How It Works

Time flowed slowly as Mark sat on the planks laying horizontally on the cabs inner floors. He wasn't sure of what to make out of the City Of Myrrh. The people there were filled with so much negativity that it filled his face with disgust. Only he knew properly what he wanted done to them. They were not meant to live after doing all this. He knew this, but on hearing Theodore's demands to let the live, he had no choice other than to respect his friends' decisions. He decided to lower his heads face down in an attempt to look away from what transpired around him. Theodore did the same, but he looked onwards. He didn't want anything to do with this City. It wasn't a city to happily raise a family in. It just wasn't. He never once told his own children about this City. Although it was close to his apartment, he kept it a secret from all of them. He had a good reason for doing so. Looking forward, he could see the next destination ahead of them as a large sphere was hanging in a distance. Looking closely, Mark could see that the cables holding this cab on theirs ended as it entered into this gigantic sphere. It was a sight for sore eyes, literally. This sphere not only took in their cables, bit also many more. Mark, seeing this for the first time asked Theodore.

"What's this giant sphere?"

"Oh that's where we're going to right now. I haven't filled you up yet. When you left Tenebrae years ago, after the walls were built, we designed a systematic transportation system that works well with our lifestyle. In each cardinal point inside these walls, there are large spheres pretty much like this. They are very helpful and although I don't know much about them I do know this. They're the biggest structures that exists inside the walls. How do you like the view your eyes present you with?" Theodore asked Mark.

"well, you're asking for my honest opinion and I think it isn't as nice as you make it out to be." On hearing this, Theodore's already swollen face became even more as if filled with anger.

"Oh, come on now. You know the structures inside the city of Tenebrae by far surpasses this. I have seen so many buildings go up in my life that this isn't as interesting though. But I mean, it IS a spectacle, considering the fact that you all assume the same level of intelligence." At this point, it was obvious that Mark had taken it upon himself to insult these people. Well, that's what he pretty much does every single chance he gets. This was one of the many reasons he was hated and despised by all around him. As much as anyone that adored him wanted to stand for him on this court of law, there was no defense to how narcissistic he could be at times. A pure narcissist with no signs to change or even try changing. You cannot put the blame on him though. It wasn't his fault. He was born with it.

He also knew that the Wall Workers should the despise anything more than unfair treatment is to be called dumb. However, he takes up any opportunity to make them realize how stupid they actually were. "Fools with power to change the world yet hide in little walls. Tch! Pathetic species." These were his thoughts as he sat on the cab and hear Theodore say all this. Theodore decided to speak up for himself in the most polite manner possible.

"I would pretend I never heard this. You don't know how important we are to this City. No need to brag or anything but we definitely do a better job than any of the Tenebrites you can call for me right now. Just name one."

"Well, You wouldn't want to go down this path Theodore. Believe me. You wouldn't. So many intelligent minds that This City has produced over the years. Who do you think came up with the blue prints of this Walls you guys so much love? Who do you think made your ancestors knowledgeable to the only substance that works against the Halos? I wouldn't say much about this. Now, I wouldn't want to waste much time on this any longer so change the topic. How do we get to Under from there? The sphere in front of us I mean."

"Well," a defeated Theodore said as he continued "The Spheres are pretty much everything connecting to transportation around the Walls. The remain the best resting place for cabs like this one, making security tight there. You'd have to be a person of high status to pass through without having your cab checked. Don't worry. My family have been giving a noble status here. So I can easily get you past through all this with a single trick. All we need fear right now is the intensity of the guards. The tend to waste precious time and that we do not have."

"Oh, that wouldn't be a problem now would it? Should they attempt to waste a slight second of my time I wouldn't mind cutting them down in that instant. I mean, we're already on the losing end of it all. If you want to make matters worse for me I would simply put you to rest and be ony way." Mark assured.

"No body is cutting down anybody!" Theodore exclaimed. On this Theodores' reaction, Mark realized how tense he'd become since entering this cab.

"I promise you this Mark, I will find a way to lose the guards. You wouldn't worry about the check point. Just don't do anything that I'll have to clean up after. That's all I ask."

Mark was a narcissist, a rogue, and a tyrannic maniac. If there's one thing he isn't, it's an apathetic friend.

"I understand. Very well then, I will wait for you to figure out a way on your own. If your methods prove Incompetent by just a millimeter, I assure you that I would take matters into my own hands. I will have to take your word for it."

