
Theodore was uncertain what to do at the moment because he was the only one amongst the four that could think normally under this condition as he had the littlest injuries whatsoever. But his reasons for being hesitant was a solid take, considering the fact that this route has never been used in the longest of times and their using this would be like trying out a test run on a rail that seemingly is a death trap. He wanted to go into Under but he wasn't certain of the condition of this route, so he left the tunnel and went to the opposite direction to look into and figure out if there's a path there. On reaching there, it was the same condition. if not worse. He came back to Aria, Milana and Mark who looked like sardines packed in a container. The were all in bad condition and Theodore had no idea what to do as of that moment. He decided to take a sit down and analyze the situation around him.

"This rail will not hold. I know this. We might fall off and if we do so at the speed of descent we will most definitely die on impact. That isn't a way to go. I have no idea what to do. I was certain there was a way. I'd seen it countless times. Why didn't I check in properly?. Isn't there another way in? I'm so tired right now."

Theodore was in his thoughts and wanted to leave it, but he just couldn't because of Mark and his accomplices. He knew there was no way out of this because they were already in deep.

After moments of contemplating, he decided to get on with it anyways, but this time decided to take safety measures. He left the tunnels of the rusty rails, walked back to the destroyed cab, looked around as in search of something. On finding it, he brought out a cup from his rags. he placed it on the side where oil was dripping. This was a reckless move, because the cab could explode anytime soon but he just didn't realize at this moment. On getting the cup halfway filled, he decided to pull it out. On running back to the Tunnel, he heard an explosive sound enter his eyes from the direction of which the cab laid. He turned back. Fear gripped him for the moment but he still didn't make much of it. He decided to keep going.

"By The Halos Rings. I was just there few seconds ago. What would have happened should I have filled the cup?" He said as he walked towards the tunnels. On reaching there, He looked into the cart. Mark, Milana and Aria were all sleeping. There bodies weren't moving much so he decided to check to see if they were still alive. This part of the process filled Theodore with a feeling he had never felt before. A feeling of fear. Of not being able to do anything should his thoughts be confirmed by this feel he was about to do. On touching Marks' neck as in an attempt to feel his pulse, it was still there, he gave out a sigh of relief. On going towards Aria, her neck was a little bit tiny, making it almost impossible for even his Pinky fingers to touch it, considering the position in which she laid. So he decided to go for her chest to feel her heart beat. He did, and he realized it was still there, beating but barely. It was Milana that gave him the most fear because her body had turned pale and her arms even felt cold. It was literally as if he had set his eyes on a freshly dead corpse however, he didn't want to believe it as he still put his Pinky on her neck, checked for pulse and what he felt was nothing like he's ever felt before. A pulse so weak that he had thought he imagined it hitting against his fingers. He didn't know what to do at that moment. He'd confirmed her being alive but he didn't know for how long she was going to last anymore. "With this little strength left, even her body won't be able to have the normal seizures with all this energy leaving her body with each passing moment. Theodore kept looking for a while. After that, his face changed from a look of pity into a state of determination. The first time his face had shone with so much confidence since his days of childhood. He knew what would transpire right now but still didn't care. He had a goal; Get Milana and Aria to Under no matter what it would take. He was sure he could do it. He knew he could. Bending down in an attempt to inspect the tyres that connected the cart to this rusty rails. he applied the oil he got from the cab back den to the tyres in the four corners attached to the rail. "This should do the trick. I think?" On saying this, he went to the pulley that laid outside the tunnels.

