Meeting Gina.

A world came open and in view of Aria and Milana who seemed to be falling endlessly whilst holding each other. The emotions displayed at the moment were of two descent; anxiety and curiosity. They looked on, trying to put the pieces together until finally, they did.

Mark hadn't told them anything as regards to falling without an end and for some reason they seemed okay with it, until land was a few feet away.

"What do we do now?" Aria asked Milana, who seemed to look back at her with a state of confusion.

"If I knew, I wouldn't be falling in the first place. Mark told me nothing. Brace yourself!"

Milana replied, looking back at Aria, who had already passed out from the fear of falling from a over a thousand feet.

Still falling, and seemingly the only one awake, Milana notices a flying object. It had the wings of a bird, this she knew, but something was different as she tried to make out what was left of its' body, as it was at least a mile west away from her at the moment. She tried straining her eyes once more and then she saw it. It wasn't a bird. No. She was quite sure it wasn't. Another emotion flooded her mind as she realized the head of this creature seems to mimic that of a person. A woman to be exact. Not sure its' intentions, and not caring the slightest, she began waving her hands whilst still falling, in hopes of this strange creature, or person to notice her, and fortunately it did. It changed the trajectory of flight and began heading straight for Milana and The unconscious Aria.

"Don't worry Aria," Muttered Milana " We might actually not die from falling. Help has made its' way to us. all we need is now is pray it makes it on time." She said, changing her view from the flying creature to the ground, trying to figure out the distance between they and the floor, and also taking measurements of the creatures' distance from them, praying it reaches on time.

Approaching a hundred feet towards ground, the creature was still far away, but still Milana had hope. any hope, as this creature was heading straight towards her. Looking at Aria, she stretches and grasps her flinging arm, and closes her eyes, waiting for fate to do its' worst.

Ten Seconds later, she opens them, only to find out she was still floating, looking towards her left, there was Aria, being held by what looked like a bird's leg. She looks at her body, and figures it's the same for her as well. Looking perplexed, she looks forward only to see a woman's head turned upside down, smiling at her.

"Argggh!!" Milana exclaimed in fear, as not only was the face turned upside down looked scary, it was actually larger than normal. She tried comparing it to a Halos' and noticed it was much bigger than a Halos' head.

"Seems you have woken up, good." said the creature shifting her large eyes from Milana to Aria, who seemingly wasn't scared. She just looked on in amazement.

"Your head is quite big." Aria said, looking perplexed. "You have wings too? wow. many things I had no idea existed."

"Yes I do have a large head, I'd take that as a compliment. Aren't you scared?"

"No, I'm quite curious. How did it actually grow to this size. And weren't we supposed to be falling?" She asked, turning to her right, looking at Milana, who was quite shaken by Aria's reaction to the scenerio.

"You do realize we're being held by a creature we don't even know and for some reason you are cool with it?" Looking at the upsidedown face, she said "No offense"

"None taken."

"I do. Milana but panicking causes nothing but fear and fear leads to weakness. I think?" Aria said, looking up, noticing the sky was being blocked by the creatures body, which looked more of a woman than it was a bird. Seeing this, Aria exclaimed in excitement. "Woah. You're human aren't you?"

"Yes it seems so. To be quite honest I'm not sure anymore."

"Thanks for saving us, but what happens after this?" Milana said, cutting straight to the point, she had a bad feeling about this scenerio and wanted to clarify her mind of any doubts she may have pertaining to this strange creature carrying them.

"Well," The creature said, facing forward this time, revealing her jaw for Milana and Aria's views. "You guys are actually the first of many to fall from these part of the skies. Meaning you had the guts to enter this hellhole."

"Hellhole? what do you mean? isn't this meant to be the Witches' Green?" Milana asked.

"I don't seem to understand you. What's 'the Witches Green?"

"You know, the fruit that gives as much as it takes? the legend?"

"I don't know much about it if I'm being honest. You asked what happens after saving you guys right?"

"Yes. I wish to know. I'm sorry if I seem rude." Milana said, apologetically.

"Oh, it's nothing. you'd need this persona in this world. If you don't wish be killed. Oh, Where are my manners? I haven't actually given you my name, have I? My dearest apologies. I'm Gina. What about you?"

"I'm Aria, this lady at my side and your other leg is Milana." She said pointing at Milana.

"I see. Well, well, Milanas' the one with guts right?" She said, turning her face upside down in an attempt to look at Milana, who was still not used to it.

"Where are we?" Milana asked reluctantly.

"Oh, We're in Golddune." Gina replied happily.

"Golddune?" Milana asked yet again.

"Oh, I take it you're new, meaning you don't even know what that means. Hang on. I'm going in deep." She said, looking up and changes trajectory, moving downwards at insane speeds.

She was moving so fast that Aria could have sworn the clouds were all turning into straight lines as she passed them. She looked happy. content. Looking at her right, Milana was actually the opposite. She looked like her heart just sank into her stomach as she held onto Gina's Legs, hoping for the best.

