Exchange Of Pleasantries

Theodore could only place his hands on his belly at this moment because the pain struck so hard that should he not have been a Wall Worker, it should have out him six feet under.

"How's she?" He asked Mark, as he was still groaning in pains.

"She's good. Okay I might add. Now, on to you." Mark said looking at Theodore's face that was about his height due to the fact that Theodore still laid on the floor. Their heads were faced towards each other, but Theodore's was unnecessarily large. His head was two or three times larger than Marks'. This was to be expected, as he was a Wall Worker.

"Don't ever try this again, do you hear me?" Mark continued as he questioned the wimpy giant.

"Yes. I'll be sure not to." Theodore said, as he tried getting himself up. He continued "For someone your size you do punch thrice as fast and Ten times stronger. This punch is dreadful I'll give you that."

"I accept your compliments as well as your insults but I'll leave it that way." Mark responded.

"She's inside, yes?" Theodore asked.

"Yes, she is. she sure is."

"Well, I better get going then. Do lead the way Mark."

"Alright. Alright" Mark said, as he made his way into the room. Theodore followed directly at his back. He couldn't see it before due to his senses being clouded by a state of pain, but thinking and seeing properly now, he noticed it.

"Mark," He called out.

"Yes? What is it this time?" Mark answered.

"Your wounds. The're healed. How is this possible?" Theodore asked in curiosity. He had never seen anything like this before.

"Perhaps it's the mysterious phenomenon that is 'magick'?" He thought as he kept looking at Mark. He also noticed Marks' clothing had changed. Mark wore the same piece of clothing as him, white silky and comfortable. It made Mark look less dreadful and more of a nice companion. It looked funny though as he had never seen Mark in this type of situation but he wouldn't dare laugh as he knows better than anyone not to bear the consequences of such an action.

"Oh, yes. My wounds were healed luckily. But I highly doubt it's completely healed, as my shoulder still aches from last time. I'm guessing even they couldn't heal it. Well, you never place your hopes much on a particular set of people now would we? Who knows? they might even be out to kill us." Mark said

"Well I'll have to disagree with you on this one. If they wanted us dead, we would have been dead already by the time of our arrival. Even if they did want us dead, It wouldn't be like this. Feel like this if I may" Theodore responded with a rather complete and valid opposition.

"I understand you. But it's best we do not let our guard down. Especially now." Mark said, as they both strolled down the passage until Mark stopped and turned to a door that stood on his left. His hands on the door handle about opening it.

"Theodore," Mark beckoned.

"Yes" Immediately, Theodore replied.

"Thank you. For everything. I would not have been able to find this place again and on time if it not be for you. You have my gratitude."

On hearing this, Theodores' eyes teared up in admiration and pride in what he had accomplished in this short space of time. In a salut position and hands raised to his head, he replied.


Mark turned back with a confused look in his face. He didn't know why Theodore would reply in the way he did. After this, he turned back and twisted the handles, pushed the door open and made his entrance into the room.

The room was large. Theodore looked small. It was exactly as the room in which Theodore was in moments ago, but this one had a bed and atop the bed sat Aria who was smiling at a person sitting on a white chair next to her. The person turned towards the noise made by the door opening and to their expectations, the person was Milana. She saw the both of them and waved happily at them and they waved back. Well, Theodore mostly as Mark didn't. On seeing who waved back, Milana gently brought down her hands. She was scared. On seeing Theodore, she immediately got tensed and was struck with fear.

"Hey there, Mark Theodore!" Aria called out as she smiled at them.

"Hey, Aria. Seems you pulled through too. Thank goodness." Theodore replied, still walking towards the bed with Mark. Arias' screams bounced off the walls of the room as it reached Theodores' ears. The echo of this large room was pretty dominant and thus made this large room livelier than it actually was. Each footstep taken was loudly echoed and slowly the thumps turned tuned down as the both arrived Arias' bedside.

"How's your leg holding up?" Theodore asked, looking around to see if his eyes might meet a chair somewhere. Unfortunately, there was none.

"Well, My injuries are getting better as the times progress however they said something about shattered bones and that it takes longer time to heal, even with this advanced technology of theirs." Aria replied, as she raised up her white clothing to show off the patched wound in her left thigh. It wasn't bleeding, and it was neatly patched up with clean set of bandages.

"Ah, thank goodness. I thought for a second there that they wouldn't be able to clean up the mess left by that shard. I'm sorry you had to go through that pain. I really am." Theodore apologized. It was clear by the look on his face that he meant his apology. He knew that he couldn't have bore such pain let alone a girl who is obviously younger than him and smaller.