The pulley made a clanking sound as it made the brakes that held the carts in place had been released by Theodore. After that sound, He noticed it seemed to remain stagnant. He went to see what was happening but couldn't find a solution as to why it was so. He decided to try pushing it and on doing so, these big cart made some metallic noises before finally kicking of on movement through the rails. Theodore noticing that it had taken off, immediately ran and held on to the rear end. After that he gently climbed on. His thanks to being a Wall Worker. They Wall Workers were known to have a very strong grip, with night vision and other important things left unfolded. on entering the cart, he saw Mark. He was awake but quiet. Theodore sat on the rear end of the cart as Milana and Aria were strapped on the stretcher that was placed on the front of the cart. Mark sat close to the on the right floors of the cart. The cart started its' motion through the dark. Looking outside the cart into the path they had just passed, Theodore could see the light at the end of the tunnel behind him which they were once in. looking closely, he noticed something. A bag. he tried to zoom in on it and when he did he recognized the bag still at the side of the pulley. It was his. The bag contained important resources. For starters, his bandages were gone and should anything happen, he wouldn't be able to do anything about it. Confused as to whether he could go back and get it or not, he decided to turn and look at Mark who looked like he was a few distance into his final moments. His eyes were open light had left it. His eyes were already dead. It was left for his body to follow. Blood still flowed down his head, torso and even from his mouth which was left slightly open. This state of his was a sore in the eyes for Theodore. He had no idea what to do for Mark as of this moment as he had already patched him up before, but blood keeps flowing. He decided to look away. This helped him keep his composure.

Seconds into the journey, Things took an unplanned turn for the worse as the cart began slowing down. Theodore noticed this as he decided to look out into the front of the cab and what he saw amazed him. The rails he was initially seeing varnished. There was nothing in front of him except darkness. His mind couldn't make out what just happened. "Is this the end? Are we going to crash here? I am going to die here now, right? Yeah. That's it. My time if death had begun. It was only a matter of time. Yes, it is. Well, I tried. Nothing much I can do." On making this assumptions, he felt the cart tilt a little to the right as what came next seemed to have given him chills. After tilting to the right, the front of the cab faced downwards and so the initially slowing down cart made down the tunnels at incredible speeds. It had picked up pace and Theodore wasn't sure as to what this wasn't what his minds presented him with. On seeing that they had survived, he let out a scream of gratitude. The scream of someone that had conquered death. Well deserved I might say, as his mind was telling him otherwise. His thoughts made it known to him that the rustiness of the rails must have been so much that some parts of the rails were missing and that is what he believed at that moment. He couldn't think of any other thing. It turns out he was wrong and the rail not only remained in good shape after all this time, but also led downwards, which was the direction of Under. Down and down they went. No friction was in there way and the journey downwards was as free flowing as running waters down the stream. Theodore could finally relax, as the cart went through the tunnels of darkness and their descent seemed to look like an eternity and even though it was seemingly long, Theodore did not care much about it, as he was only focused on this short break of his to not end anytime soon. He sat down there, reminiscing about all the journeys he took since the meeting Mark, Milana and Aria. Before then, he also thought of seeing Aria pass through the gates five days ago. He could not have imagined that she would come back to Tenebrae anymore and in this state. He wanted to end her life right now because the little one had suffered so much already, but looking at Marks' stationery body, he realized that He had left her alive for a reason and he wanted to know why that was so. However, he couldn't find out no matter how hard he tried. "If Mark kept her alive for this long and would kill anyone that wants to cause her harm, it makes me wonder. Why would Mark do such a thing. Someone revered to as nonchalant and hostile. Why would he waste his time and effort trying to make sure a single girl doesn't sit on the hands of the grim reaper?" These thoughts filled Theodores' head as he stared at the stretcher, and eventually towards Mark.

Few moments later, they made it through the dark and they had arrived at a brightly litten path. Theodore saw this and immediately stood up, with the support of the corner of the cart. He wasn't sure what to make of this. It has changed. everywhere had changed. It was almost impossible to guess what he was seeing at the moment. This was not like what he had initially seen the last time he was here. "Mark, Milana, Aria" Theodore said as he called on to the sleeping three as he stood and pointed his hands towards the tunnel filled with light.

"We're here! We've arrived! We made it guys! After all the struggles along the way! We're still alive." On saying this, Theodore was filled with tears. He had gone through so much in this short time that it filled him with more adrenaline than ever in his life. He was certain that this very moment was long awaited and he expected nothing less than being dead by the end of the trip, However, it appears that this gentle giant has been able to scale through the difficulties placed on his path by the cruel hands of fate. He cried as her Screamed.

"Welcome! To Under! For we have arrived!".