Gina maneuvered through the sky like a swift, making her way down until she was a stone throw from the ground. Her pace slowed, and she began flapping her large wings more than the last time.

"You are lucky to have stumbled upon me of all people. Extremely lucky I tell you." Gina said, slowly circling round a spot on land, as in an attempt to touch down.

Steadily but surely, she landed, dropping off Aria and Milana before standing on her eight toes.

"We were actually asked to find our tour guide though" Milana said, looking up at Gina. It was then she realized how unnecessarily tall Gina was. "At least no less than 30 ft". She said in her mind.

"Oh, is that so? asked by who?" Gina said inquisitively

"I rather not say. He asks that we look for him and he'll guide us on what to do." Milana said, trying to dodge Gina's question.

"I see. Well, then did he or she say anything about not mentioning their name to anyone? even the person that went out of her way to save you?" Gina reprimanded, authoritatively.

"No it's not like that" Milana said, being intimidated by her height.

"She doesn't wish to say. No need forcing her."

Aria said, cleaning off the golden sand on her body. It was then she realized her clothing was, different. She looked at herself, and so did Gina and Milana.

"Wow. look at you Aria. looking usually sexy"

Arias' clothing changed from a white robe to a rather opposite. Night Colored Shoes that extended up all the way to her thighs. On her waist, was a scarf tied. A coloration of Dark filled it as well. The scarf seemed to flow in two parts down her body, all the way to the floor. It wrapped her waist enough to cover her entire stomach, leaving out her chest, which was clothed in an ash bra.

"You don't look too bad yourself Milana." Aria said, Looking at Milana.

"That's one long scarf you have there. I take it that's your requisite." Gina said looking at Aria and eventually glancing back at Milana who stood in front of her.

"You too, those balls at the end of the chains connected to your arm I mean."

On hearing Gina say this, Milana looked at her hands and was perplexed by what she saw. iron balls in each end of a rather long chain on both sides of her hands. She wasn't sure as to how to react. She decided to move her hands, using the other to touch the chains.

"They're really long. I was expecting them to be heavy. It's not though."

"For you it isn't." Gina said, cutting Milana short. "Any other person try picking this iron balls up, there would be hell to pay."

"Hm, not bad." Milana said.

After this, an awkward silence occured, being broken by Gina, who decided to apologize.

"I'm sorry. I haven't been polite. It's my fault."

"No no. it isn't." Milana said, trying to be nice.

"I should have told you and I would too. I hope you realize that we just met and you have my trust for the most part, but not this."

"I understand. Now, tell me. who were you instructed to find?"

"His name's Raijin." Aria said, walking closer to the group.

"Raijin? Ha!" Upon hearing them say his name, Gina burst into unpredictable laughter, swinging her arms up and down, causing a bit of a typhoon around of which Milana and Aria tool notice of but decided to say nothing.

"I'm sorry. I just lost it there" She said cleaning off tears that came out whilst she was laughing. "Raijin is actually quite far from here. He's on the other end of the world. Literally. I can fly you there though, but I have work to do."

"What kind of work?" Milana asked

"Oh, I'm supposed to answer your questions but you can't answer mine?" Gina said, smiling weirdly at Milana, who knew her reason for doing so.

"Fine. I was sent by Mark." Milana said with a sense of guilt.

"Mark? is that who you were hiding from me all this time?" Gina said I'm between laughter.

"Yes it's he. I reckon you know him though, right?"

"I actually don't. Well, that's besides the point. I was travelling towards the base of my clans camp. I was going to report a case pertaining to the parting of the clouds. No one has ever entered here for over a millennia."

"What do you mean?"

"It's exactly how I said it. Look, I'll explain better. For now, I have to go. You can follow me. I mean, you don't have a choice. it's not safe for you two here. People would be coming to find you. Bad people. Its your best bet."

"Why should we trust you?" Milana asked, looking unsure of Gina. Anyone would at this point. Not only is Gina's body structure out-worldly, it's also gigantic and to say the least, she's a bit too friendly. Milana has had her encounter with her type of people over the years during her travels with Mark and is therefore affirmative to ask such question.

"That's the point Milana, you don't. But if you stay here, you wouldn't want to know what would happen. Don't trust me. Just believe. I won't force you. it's all up to you."

After Gina said this, The ground began to shake. Unsure of what seems to be happening at the moment, Gina, Aria and Milana look around the sandy desert to find out which direction the rumbling was coming from, or what was causing it. Looking a bit over the south, Aria sees something strange.

"Look" she says, pointing at the direction of what she saw.

"I knew it. They're here already." Gina said, her face changing from Happy, to a bit scared and unsure. "Milana Aria, choose now! we don't have much time. Do you wish to follow me or not??! The dust you see in the distance is raised by people you don't want to know. Pick. quickly!" Gina said, flapping her wings as in preparation to ascend to the skies.

"We have no choice." Milana said, looking at Aria, who nodded in unison and let Gina pick them up with her legs and off they flew, into the thick clouds above.