Twin Tower

"Justin, Justin!" The feminine voice called out, cutting through the silence that filled the wooden cabin. A teenage boy, sprawled across a rustic table, lay deep in the throes of sleep, oblivious to the morning light filtering through the cracks in the ceiling.

"Justin!" The voice called again, sharper this time, infused with a mix of urgency and irritation. The boy stirred, eyelids fluttering as he struggled to surface from the depths of slumber.

"I'm awake, I'm awake!" Justin mumbled, his voice groggy as he lifted his head to look at the young woman standing before him. Her eyes, a piercing shade of green, glinted with a mixture of frustration and concern.

"We have a meeting coming up. The time tells a minute past the rise of the morning sun. It's dawn. We're late! We best be on our way unless there'd be nothing to eat for the coming days ahead." Her voice, though tinged with worry, held a commanding tone that brooked no argument.

The room they occupied was modest, with walls, floor, and ceiling all crafted from rough-hewn wood. The table where Justin had been sleeping was equally rustic, bearing the scars of many years of use. Finally managing to sit upright, Justin rubbed his eyes and muttered, "I know, I know. Just give me a minute. I'm so famished from last night. I hope you understand."

The young woman, however, had reached the limit of her patience. In one swift motion, she reached into her pocket and drew out a .357 revolver, aiming it directly at Justin. The sight of the weapon immediately cleared the fog of sleep from Justin's mind, and he sat up straighter, eyes wide with alarm.

"I'm awake. I'm awake," he repeated, his voice a bit higher now. He glanced down at the table, grabbing a spilled bottle and taking a quick swig of whatever liquid remained within, hoping to steady his nerves. Standing up slowly, he raised his hands in a gesture of surrender. "Alright, Sasha. Put the gun down. Tell me, what's the rush all about?"

"I saw it, Jus. New intakes. Two of them fell from the sky," Sasha replied, her voice steady but her eyes betraying a flicker of excitement.

"So?" Justin asked, still wary, his mind racing to process the information while trying to keep calm under the threat of the revolver.

"So," Sasha continued, her free hand moving to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear, "it means they aren't from around here. The boss warned us to keep a lookout for invaders, or anything of such." Her tone was earnest, her gaze unwavering.

"I see. What about Gina? Isn't she meant to be on duty? What have we to do at this time? It's not even our shift yet," Justin asked, trying to buy time to think.

"Yes, but we could make a name for ourselves. In case you forgot, we're literally at the bottom of the food chain, and we can't beat anyone in our clique to move higher in rank. This is the best we can do to earn status," Sasha said, her voice firm. Throughout the conversation, Justin's hands remained raised, a silent plea for peace.

"I see. Well," Justin said, taking a cautious step toward the door, "we better get moving. Could you put the gun down now? You've made your point." His voice was steady, though the underlying tension was palpable.

Sasha, satisfied that she had conveyed the urgency of the situation, sheathed her revolver. She moved toward the door with a purposeful stride, and Justin followed, rolling his eyes but keeping his thoughts to himself.

As they stepped out of the wooden cabin, the harsh reality of their environment came into view. The desert stretched out in all directions, an endless expanse of sand and heat. The wooden house stood isolated, a lonely outpost in the middle of nowhere. Sasha pulled out a hijab and adjusted her attire to shield herself from the elements, while Justin donned a classic cowboy look, complete with leather boots and twin revolvers holstered at his hips.

They walked together through the shifting sands, their footprints quickly erased by the desert winds. After some time, they reached a particular spot where Sasha stopped and let out a loud whistle. The ground beneath them began to tremble, and moments later, a massive hole appeared, from which emerged a gigantic mouse, its fur matted and eyes gleaming with intelligence.

Sasha and Justin grabbed the ropes attached to the creature, clambering onto its back. The creature responded to their commands, and with a swift motion, it began to move, carrying them across the desert at incredible speeds. Their destination was a distant tower, a solitary structure that loomed against the horizon.

The ride was exhilarating, the wind whipping past their faces as they held on tight. Justin couldn't help but marvel at the creature's power and speed, while Sasha remained focused, her mind on the task ahead. They had a mission, and failure was not an option. The new arrivals could mean trouble or opportunity, and they intended to find out which.

As they neared the tower, the desert sun climbed higher, casting long shadows across the sands. The structure before them was imposing, a relic from a bygone era that still stood defiant against the ravages of time. Sasha and Justin exchanged a glance, the unspoken understanding clear between them. They had come this far, and there was no turning back now.

The gigantic mouse slowed its pace as they approached the base of the tower. Sasha dismounted first, her eyes scanning the surroundings for any signs of movement. Justin followed, his hand resting on one of his revolvers, ready for whatever might come next.

"Stay alert," Sasha whispered, her voice barely audible over the wind. "We don't know what we're dealing with yet."

Justin nodded, his senses on high alert. Together, they moved toward the entrance of the tower, their footsteps silent on the sandy ground. The adventure that awaited them was shrouded in uncertainty, but they were determined to face it head-on, driven by the hope of rising above their current station and making a name for themselves in this harsh, unforgiving world.