he brought out a large candlestick from his ragged pocket. Stretched to candlelight on the ceiling to light it up. After lighting it, he gives it to Mark.

"You'll need this. Also, good luck out there. Come back in one piece okay?"

"I always do besides, it'll be just like old times, right?" Mark said, smiling at Theodore as he opened the giant door of the cab with one hand as he held the newly-lit candlestick on the other. He climbed to the top of the cab with the candle still in one hand. He unsheathed his sword and looked around. Theodore shut the door after Mark exited and got to work with treating Milana who was still convulsing. What awaits The Red-Robed Swordsman on the roof of the cab?