The Streets Of Myrrh

A place inside the Walls. The destination dreaded by all. A location so nice and lovely to look at yet reeks of so many crimes of gore. They had arrived. The cab had been on a short cruise through the wilderness until it got to a point. Milana, Mark and Aria were all in the cab on their lowest points. Theodore was the only one awake and healthy so therefore was subconsciously tasked with the job of keeping them safe until help arrives. Well, help wouldn't come right now as they're in the middle of nowhere currently. Everywhere was dark and no other cab could be seen in the distance. Theodores' apartment was far gone at this moment. Mark had experienced a breakdown and was instinctively put out of commission. He couldn't protect even if he tried. He was laying down on the seat with his wound still bleeding out. Theodore had patched him up the best he could, but without herbs and proper treatment, there was only so little he could accomplish with just bandages. It made the bleeding stop for a moment but soon after, blood began dripping from it. Mark took little notice of this. He was caught up in the act of self-loathing. Nothing much could be done about this and so Theodore let him wail out, as he stood looking through the hole on the plank of wood. The dark was so comforting as there was utter silence and you couldn't see what lied beyond or the journeys you've just gone through at the back. It felt like they were floating in the middle of nowhere. The silence was so nice that Theodore actually smiled as he looked back to Mark who had just calmed down and slept off. He was amongst the few that knew the true nature of Mark. His adventures with Mark were so splendid and adrenaline-filled. Well, that is a story, for another day. Theodore was becoming one with the dark when his moment of calm was cut short as the storm that comes after had arrived and just in time. He looked and saw the cable in front disappear into a white substance that stood in the way of the cab. In reaching this white body, the cab stopped. This intense stop woke Mark from his slumber as he stood upright. He stood so fast that his wounds began to ache as blood began to overflow. Theodore took notice of this.

"You can't just get things right now can you Mark?"

"What's happening? Why did we stop? Another attack?" Mark asked, as his eyes that were just filled with tears a few minutes back had become agile and as sharp or even greater than that of an eagle as he looked round the darkness trying to find any signs of movement. Unfortunately for his instinct, there was none.

"Nothing is happening. I think if anything, we have arrived. It's been so long since I have stepped foot into this hellhole. It'll come back to me, obviously." Theodore said, as he exited the cab through the doors and came into the drivers'seat to manually take control of the cab.

"Hang on Mark, We're going in." On saying this, He started as he took charge of the cab. As he entered the drivers' seat, it was almost as if the cab came alive. It felt different. Mark noticed this but he didn't want to say much about this, or anything else for that matter. He was focused on making sure Milana makes it to safety, and fast. He was the only one that knew what to do to save her. He couldn't let history repeat itself.

The white substance that blocked their way cleared like it was a fog and on doing this, revealed an incredibly large gate. The gate was so large that it compared to it, the cab was like a dot on paper. Theodore controlled the cab as he drove it into the path made by the cloud of white dust. On reaching the gates, the gas clouds slowly started coming back and as it was doing so, Mark and Theodore could clearly see it. The clouds were so enormous that it looked as if they were about to be swallowed by it. Paying do much attention to this, They hadn't the slightest idea that the large gates had opened without making a single sound. Theodore turned back and he saw it. Immediately, he sprung into action and the cab swiftly made it's way in as the gates closed. Inside the gates, There was little to no sign of darkness as everywhere was lit up and shone so bright, Mark had thought that he was outside. He was still losing blood and I'm seeing this, Theodore suggested.

"Mark, how are you holding up?"

"I think I am good. thank you very much for your concern."

"Well it appears you're not and you are suggesting otherwise" Theodore struck back, as he pointed at Marks' wounds that had been opened up newly again.

"I am perfectly fine. I have no business with this injury right now. This isn't my priority. I need to get this done and then any other that comes next will come next. You have no idea how important this task of mine is. I'll patch up when I'm done." Mark said, as he stood his ground.

"You can be stubborn when you want to be. I don't know the task at hand and how you intend to accomplish it but you have to treat yourself now while we still have the chance to. We'll need your strength for the coming battles. Besides, should you collapse right now you'll just be an obstacle to what you want to achieve." Theodore suggested.

"Well," Mark continued "Now that you put it like this, it makes even more sense. I understand why you're saying this but I can guarantee you this one thing. I can't be killed. Not here anyways. I am strong and you know this. Besides, speed is needed right now because we have no idea how long Milana has left to live. Should we wait and patch me up, it'll just lead to delay we don't need. I guarantee you this. I will not become a liability. So I am telling you right now. Let's proceed towards The Under." Mark said, decisively.

