A Psychopath?

The passage was the noisiest it had ever been in a long time due to the gossip sounds and laughters that came from the curious three; Theodore, Aria and Milana. Aria was being pushed through the white passage on her wheelchair by Milana who brought up yet another question and more reason for the noise that emitted from the passage

"What do you think happened to her while she was still courting Mark? Trix I mean?"

"Who said they were done courting? No need to divorce two partners that are all in now Milana. That is so hostile you should say such." Theodore said, after meeting up with them.

He had been on a path that led to the wrong direction. He had no idea this was the case until called back by Milana, who watched with a face filled with laughter. She knew little about Theodore and in meeting him after waking up, she was scared as it was the first she had ever seen a Wall Worker. She didn't know what to make of his personality and judged Theodore based on how he looked, which was no even his fault at all. Wall Workers were known as the epitome of Disgust and Ugly intentions. Their faces were disfigured and it little part of the reason is their fault, as ancestors were completely changed working under the sun all day without rest or sleep. This trait was passed down to the next generation and the next, which eventually became Theodore. However, Milana has gotten used to this trait and seen first hand that The book is indeed is nothing like its' cover.

"Oh, yeah. my bad. Mark never renounced her. This might mean he was actually involved with her at one point. Urgh" Milana said.

"The mere thought of seeing Mark having intimate relations with a woman doesn't sit right with me. I mean, In all my years I have never seen Mark as the type to even fathom such let alone take it upon himself to propose to her." On getting to this point, Milana lowered her voice as she whispered..."Wait, Did he propose or she did so?" She asked waiting for someone of the two listening to her to answer as the question wasn't directed to anyone in particular.

"Well," Theodore said "You ask yourself this. Do you think of Mark as the type to settle let alone propose? No. I'm guessing there must be some reason for him doing so. He isn't the type to burden himself with the curse that is matrimony."

"I would disagree with you on this one. Marriage is not a curse but rather a blessing. My parents told me" Aria continued " and I quote. 'It is better to be intimate than die alone.' I'm sure they have reason for saying that." Upon finishing her statement, Aria smiled as she turned and raised her face high to take a look at Theodore's face which was looking totally defeated.c

"Well, You do have a point. Still I wouldn't want to burden myself. I had a few marriages in the past myself. The were trouble some. All of them."

"Well I wouldn't call it a problem though. The problem seems to arise from your luck with picking the right woman." A voice said from a corner of the white painted passage. After the speech a slight chuckle followed. It was Trix. She was leaning unto the wall on the right. She was looking down with her hands folded.

"Oh," Theodore said, as his sweat pores opened from being caught saying rubbish.

"I had no idea you were around my goodness. You startled me. Hey, Trix." He said trying to fake out a smile which was obvious it wasn't sincere however, Trix thought little of this and walked up to them.

"I understand why you guys would think like that of Mark and I wouldn't blame you if you did. However, He wasn't always like this. He isn't like this. He had to change his view of the world to make the decisions necessary for the long run. I understand you saying what you want about me, but please, for his sake don't say such about him even if you might consider it a joke." On saying this she started walking towards Arias' room. They followed suit.

"He has suffered so much. If you were him you'd have lost your path long before now. He isn't just a hero of humanity. He's a living legend. Don't disrespect him even if it be a joke."

"How did you meet him by the way?" Aria asked innocently. Milana and Theodore were shocked as to how she would summon the courage to ask such especially at this moment in which the scolding was at its' peak. They turned to look at Trix who was actually smiling at what her thoughts presented before her.

"Well, Aria. It's a really long story. I don't even know where to begin but believe this. It was real while it lasted. He was different from the rest. He wasn't the same. His feelings for me were not even as much as I loved him. It felt as if I was cheating him but now, I think I'm ready for whatever comes our way. I would endure and wait for him. He has always waited for me as well." On saying this, Arias' face lit up with joy and excitement watching Trix tell her love experience with Mark.

"I'm sure he loves you just as much as you said he did in the past. He has been so busy to even bring out time for himself. You're right. All you need do is wait for him." Milana said as she smiled to Trix who smiled back.

"Well," Trix said amidst smiles "It seems we have arrived. He's inside. Waiting for you all. I take it that the situation is urgent. I haven't gotten the chance to ask but why was he so bent on getting the both of you to Under? I take it your sickness perhaps?"

