Tales Of Gibraltar.

"Not too long ago a time inexistent to you little folks, there laid an important incident that would eventually come to shape the way of life for the people of Tenebrae. A little over five hundred years, there laid a city in the middle of nowhere; Tenebrae. A city with little to no features of which it is Known for today. The Walls, The advanced City, and many more which I let unfold as this story goes on." Gibraltar continued.

"Tenebrae, before The Walls, the great massacre and Even the existence of Wall Workers, There happened to be a phenomenal aspect of technology that existed. A technology so advanced that even the Halos paled in comparison. The Halos were problematic everytime they were encountered. They killed and mauled over anything that moved, especially humans, which where the main source of population for early Tenebrae. Nothing less that fifty people would die every single day. We weren't sure as to what to make of this, because we weren't used to being out on the open like this. Tenebrae was initially called the city that saw no sunlight. Early Tenebrae was as at then called Eigenlicht. We carried out daily activities underground, right here. Then, there wasn't the concept of Wall Workers, or Tenebrites or any other breed of humans. We were prosperous as we were united. Nothing would destroy this Utopia of ours. Or so we thought. Eigenlicht, as intriguing and gratifying as it was, always had an issue when it came to population issues. We were always more than enough and several problems came with. Uncontrollable lack of food, water and space inside these the space Underground. Decided amongst ourselves, we decided to burrow deep and make even more space for ourselves. I mean, it's better to go deeper than up to the surface, right? so we began. We made a slight vote for who's strongest and most fit to perform this outrageous task and it turns out it would be the males of the population. Men were stronger, meant for building and many important things that had to do with the intense suffering that came with and so after the debate ended, we set out. I was the leading Miner as at then. On reaching the spot marked out close to the tunnels' entrance, we began digging. We were so over populated that the labour count was enough to finish digging in the short time of three weeks. We achieved a whooping distance beneath the floors of Forty seven meters deep. This location would come to be the spot of which the door to the world of the unbelievable laid. It broke through our tools the harder we tried to crack this layer but eventually, we did. Don't ask me how." Gibraltar said, as she looked at Aria whose mouth was shaped as in a feeble attempt to ask him how they did it.

"So" Gibraltar continued "as I was saying,

We opened this layer and what came next was quite a thrill indeed. We Expected nothing of what our eyes fed us via sight. Pods, stacked atop each and stretched out for miles. All white in color.A pod was big enough to contain a single human comfortably. The amount of space in the place of which we had just stumbled upon would by far be better than going to the top. After investigating and finding about this strange area we had just found, we had yet another shocking discovery. Inside these pods laid humans. Looking into more of these pods, we realized that these humans were all underaged. Teenagers as you would put it. All stuffed into these pods. At first, many thoughts came into our minds at that moment. Ranging from a possibility that these might be the origin of Halos or even their eggs, up unto the fact that this place might just be a cemetery for the dead. With more investigation into the scenerio, we figured they were all alive, until removed from the pods forcefully. I'm so sorry to say this but we may have killed a few of them before we were able to prove this."

Theodore, Aria, and Milana all looked at him in disgust, but they wanted they wanted him be down with his story as to ask their question and all what not.

"I'm sorry but this were ventures that had to be done. Hard times called for Tough decisions. As we were going through all these, we found Mark. He was the only human out of his pod at that moment and breathing. Alive. We couldn't fathom it. He was Tall. Taller than us as of then. No one was this tall" He said using his hands as indicator pointing towards himself.

"We were all little humans. All below six feet. The reason we became this big I shall explain in the future but for now, I'll progress slowly. As I said, do not interrupt me, okay?" Gibraltar asked. They all nodded in agreement.

"Mark was found close to a pod. Almost as if he had just gotten out recently. His skin covered in the Pod fluid as we called it. He took notice of us but didn't seem to care. He remained seated. Curled up as in a state of shock. We tried communicating but he wouldn't respond. We decided he couldn't understand our questions but little did we know he had all we were saying and upon hearing one of us say this. Yes, I can recall this clearly. One of us came up with a rather ludicrous idea as he said 'let's tie him up. He might be a dangerous person, or thing.' This would be the last words he will utter as Mark, on hearing this looked at us with an intense stare and while we all in the group were looking back, the man responsible for uttering such words collapsed right there never to wake up again. We had no idea what happened and so you know what they say. What man know they call names. What we don't we destroy. We decided to kill Mark as we thought he was the cause of it and turns out we were right. The people sent to carry out such task didn't come back from their ventures as they were all slaughtered like sheep. We became scared and eventually left the hole we had just dug as Mark wasn't willing to let anyone near him. All endeavors to keep digging stopped and so we closed the hole after evacuating successfully. I wasn't sure as to what happened after then as my memories of the past is really blurry. Tis to be expected of a person who has lived for over half a millennia. I'm sorry. I got distracted. Shall I go on?"