"Thank you very much, Mark. I assure you of no difficulties whatsoever. You can take my word for it. These ladies" Theodore said, giving a reference to Milana and Aria that laid on the stretcher. "Don't deserve to die. Not on my watch anyways. I have taken a liking to Aria though. A lovable creature she is. Wouldn't want her to die now would we?" Theodore said, as he faced forward and focused on the view in front of him. Cables. From all corners coming together to connect to a giant sphere. A sphere so enormous that the cab paled in comparison. The cables that came into this gigantic structure varied in sizes. There were cables thicker than the ones that held the cab and others even smaller.

With every passing moment, the cab came closer to this structure and as everything else the saw from a distance became larger in size, they had realized that there were cabs parking at the edge bottom of this sphere. So many cabs parked that it formed some sort of ground for people's activities. Traders had taken up the space and sold different types of goods to incoming passengers. From rag clothes to shoes, then to food items.

"I see. This megastructure is more of a city of its' own, right?" Mark asked.

"Yes. You are correct. It serves as a city and more than that, a rather large city. Well, for you guys though. To us giants, we don't see it as such. Well, what do I know?" Theodore said, as in an attempt to get back at Mark for his earlier endeavors of insults and surprisingly, it worked. Mark had a rather Sinister look in his face now as Theodore, who was initially smiling, stopped as soon as he took notice of this.

"Well, you do have a point if anything, Theodore. It's because we are smaller in size. Anyways, where do we go from here onward?" Mark asked, as the approached the entrance of this sphere.

"Well, we keep going. There should be an opening for us as we draw closer to the spheres. Don't you worry."

"Alright then"

After few miles of passing the spot where Traders were, Theodore began to take notice of what he didn't expect to happen. The sphere wasn't opening up.

"Something's wrong. Something's terribly wrong."

"What do you mean? I thought you had this under control. Where are the guards? What's going on Theodore!" Mark said, as he realized that this would cost him time and that he had little of.

" I had no idea it had come to this. Why didn't I think of this?" Theodore lamented.

"You had cut a hole through the walls yes?"

"Yes." Mark answered.

"Well, the shockwave you emitted when doing so had repercussions and you know that, right? From the mass slaughter of Tenebrites to the destruction of two mega spheres. You really did it this time Mark" Theodore said, as he laid back in the drivers' seat.

"Mass slaughter? When? I don't even know of this. You never told me this! Why didn't you tell me?"

"What would happen if I told you, hm? Would that change anything, hm?! You are known as a person with no emotions whatsoever. Besides, Unlike you I took notice of the little children in the room and Aria in the cab. So I'm sorry if I didn't tell you, okay?! You wouldn't have done anything about it if I did! We both know. You're a hero. You save so many people from this Halos and you're the only one that can stand up to them and see the light of day. But you have no idea how many people are left to play the role of casualties. I didn't want to say this because you have always been my lifelong hero but this time you have taken it so far!" Theodore said, as his face was clearly fuming with rage. He wasn't the only one that thought this way. Mark was despised by all of humanity with little to no exceptions. They also loved his bravery however, it wasn't enough for the grown-ups to let his many scandalous endeavors slide. On hearing Theodore say this, Mark immediately drew his sword and placed it on Theodores' throat.

"Any more of this shitty talk and believe me you wouldn't live to see the next dawn of day."

"Oh please, you can't do it. Put the sword down." Theodore said, in confidence for the first time since the trip. He had realized now that Mark was really desperate and wouldn't make any rash decisions against him.

"You want me alive to navigate you through this hellhole and you wouldn't want to kill your most valuable asset at the moment."

"Oh Theodore. Little Theodore. You sure have grown a lot since the last time I saw you." Mark said, definitely fuming with rage. The tip of his katana was so close to Theodore's neck that cut the sweat that fell into it from Theodore's body.

"You got one thing right out of this very situation. I am desperate. I wouldn't want you dead. Not now anyway." Mark said, as he swallowed his ego and sheathed his sword. "So, what were you so worried about? Hm?" Mark said with a smile that was obviously trying to hide his inner feelings at the moment.

"Well", Theodore continued." This cab, as it stands now. Is heading towards a stop that has been closed down. Cabs have breaks, but I'm no one to tell where they are because I'm no cab driver. I'm just a guy trying to help out his friend. But don't worry. I should find out the brake button in no time, hopefully." Theodore said, with no confidence whatsoever.

"Hopefully? Is this it? We're about to crash into this giant sphere and you're telling me hopefully you'd find the brakes?" Mark said, utterly dumbfounded.

"Well, yeah. This is the only way around it all. Don't worry. I have everything under control, for now. It's time to get to work." Theodore said, as he started searching the drivers corner in search of something. Anything, to help out with this problem at hand. Mark was still shocked at this. He was short of words. He didn't know what to say. Not only is time not on there side, but they were about to die. Should the cab jam into this sphere at the current speed it's going on, their deaths were certain. Well, it was all left in the hands of fate to decide this.