"Yes." Aria replied. " It's gotten worse. As we speak, I am certain that I cannot feel my body at this moment. However, I would endure and I am ready to do anything to get better. Besides, I have a mission to accomplish after being healed." Aria said, as her looks changed from a state of smile to aggressive determination. Trix, feeling scared looked at Theodore to find out if that was the way Aria always was as she was feeling rather uneasy around Aria at the moment. She also looked to Milana and that was when the look on Milanas' face showed Trix all she needed know.

"I....I see" Trix replied with a certain uneasiness.

"Well, he awaits. Go in. All of you. Good luck. I hope you get better soon, Aria." Trix faked a smile and kept walking down the passage and made to her left, entering a room never to be seen again.

"Aria." Theodore called to her.

"Yes, what is it, Theodore?"

"You eh, you okay?" Theodore asked.

"Well, you can't see me in this situation and ask that and expect I say fine do you?" Aria asked with a maniacal smile. This was the first Theodore has ever seen her like this, since the incident on the cab. He thought it was a one time experience. Turns out it was a part of Aria.

"No no. I never meant it that way. I mean, mentally. How are you keeping up? Gosh I'm sorry. also came out wrong."

"Oh don't worry Theodore. I totally understand you." Aria continued. "People always asked about my mental health from time to time during my stay in Tenebrae and even in the academy. I never really understood why they asked that question. I mean, is there anything wrong with me? Do you think so?"

"Oh, no I don't think so. I think you're a small girl with a rather traumatic experience and anyone else that had the same experience as you would have lost it by now and hence the reason for my question." Theodore replied with a rather smart manner. On hearing him say this, Milana looked at him and gave out a smile of approval. She wasn't sure as to how Theodore would maneuver his way out of this situation and somehow he actually made it seem easy with this reply of this.

"oh, I see now. You were being nice and worried about me and so you asked the question yes?" Aria asked.

"Yes, Theodore replied " I was trying to check up on you."

"Well thanks but I think I'm okay. A little bit scared though. I haven't been in this type of situation before. I mean, having your entire body go numb isn't actually all that exciting. Most of all, my legs. How I love my legs. My being unable to feel it right now is actually making me real sad. I hope whatever treatments administered in Under would give me a fighting chance against this Halos Curse."

"Yes" Milana said finally interrupting. "That's the spirit Aria. Keep fighting till the very end. Never give up. This Halos Curse will never win against you. Become the first to fight back this sickness and join Mark as he goes down history as a legend. You can do it. I trust you."

She said forcing a smile out, which Aria innocently reciprocated.

"I know. However, unlike him I don't want to be a legend though. I mean, have you any idea the repercussions Mark faces by trying to bear the burden by himself all alone. No, I'm not doing such. I want to be cured and go back into the battlefield as an Ayonder. I want to fight against these creatures. Milana, do you know what the Ayonders Stand for?" Aria asked

"No, I do not. Please explain." Milana replied

"We were created as the last hope for humanity as it takes its' final stand against these Halos. We are meant to be the bait as we get more information about the Halos as we journey outside the Walls. But now, I think we should begin taking a stand against this Halos. Better fight than forever hide. I will change the initiative once I'm healed. We won't be explorers anymore, rather the retribution that would be placed on these creatures that are Halos. I want to wipe them all out. All of them!" Aria said raising her voice. it was came as a shock to Theodore and Milana who looked at Aria and later at each other with the same thought in mind.

"She is a psychopath." They felt scared being in her presence but for one reason, they never felt as though their lives were in trouble. They felt, scared. Safe, but scared. They kept looking at themselves until Mark decided to open the door. On seeing Mark, Arias' face lit up as she uttered

"Mark! Hey. I heard you called for us right?"

"Yes, I did. do come in. We need to have a conversation about a particular matter." Mark said.

"Whatever might it be Mark? is it perhaps, your wife?" Milana said, obviously trying to tease Mark.

"Oh, no. I see what you did there but I'm not going to flow with it. This situation is serious. What comes next after this is bigger than the both of us. That's how serious it is." Mark said with a strict look on his face.

"Oh, I see" Milana responded upon seeing Marks' face.

Mark held the door for them to enter as Milana wheeled Aria into the room, with Theodore following closely. When they all entered the room, Mark shut the door and began his statement as this would be the point in which the story changes for the better. Aria is about to be told the truth and some of which is what she'd never have expected. Well, What do I know? I am but a narrator of this incident that will soon turn out to be the greatest piece history will ever encounter.