
The joy on Theodore's face knew no bounds in this moment of truth. He was sure. He was certain of the fact that the cart had arrived. Going through the tunnel, he came across a section designed in white lights being emitted by large bulbs that hung over his head. The rails looked different. They were white and nicely kept. Almost like someone has been taking care of it. The sides of this section of the tunnel were all lit up in white lights as well however, the small light bulbs on the sides were being overshadowed by the ones that stood on top. Theodore watched as the darkness behind him in which the cart fell into for minutes had become somewhat unseeable. "I wonder how deep into the ground we are at the moment." Theodore said, amidst smiles. Still looking around. Eventually the carts had arrived at the end of the tunnel and what was revealed to Theodores' eyes are something he had never seen in his entire life. He wanted to come here but however, this wasn't the case for him because on a normal day inside the walls, the tunnels were sealed off and guards were ordered to keep watch in case of any kind of problems encountered in the form of Wall Workers who wish to access the tunnels. Wall Workers were known for their intense curiosity. Even the guards assigned to the task wanted to know but the couldn't leave their posts. At one point even Theodore wanted to know and so he befriended the guards but that didn't work out nicely for him, as the guards would still not let him in. Hell, They wouldn't even let their families in even if their lives depended on it. That is to show the unnatural loyalties Wall Workers possess. But, due to the confusion and problems brought upon the walls by Mark, The Wall Workers had so much to repair and the needed do so before the night meaning all hands were on deck. The reason why Theodore saw no one in the sphere when he arrived. The sphere was meant to be full of life and cabs as well, with guards assigned to every corner inspecting the cabs and should have been met by that the moment they came closer to the sphere but everything was different. Not only was the entrance closed but with that came a mysterious phenomenon that somehow twisted reality as their cab crashed not into the closed sphere but inside of it. On getting inside not a single person could be spotted. This made Theodore skeptical but he was so busy with saving Aria and Milana that he didn't even notice. Getting to the tunnel he was expecting company but got nothing so he immediately made his way through the tunnels and now arrived at where he wanted to be. Ünder.

Under was a place deep beneath ocean level and hidden underneath Tenebrae. A place that was originally the Abode for both Wall Workers and Tenebrites. A place filled with so many mysteries. From the clear difference in structural development between it and that of the Walls to the strange people

Theodore encountered on his way inside. On getting inside and past the tunnels, he noticed the rail hadn't stopped and kept going into this brightly litten space. He was out of the tunnels and heading into the place called Under. Looking around him, he could spot some symmetrical lines that went from the tunnels all the way into Under. It made the white walls around look a little bit designed.

"I wonder if they can understand our language" Theodore said, as he waved to one of these mysterious creatures standing on the left side of the left side of the rail. It looked feminine, the curves and all what not. it had a humanoid shape and from what Theodore could see, it wasn't hostile or at least that's what he thought. It didn't look like the type to attack without being threatened and that made Theodore feel much safer than on the outside. The cart kept going and going and this place kept expanding. It was a large site. So big that even the gentle giant was seemingly small. The symmetrical lines followed through and Theodore wondered if it ever stopped. Lights were all around the place and on each side Theodore didn't notice but there was a pattern etched to the floors. He couldn't figure out what it was so he kept to himself. After a while, the cart had come to a complete stop and it was as the very middle of Under. On seeing this, Theodore decided to come down. After doing so, he gently carried out The stretcher that contained Aria and Milanas' bodies respectively, carried Mark down and began going towards one of the humanoids that stood looking. He didn't know what to do as he looked on. The crowds looked at him with so much surprise. The had never seen a huge person before. They also took notice of The people on the stretcher soaked in blood and also took note of Mark. On seeing this, the sprung into action and started what Theodore referred to as "Magic." He watched on as the carried away Mark and the stretcher he wanted to go in but the others stopped him. He wasn't sure as to what to say at the moment so he shouted.

"Take care of them for me! Please!" It was obvious that Theodores' speech was that of worry as finally these set of people decided to talk back. A gentle voice echoed from the crowd that followed those carrying Aria Milana and Mark away.

"We will. Wait here. They're going to live." On hearing this, a sense of assurance filled Theodores' face up, as he decided to fall to the floor and doing so he started smiling. These smiles slowly disappeared as he drifted off into sleep. He had began dozing. S dream seemed to occur to him. A dream he never understood, as it was forgotten the moment he awoke. What was the dream?

"Theodore, Theodore. Theodore!" A gentle voice called out to him as he awoke from his slumber. He wasn't sure if he was still dreaming or if he had approached the realm of reality. Well, who cared at this point? Theodore was so happy that he couldn't awake. He didn't want to awake. He chose not to. However, he realized he was being made fun of when this seemingly gentle voice made a but of multiplication as two more giggled after one said

"He sure does snore like a swine this codger. Would he ever even stop? Sir Theodore is it?" This voice was seemingly disrespectful. Theodore knew this and so his eyes, still closed, began to twitch. He tried to continue snoring but he could not as he was already conscious and awake at this point.

"His eyes, is it me or are they making a bit of a flinch? Oh dear, he must be awake. I said such insults out loud. Best I hurriedly make my way out of here."

On saying this, even more pitched laughters could be heard this time. Theodore was sure of it. He was being mocked. He immediately gushed open his eyes and on doing this, The maidens he couldn't make out their faces while he was still asleep. all cuddled up into one corner in fear. Theodore, looking angry and grumpier than his normal looks, looked around and noticed he wasn't still in the large halls as of his entrance back then. He was moved to this. A place he had no idea of. Although everything looked white and the room was brightly colored as in the halls, he still couldn't figure out how he got there.

