
A crowd filled with mixed feelings of Suspense, confusion and anger watched on as Gibraltar gave his part of the story and although it wasn't what anyone expected, they weren't disappointed in the slightest. From his method of speech and body language they knew this would be the outcome but decided to keep calm as he told his story. Aria answered his question.

"Yes. Do go on. We are yet to find answers and can't help but ask how did Mark and Trix meet?"

"Oh," Gibraltar said as he looked up into the ceiling placed his hands on his foreheads and began humming. They all looked with surprise. They had no idea what was happening.

"My thoughts are in disarray. Do hold on. I'm trying to bring together the pieces. Age slows down your thoughts you know." Gibraltar said as though he read their minds. Or did he?

"Do take your time. I understand what you must be going through. I hope that...." Without the completion of her sentence, Milana watched as the door opened. It created a disturbance that couldn't be left unnoticed and therefore she had to attend to it with her eyes. The door gently opened and from the shadows there came Mark. On seeing Mark, their entire faces lit up with joy. They were so glad and yet filled with suspense and curiosity. They wanted to ask him but on the slightest recall as to what transpired seconds ago, they kept mute and watched as he entered the room and in a step-per second rhythm, he stopped at the back of Milanas' seat. Milana turned back and so did Aria.

An awkward moment transpired and no one could say anything for seconds as they looked at each other until Theodore broke the silence with a large noise. His ceramic plate filled with rice had just made it's way to the floor and the impact caused a noisy effect. All eyes were on him. He apologized

"Sorry, I wasn't expecting this."

"It's alright." Mark said finally as he looked at him.

"If there's anyone you trust to tell a story, it wouldn't be Gibraltar. He's a liar, a fraud and many more things I will leave unspoken."

Hearing this, there eyes lifted from Mark to Gibraltar who was now focused on his dish.

"That's by the way. My real purpose for coming back to this diner is to let you know that we're running out of time. The soonest you're done with your dishes be sure to come back to Arias' room. I need to tell you something. It's important. Should it be not I wouldn't waste my time here. When you're done, be sure to come over." Mark said, as he walked out once more.

"Well," Theodore said as he picked up the pieces of his broken plate from the floor.

"This is my cue. Leaving now. I'm done eating. How about you guys?" He said looking at Aria and Milana.

"Oh, we're done. I believe we are. There's nothing much left to savour. I'm out of space to take in anymore. I'm filled. Let's get going." Milana said, as she turned to Aria for approval.

Aria, quickly realizing she would be left out should she say otherwise decided to follow the crowd.

"Yeah. I'm done here."

Theodore got up with his broken plate and asked one of the Nymphs in the corner.

"Where is your trash can?" No one replied but rather one of the Nymphs came from the crowd and took the plate from him.

"Oh, thanks a lot" Theodore exclaimed from seeing them carry the plates.

"Such wonderful tiny creatures they are. Now, we make our leave. Thank you very much for the meal. We do appreciate this meal" he said, as he left his seat, bowed his head on reaching Gibraltar's seat, Waves goodbye to the giant who sat next to him when he was still on the dinning table and left through the door. Milana waited. for Aria to climb unto her wheelchair that was just close. But she couldn't. Milana noticed this and hence she began.

"Aria, what's wrong? Is everything alright?"

"I'm good. Everything is good. I'm just not sure I can feel my limbs. No," Aria said as she looked at Milana with a face filled with terror.

"Milana I can't feel my body. Only my head. What's happening?" Aria said with a higher tone this time. It was obvious at this point that she was scared. She dealt with paralysis in the past but it had never affected the entirety of her body. She was terrified as this was a total body paralysis.

"Don't worry. you stay seated. I'll handle everything from here. Milana said, as she carried Arias' small body from the seat, placed it on the wheelchair and pushed her through the dining hall all the way to the door.

"Thanks a lot for the food." she said to some nymphs in the corner "Gibraltar" She turned to him and bowed. Soon after she had exited the door. She saw Theodore who was now headed in the wrong direction and therefore called to him.

"Theodore! It's this way!" She looked at Theodore who was in the distant left.

"Oh, Hey, Aria." Theodore said turning his to face Them. He had a rather confused look in his face and he had no choice but to look that way. Wall Workers have a really bad location Sense. They can be counted upon to forget the slightest details when need be and Theodore was in the late stage of his life so it made this unique trait exhibit even more than normal.

"You seem to be going the wrong way again. It's this way. come on. We wouldn't want for Mark to wait anymore than he should." Aria said, as her face expressed feelings of worry and angst. Her reason for this was simple. She hadn't felt so weak in a long time. No, since birth. She never had doubts in herself. She was nigh flawless, excelled in everything as she was second to none. Academically, physically and all what not. The strongest part of her physicality and the reason she stands above others is because of her powerful legs. She always had unnecessary strength stored in her legs. It made her kicks dish out thrice the damage a normal kick would. She hurt herself at one point because of this. The force was so strong that a crack would later be recorded in her tibia due to this. A kick so powerful that it disfigured steel in impact and broke glass with ease. The Ayonders were deceived with the certain belief that her kick could take down a halo if she really tried. Turns out there was no room for testing as they were all wiped out before anything happened. No, they got lucky there wasn't room for test as should there have been, not only would they be sent to a watery grave, they would also come to acknowledge the fact that humanity stands little to no chance against the Halos as Aria would have her legs ripped from her body in that instant. They were saved by Death and Aria by Mark. How lucky they must be. Aria would have to come to terms with the fact that her legs would be paralyzed for life? Would she accept such trait fate hath put upon her little body?