The Truth Unfolds

The door laid open for Aria, Milana and Theodore as the entered the room with an eerie feeling upon hearing that Mark said the situation was dire and needed serious attention. Who knew what he wanted to say? What was so important that it couldn't wait? They were filled with curiosity as to what it was but they all kept mute as Mark held the door open until they all made their way into the room. After this, he closed it shut and followed them as the walked towards the bed. Aria couldn't help it and asked

"Mark, you called for us yes?"

"Yes I did." Mark answered

"Is it important? I mean, everything you do is important to an extent...." On finishing her statement, Aria noticed she had done something silly and became immediately embarrassed by it and took responsibility for her actions. An awkward moment for everyone around her as the watched her with unease trying to understand what she means and later loomed away trying to divert their attentions to another place until Mark spoke up.

"Okay so I called you guys here and I have a good reason for doing so. This is going to be a long conversation and please do bear with me as I go through this. I am not the type to hold a discussion out for too long so I'll make it as brief as possible. I didn't come to Under to Heal you guys. Aria and Milana." Mark said, as he looked at them both.

"What do you mean?" Milana asked looking rather shocked as she could not understand why Mark would go through all that just to say this. She tried making sense of it but every thought that entered her mind would always lead to one conclusion. Mark is Lying.

"Oh, yes. I mean everything I just said. Do you remember the Witches' Green? In that one book you're so obsessed about?" Mark asked Milana

"Yes, I do. I can't forget it. I carried it with me until I passed out. Hopefully, you brought it with you, yes?" Milana asked

"No no. I did not. I figured it was of no use"

On hearing Mark say this, Milanas' face changed to reveal an annoyed facial expression. The book was one of her most prized possessions and Mark knew this but couldn't care less as exhibited in the straight face he kept even after seeing Milana fume.

"As I was saying" He continued "I'm sorry to tell you this but the Witches' Green is real. It has always been"

Milana's expression changed from annoyance to surprise and a strange addition of happiness. It became so much to bear that she screamed out

"I KNEW IT! it was real! all of it! The Witches' Green, All of it!"

"Well, It isn't called the Witches' Green per se but yeah, still could be used." Mark replied.

"So, where is it? Where could it be? Is it here?" she drew closer and whispered "Is it invisible as well?" She was real close to Mark at this point. Mark felt uncomfortable and withdrew holding back her face with his hands.

"No, it's not. You could at least let me finish don't you think?" Mark suggested.

"Witches' Green?" Aria asked inquisitively.

"Yeah" Theodore replied "It's from the Words Of Murabak. This book is a very sacred book, as it is a tool of worship for the religion of The Epistolics. They remain one of if not the greatest religious group dominant in this era." Theodore said.

"Really? I haven't heard much about them. I know they worshipped a book. The Book is Words Of Murabak yes?"

"Yes. It has been a dominant religion for quite some time now. I wanted to convert to Epistolics once. However, My wife at that time wasn't going along with any of my decisions." On saying this, Theodore looked up to the ceiling as in a reminiscence stance.

"What is the book all about? The Words Of Murabak?" Aria asked

"Oh," Milana said as she smiled to Aria. "You really want to know, Don't you?"

"Yes I do. In most parts of Tenebrae, religion wasn't really considered a thing and if there's something that came close, it's the worship of the queen that happened once a week." Aria said.

"You guys worshipped the queen?" Milana asked.

"Yes we did. It was known that the queen brought down rain, Made Tenebrae flourish and the only way to make this so is by worshipping her every week." On hearing this, Milana bursted into laughter.

"Why the laugh? What's funny Milana?" Aria asked as she was irritated by the laughter. She wanted to know why Milana was laughing uncontrollably.

"Oh it's nothing Aria." Mark covered up for Milana, who was still laughing and couldn't hold herself. I mean, anyone would laugh given the situation.

"It's just, There's no magic out there neither is there an edge-breaking scientific discovery the queen might possess to bring good fortune. It has always been a facade. She has been deceiving you guys for the longest of times. I know not about magic, but there is a project that is going on now. It has been running since the beginning of the Halos invasion. It has not produced enough results to call this experiment a safe project, but I can vouch that success is a possibility." Mark said, as they finally arrived at Arias' bed, in which He took a seat, Theodore too and Milana helped Aria back into her bed and after this, sat down as well as the conversation continued.

"What do you mean Mark? I'm getting a bit confused here." Aria said, now on the bed.

"Oh, yes. You know the Witches' Green yes?" He asked again in which all of them nodded in agreement.

"Well, it is here and it isn't what the book foretells. It is much bigger than you think. Also, it isn't called Witches' Green. Such a lame name. Whoever wrote that book must have been in his feelings. The name's TRANCE."

On hearing this, Milana, Aria and Theodore looked at each other in absolute puzzlement as they tried to decipher what he meant until Finally, Milana spoke up.

"Wait Mark. Slow down. You're saying the Witches' Green is here but its' true name is TRANCE? What else isn't as written in the book?"

"Well, Many things I wish not speak of as we are running out of time." Mark replied.

"Oh, I see. Go on then."

"Yes well, as I said earlier, the Witches' Green is non-existent and is rather called TRANCE and mind you TRANCE isn't just a fruit eaten as mentioned in the book it is more than that. it is bigger than just a fruit. It possesses qualities that extends to infinity and beyond. I would start by saying the term TRANCE is just an abbreviation for Terrestrial Range Area For New Changes in Evolution. Yes, you guessed it right should you have tried. It is a place. Situated where you might ask? Under? No. Under is but a resting place for the entrance of the intriguing world of TRANCE. Under was created to house and protect the inhabitants of this great city. This city where your imaginations would be the driving force of your energy. A place that is created from the unity of Billions of subconscious minds spamming over eternity."