"Was I moved? If so how didn't I notice?" These thoughts ran abruptly through his minds as his eyes met the crowd of people all cuddled up together.

"Who or what are these people?"

He thought, looking at them still. They were all white-colored and all had blue eyes. They also made noises. Feminine noises, as it all sounded high pitched. They were so small that Theodore couldn't make out if they possessed any traits of a woman. He didn't care about it though. Looking even more, he saw a woman amongst the crowd. She wasn't pure white like the rest. She stayed with them still. He stood up and came close to get a better look, as his retinas were yet to adjust to the intense brightness of this empty room. Still on looking, his eyes were laid with a sight he was yet to see for he had never seen. There the person stood, cuddled up into the crowd, looking at Theodore with fear, disgust and curiosity. It was her. Milana. She had awoken and was already moving around. On seeing this, Theodores' eyes teared up with joy for not only was Milana awake and all problems that came with her slumber varnished, Mark would no longer have his head for anything else. He was certain of it. He thanked the god of Valiance. He praised the creator for in his eyes, an impossible feat had just taken place.

"Milana, Is that you?" Theodore, amidst tears called out to her. She, still inside the crowds of whites, replied his callings.

"Yes, it is I, my name is Milana."

"I see " Theodore continued. I'm so glad that you pulled through after all the struggles that came with. I can't seem to tell you how happy I am right now, as I am crying and you little people see tears as a means of expressing pain."

"Oh, no" Milana replied, cautiously. "It's nothing sir. I totally understand the reason for your tears and wouldn't think otherwise. I swear."

"Alright then. Where are the others?" Theodore asked.

"Oh you mean Mark and Aria?" Milana answered, still looking at Theodore with so much fear in her face. In all her years of travel she has met people of different heights. However Theodore's height would indisputably be the tallest she had ever encountered. Not only did he dwarf her, who was talk as it is, he's twice her height. You wouldn't blame her. She had always had a fear of taller people. Courtesy of the Halos.

""Yes," Theodore replied, with a smile still on his face as he wiped his tears off with his clothes. That's when he noticed. His clothes were not as raggy as he knew them out to be. He looked around his body and he realized at that moment that his clothes had changed. It was very nice , white and silky in nature.

"Milana, what are these?" Theodore said, as he indicated towards his splendid looking clothes.

"Oh, yeah, they're nano-fabrics. Fits anyone that wears them perfectly. Just like the do you." Milana replied, with a rather crooked smile. This was to be blamed on the clothing. They looked more like a regalia than perfectly fitted clothing.

"Okay then. Where are they?" Theodore insisted.

"Oh, they're in the other room. It's not far from here. I'm pretty sure it's the one next door."

Milana said, as a drop of sweat ran down her face. She was totally terrified of Theodore. Theodore knew something was wrong right on the spot. He didn't know what though.

"Milana, is everything alright? You seem, I don't know, troubled I guess?" Theodore said inquisitively.

"Oh, it's nothing. I can assure you. I'm perfectly fine. I think? Well" she said, still fidgeting. " They're around the corner so I'll beat you to it. See you over there, Theodore. Milana hurriedly went towards the door of the room, exited and shut it right at Theodore and the others. Theodore, in an awkward moment with the crowd that still stood, cuddled together, looking at him. He looked back, Smiled and waved. On him smiling, the humanoids shrieked in high pitch. Uncomfortable with the shriek, he immediately left the room whilst following In Milanas' footstep. Making appropriate use of this opportunity, he decides to look for Mark and Aria, but he had no idea where to begin as at Milanas' path from his vision of her earlier, ended when she shut the door. He didn't know where to look. He was confused. Left to him was a path lit up in white, looking left to right was pretty much the same pattern of coloring. The passage was spacious. Wide enough to contain him comfortably. Following his intuition, he decides to make for his right.

"Once your lost in a maze, always go right. You can't be wrong with it."

This was the tale told by Wall Workers and it has been passed down from the times of old. Theodore thought of this as he made his way through the path. He had already passed two rooms.

"Hey!" A voice beckoned from his back. The path he had just passed. Five rooms away from where he stood. It was none other than his idol. His friend. His potential murderer, Mark.

"Whatever do you intend on doing going in that direction? Planning on leaving us now are you?" The voice called again. He was sure this time. He looked back, Mark was leaning backwards at a door of one of the rooms. Theodore was so overjoyed. He immediately rushed towards Mark and in a split second, he was with Mark.

"Ohhhhhh!" Theodore exclaimed. He was overjoyed this time. He couldn't hold it. His happiness knew no bounds as he kept screaming at the top of his lungs. This screams eventually covered Mark up with spit and he was obviously irritated.

"Geek! Stop it!" Mark demanded but the sobbing giant refused and kept on sobbing loudly. Until Mark gave him a punch to the stomach. This made Theodore quiet for some time.

"You know how annoying that was, right?" Mark, looking furious asked Theodore, who was Lying on the ground groaning in pain.

"Yeah, yes I do. That was quite the punch you pulled there."

"About that. I apologize." Mark said.

"Oh, it's not a problem. It really isn't. Well, where is she?" Theodore asked, making his way up to his feet.

"She's um, inside." Mark replied.

"And so we make our way then. Do lead Mark."

Theodore suggested, Mark took it up and so the entered the room.