Slightest Mistakes [2]

Mark was at his weakest point and this came in the worst of times. He knew the threat is gone, but he didn't want to be a liability for the journey going forward. All his life, he had never been put in the situation where they're feeling sorry for him being all beat up. Well, that's to be expected should you know where he's coming from. Vulnerability Breeds Disrespect. This was a strong motto he always had and he didn't want to break it now, or ever. But this his situation had become somewhat critical as the amount of blood he had lost at this moment is enough to put an adult male out of business. He was still conscious from all this due to the fact that he wasn't normal. Well, if he was it won't make any much difference. He knew better than to be weak. He was taught not to.

"How's my body, Theodore? How's it holding up?" Mark asked, as if he the body wasn't his.

"Well, it is holding up for as long as it can. I'm trying to patch you up but with time I think I'm running out of bandages for both you and Milana."

"How is she?" Mark asked

"She's fine at the moment. Her seizures seem to have subsided although for however long, I don't know. I didn't want to say this soon and I'm pretty sure you should know by now, but." On saying this, Theodore paused as he looked Mark in the eye who laid on the seat of the cab as he looked back at him.

"She's been growing weaker and weaker with every passing moment Mark. She's not going to make it. Not with what we have here though. We have to hurry and do something about this quick. The wound is deep and even if we did patch it up, There's nothing we can do about the bacteria crawling all over her back. She's already forgone. I'm sorry. I should have told you sooner." On saying this, Theodore bowed down his head as in a state of remorse.

"I knew" Mark said with the little strength he had left.

"I knew she was like this. Well, I knew since she was cut that this was the case. I knew all along. I couldn't help with the wound. I couldn't help with Aria's illness. You must have noticed it by now yes? the Halos Curse?" Mark said, as he questioned Theodore who nodded his head in agreement.

"Well, turns out it has no cure that I know of. So as the last resort, I figured it was about time already. I have delayed the inevitable for so long. I wanted to wait for the right moment. For the right person. Well, turns out this is what fate has dealt me with. It's time for the long awaited moment to arrive. I think this is the right Decision. Yes, it had to be. I made the right choice. Please let it be the right choice. I am tired of it all. I have suffered more than I can bear. I have done my part. I will leave the rest up to fate. Please, destiny oh, daughter fate I beg you hear my plea. May this feeble decision of mine come to be what shapes my path onwards. I hope I am on the right track with this. You always beckoned that I follow my gut, yes? This should be the best time of all that my instincts should prove me right. I hope my endeavors will not be in vain. My prayers up to you." As Mark was saying all these, tears gently flowed down his eyes as it wasn't from the pain of the wound, rather a burden much stronger than what the physical can comprehend. The accomplishments that transpired all over the world in his years of conquest was done by him. No one to come home to. No one to help him out with the situations at hand. No human could stand up to a Halo. It had never happened. Since their arrival, There hasn't been a recorded scenario where a human went up against a Halo and won. No, it was different. There had been no records of people SURVIVING a Halo attack. Wherever They go, death follows. They were a flawless set of killing machines. Mark realized he was tasked with the monopolized job of no pay. His sacrifices all lead to the human race having a slight hope of survival. He also had an even greater task and he needed accomplish on time. The stress of all this made Mark slowly graduate from teary eyes to an all out sobbing. He was so tired and he wanted it all to stop. He just wanted to die and end it all. The pain he has to go through everyday, the monsters he had to face. He just wanted out on anything relating to Halos. He was tired. But if he didn't pull through, who will?

"I'm sorry. I have no idea what is making you feel so sad but might I say this? You are the strongest. You shouldn't be permitted to utter feelings of vulnerability or any feelings at all. You should be the pinnacle of humanity. The one we all look up to. Wipe those tears off your eyes because this journey has just merely begun." Theodore said, as he pointed towards the driver's seat. Mark looked and from the hole in the plank of wood dividing the segments of the cab, he could see lights. Several lights coming up, accompanied with it was the noise life brings. He was in a city. He knew the feeling however, something was different about this particular city. As Mark, Milana, Theodore, and Aria got closer in the cab to the city in front, the realized a gate open in the middle of nowhere. This gates stretched downwards into the darkness. It's end top or bottom couldn't be seen. It was covered in darkness. The thickness of this gate was clearly visible, as the cabs entire length was no match for just the width of this great gate. Theodore continued tending to Marks' wounds as he watched the Lights on every direction of the cab. He looked back to see the gates closing behind him. As he watched, he felt a sense of nostalgia.

"We have arrived. The unique lights, the smell of acrimony and the noise of wailing cries. Welcome, to the Streets Of Myrrh."