"I see. If this truly is your opinion, then I have no say in it other than helping you achieve it. I hope you live up to these words you have just uttered here right now. You are strong, This much I know but you have no idea the amount of blood you have just lost and will continue losing if we don't patch you up. However, you've given me your word and I'll take it. Don't die on me, okay?" Theodore asked as he looked at Mark with a smile. Mark equally smiled back at him.

"I won't. Trust me. Ah, Theodore. This reminds me of the so many adventures we both had. We were wild the. weren't we?" Mark asked.

"Yes. We sure were." Theodore said as he bowed his head in reminiscence. He took a gentle trip down memory lane and relived so many memories he had with Mark in just that short moment. He laughed at one point. Mark, almost as if he was in this trip of Theodore, got the joke and laughed also. But his laughter was cut short as his wounds began to ache. Theodore, seeing this stopped his laughter. His face changed from cheerful to worried and Marks' laughter gradually shifted into a cough that came with blood.

"Mark." Theodore said.

"I'm fine. Don't worry." Mark responded in between coughing.

"So," Mark coughed, took a deep breath and continued.

"How long do you estimate we'll be reaching Under soon?"

"Well, I don't think it'll take as long as it should. I mean, we took the route of Myrrh. I Think we should have cut the miles short by a large slice. But how much slice needed to keep Milana alive till we arrive, I have no idea. I'm no doctor and you have decided we shouldn't make a stop at any place. So I think we should be Under by nightfall. Hopefully."

"I see. Why is this route called Myrrh though?"

"Well, it happens to be a name given to it as that is the situation of this city. I can't explain it to you but with time you'd see a few instances on this our short stay here. You'd come to understand why it was nicknamed Myrrh. They people in this city have it tough. I can't blame them." Theodore said, as he strolled the cab through the lit up city from the gates. The city was so lively at this time of the day and the houses were no exception. Every house had at least seven large candles glowing rather brightly. Each house looked like Theodores' but this time the were more of them. In every corner of the streets was an apartment. Left to right. All lit up in bright candlelights. The city was so bright and lively that anyone would wonder why it was named Myrrh even Mark.

As Theodore strolled through the middle of the many apartments on both sides, he could see many Walk Workers inside. Some getting prepared for work, some attending to their children. Everyone was busy and working hard. A cab was parked in the front of each house. Spacing between any two houses weren't more than two meters. As they strolled through this city and went deeper, they could see a change of environmental habits. Theodores' face immediately changed and Mark, who was looking through the windows of the city could see it too. The intense excitement in the air. He couldn't believe what he was seeing.

It was like a city of lust, angst, contempt and ingenuity all in one. So much transpired before Marks' eyes that his face became filled with disgust. This same city, where the lights of liveliness shone was the same city with this dark side. He had no idea how to explain it. Even I, the narrator am short of words at how to express this negative scenario happening right before Mark and Theodore. Theodore eventually turned his eyes away from the city in irritation and focused on the cable in front of him. Mark bent his head downwards as he couldn't bear the sight no more.

"You see? I shouldn't have explained this for you. I couldn't even if I wanted to. It's too much for my mouths to say. I had to let you see it for yourself." Theodore said from the drivers' seat, eyes forward.

"I knew it would be bad from your tone of saying it but I had no idea it would be this bad. I wonder how you guys at the Walls deal with this mess. I am offering you a favor. It's for free. I would do it after I'm done with this task. Do you want me to slaughter them all? Take this as a gift from a friend."

"Eh, I don't think that's the type of gifts friends give each other. Besides, it's okay. Do them no harm. Although they are so negative in all aspect, it isn't going to change anything. People will still take their place once they're gone. It never ends. Just let's get on with this journey. We need to make it to Under on time. And thanks for offering to help. They're far gone. There's no Saving them this time."

Theodore said, as he smiled to Mark through the mirror. Mark saw this and immediately understood.

"Alright. Whenever you feel a slight mind change, I'm always going to be here." Mark said, as he decided to lay down in the long seat.

After this, a long silence insured until Theodore broke it up with a joyous tone.

"We have arrived. Mark! Wake up. We have arrived."

"Arrived where?" Mark said, as he stood up.

"What's happening, Theodore?" Mark asked.

"We're at the entrance to the path of Under. Theodore said, as he pointed towards a gigantic spherical ball afront the cab. From this ball, different cables sprung in all directions, one of which being the cable that holds the cab in which they were in.

They had arrived at the end of the beginning. They beginning of a new journey is about to commence!