"Oh, it wasn't your fault Sir Theodore. If anything, I should be thanking you for saving my life. The Nymph in charge of taking care of me suggested that should the shard be removed later than was done, it would have left particles inside my legs and that would be quite difficult to bring out. I'm grateful you did what you did." Aria said, with gratitude.

"Oh, I do not deserve such praise, I only did the needful and what was expected at the moment. I'm merely a tool used in the act of fate. nothing more." Theodore said as his face changed into a state of confusion. " You said something about nymphs? Are they what these people are called?" He asked.

"Oh, yes" Aria continued. "They are a very friendly bunch. They can be talkative too and don't get me wrong here though, I'm a fan of a good talkathon However, I expected this not from these type of people, so reserved and well disciplined." Aria said, with a sense of delight in her face.

"I see. I think I understand it now. They are like the citizens of Under yes?" Theodore asked.

"Well," Aria was about finishing her statement when she was interrupted by none other than Mark.

"Not Citizens. Workers. They are the people working hard to keep this sanctuary up and going. Without them, 'Under' as it is known wouldn't be the same."

"Under as we know it?" Milana, who was quietly watching the conversation unfold all along noticed a tone change in Marks' voice the moment he stated 'Under'. She was so good at picking up even the tiniest of clues. No matter how small. This question however was gotten rid of as soon as it was asked due to a Nymph walking in on the crew.

Knock Knock! A sound on the door could be heard.

"Come in!" Ordered Theodore. The Nymph gently opened the doors, came in and shut them as gently as she opened them. Her head bent downwards she scampered towards them hurriedly. They could see how shy she was but they just couldn't understand why.

"What is it?" Mark asked as she got closer.

She shivered in fear upon hearing Marks' question.

"Oh, er.... I'm sorry to I...intrude but you all are needed at the dining hall. If that is okay with you guys. I'm sorry though. I'm not forcing anyone to go if it seemed that way. It's okay if you don't want to go...." It was obvious this Nymph was fidgeting and even couldn't stand properly. These average height creatures always had a problem being around men, and women. They had never met any other species apart from themselves as they have always been inside Under all their lives for whatever reasons.

"I see." Theodore answered. "We're on our way. Aria, can you stand?"

"Well, I don't think so. Not now anyways. I feel weak on my limbs." Aria said.

On hearing this, Mark went closer to the bed faced his back on it and squatted.

"Come," He said. "I'll help you out. Cling unto my back."

"Oh eh, Mark." Milana said. "They have made measures available for her movement around. A wheelchair has been assigned to her. I sit on it currently."

As soon as she finished saying this, She burst into laughter. Mark, who knew why they were laughing immediately got up and turned his embarrassed face away to a direction unseen by the crew. Aria let out a chuckle on hearing Milanas' statement, so did Theodore. Mark soon left after the incident as he ordered on his way leaving

"I'll be waiting outside." Moving towards the door, His sword could be seen now and so he picked it up on his way out.

"Well," Milana said, "Hop on now. Into the chair you go." She stood up from the chair, pushed it closer to the bedside and began helping Aria get onto it. Theodore, on the other hand made his eyes busy with the view of this oddly large room in which they had stayed. It was fascinating enough for him as it was. He never guessed this is how it would be. Under.

"A place filled with mysteries yet unfolded. This place has existed for years and I haven't seen much of it. Well, a big little world we live in, right?" Theodore thought as he kept looking round. When his eyes got a little bit weary, he decided to look at the. bed and realized Milana and Aria were gone. He looked at the door and saw them.

"Aria! Milana! Wait up" His voice echoed as he ran after them.

"Oh," Aria said, looking backwards at him from her wheelchair.

"I'm sorry Theodore. I called out for you. You weren't answering. I figured you were already deep in thoughts so it's best I left you." Aria said innocently.

"It's alright." Theodore said, still making attempts to catch his breath after the little run. "We best get to the dining hall before anything else."

"Yes we should." Milana said, no longer fidgeting as she once was. She had gotten used to Theodore's height, a little.

"Do you know the route to the hall?" Theodore asked, without posing the question to any particular person.

"Oh, yes." Milana replied." It's not a long walk from here. We should even see Mark soon enough."

"Well, We best make our way towards the diner then. Wouldn't want him to wait any longer than he is supposed to now would we?" Theodore asked, as in a state of rhetoric.

"Yes we wouldn't."

They exited the room one after the other and soon enough, The Nymph that called upon them left the room after she was done making The bed Aria just stood up from. On making it, she saw blood stains. She couldn't understand where they were from or when they were formed. She kept it a secret and finished up with the work and headed outside.

"What would have caused this? Is Aria trying to hide anything? If so, what would that be? I can't let this go on any longer. I must meet with Lady Parcae." Saying this, she carried the stained blanket and left the room.