"Wait wait, the Witches' Green sorry, 'TRANCE' lies in the mind? I don't understand?" Milana said.

"Well, you would grasp a little of the situation once I am done explaining it to you. For now, do hold on till I'm done. Like I said earlier, we do not have enough time. Now as I was saying before being rudely interrupted, TRANCE exists in the realm of the subconscious. A realm that has been knitted together strongly by billions of minds as the have been connected together by an alien technology. We call it The Heart Unblur. This technology is the only method to which TRANCE stands to hold the countless of lives in it. Now, this is where it gets sketchy. Aria, Milana" Mark said, leaning forward looking at the two.

"You guys I shall task with a really important mission. This way, I can also cure you of your sicknesses as well. Oh, that's right. I haven't told you yet, have I Milana?"

"Told me what?" Milana asked Mark.

"You have been Infected with the Halos Curse. Your symptoms may not be visible now but it is certain to show with time and believe me it's going to kill you. Aria you too unless we do something about it and there's no better way to cure this sickness than going into the World Of TRANCE." Mark said.

" If I may" Aria said, raising her hands up as in a request for approval from Mark, which he responded

"Do go on."

"Okay, you said it would cure us yes? How does it work. How do we even get to TRANCE and also...."

"Let him finish Aria" Theodore said. "let him finish."

"Okay. I'm sorry." Aria said, as she brought her hands down.

"TRANCE had the ability to grant wishes and even restore the nigh dead but all this comes with a price. Evolution. Once you enter this world, you cannot escape. Until you have evolved. Don't worry. You'll understand what I just meant by this the moment you enter this world but as of now, there's no time. Aria, you have but a few hours left until the seizures kick in. We have to get you in and secure your safety first." Mark said looking at Aria and then to Milana.

"Milana, you as well. I am sending you in to Help Aria and guide her through the path she is to follow. I know this is all Serene to you and I don't know how to say this that you would understand but whatever decisions you make right now would have a huge impact on the fate of humanity. Believe me."

"Wait so let me get this straight" Milana said, as she stood up from her seat, with each step she took towards Mark she raised the tone of her voice as she gave this speech.

"You wish to send us into a world with so many unknowns and you tell us to 'evolve'. Not only that the fate of the entire human race lies on the decisions we make right here, right now. Not only that, you're not even sure if we would make it out alive!? Didn't you think for one second that you should have told me at least! I have been with you since I could bear thoughts and I am finding about this just now!"

"Milana relax." Aria said, as her stare changed to that of a cold stare. She looked up to the fuming Milana who was looking back at her. Upon seeing Arias' face, Milana calmed down and went back to her seat.

"Mark. Tell me. I mean if the fate of the entire race lays on our decisions, why didn't you say anything for the longest of times? All this while. why did you keep it to yourself? Oh, another question. Why us? couldn't you have found a worthier candidate in all your ventures around the world for eons past? Why pick Us?" Aria asked, in a low tone.

" Well, Firstly I didn't wish to tell you guys because I thought I could face it alone and I was wrong. for this reason I apologize. I didn't want to bother anyone with whatever burden placed upon me. I was tasked with finding someone. Anyone worthy enough to Bear this burden. I can't tell you the requirements but I say this loud and clear. You and Milana passed with flying colors and not because of your illnesses, no. I didn't want to say it but I think you guys are ready. Also, Milana." He said, turning to face Milana, who was looking away from the group as a sign of rage.

"I'm very sorry I didn't say anything until now. I can't apologize enough for what I have done and I wouldn't expect you forgive me but rather listen to reason. You need not only best this Halos Curse but also Evolve. Please. I beg of you." On saying this, Mark took to his knees in a begging position. This quick caught the attention of Milana as she turned to see Mark who was kneeling down on the floor. This gesture by Mark shocked the entire people in the room at that moment as they had never known Mark as that type of person. On seeing him kneel They became even more interested in what he had to say now more than ever.

"I have no idea how to say this that you wouldn't find fault. If I were you, I would too but please this is bigger than me and therefore I would do anything to convince you to help me out." Mark said this with his head bowed down in a pleasing position.

"Alright then" Aria spoke up " I'm not speaking for Milana when I say this, but I would venture Into TRANCE and do whatever you would have me do. Besides, it's better to have a chance at beating this illness than waiting for death to meet me, don't you think?" Aria said, as her stared glided from Mark who was on the floor to Milana who was still caught by shock of what happened

"Um, yeah yeah. Sorry. Let's hear it. When do we begin?" She said still in a state of shock.

"Well, I plan that should we end this meeting, we move to The Path To TRANCE. Hopefully, we should find a pod or two for you guys." Mark said

"What is a pod?" Milana asked.

"Oh, yes. I never said. It is an equipment built to house your bodies while your minds are in TRANCE. They are shaped like an egg but unlike one, very durable an not easily broken. Without being inside one of this pods, you can never get into TRANCE."

"I see." Aria continued. "Mark"


"I hope to come out in good health. That way, I can go back to being an Ayonder. The Halos must be vanquished. That is the reason why I am doing this. Nothing else" Aria said with a rather authoritative appeal which unlike Mark, submitted to this.

"No problems. Oh, I forgot to mention. Once you evolve, you would be blessed with gifts rendered to you by the power of your subconscious."

"What do you mean?" Aria asked

"You would be given special abilities upon evolution. Why do you think I am able to go on par with these Halos?"

"Oh, I see. Well then. There's no need to wait. The sooner we enter the better!" Aria said as she smiled.

Mark smiled back to her and Milana as well, who didn't reciprocate the smile. And so the set out of the room and down the passage, out of the building and into the tunnels leading to the area in which the pods were being kept.