Checking up on the other candidates races

Candidate 1

Name: Hector venules

Age: 33

Main Race: Demon hounds

Through a vast wasteland with dead trees and bushes, a large bear-like animal with blue fur ran through the broken lands.

Behind this large creature, a pack of six hounds with a mix of blood-red and ghostly white skin was chasing the animal.

The craziest thing about these hounds was that they all had signs of different evolutions, with some having bulging muscular bodies.

Others had large, sharp claws that almost tripped them up while they ran but gave them an extra reach toward their prey.

One thing they all shared, however, was the fire coming out of different places in their bodies, but it didn't seem to harm them.

This was the help they received from the monster system their creator had access to, and it showed in full force now.

Originally, the candidates who hadn't chosen sentient races were having a hard time, but now, with access to the monster system, they had risen much higher.

Now the hounds had the strength to back up the huge blooded lust that was packed into their bodies, and once again, they started hunting larger prey.

The hounds soon managed to catch up to the larger animal, which now has to fight for its life against the invaders who chased the animal from its home.

The fight didn't last long, and soon, the animal was slumped to the ground, and its intestines lay spilt out of its body.

The six hounds quickly gorged on the remains while fighting each other for more. Even if they were full, it was truly a miracle they could work together.

Candidate 2

Name: Nancy Little

Age: 41

Main Race: Little blues

In the frozen lands in the small forest within it were groups of Little blues who were looking around the forests and caves and anything else they could find.

You see, these little guys had become slightly more civilized and calmed down more and now worked together in groups.

They weren't in tribes yet, but they were coming close, and currently, they were trying to explore as much of the area as they could.

See, the little blues were lucky in a way as a race since the area they were in was quite fierce, so there weren't much of other creatures it was mainly planted.

This was great as they were herbivores and didn't eat meat, so they didn't have any predators hunting them and had plenty of food to go around.

But the problem was this was a type of birdcage and it was nice but they couldn't escape so they were stuck there and if they tried they would die.

It was a multitude of factors from their size and having to traverse the changing landscapes and the predators on the outer edge who would stalk the outer reaches.

So they had a good life, but it was obvious that they wanted more in life as they constantly stared up at the stars.

Candidate 3

Name: Ida Kerry

Age: 29

Main race: Venoids

We were now in the ocean, and the venoids were the race that had the blending in skill, which helped them in stealth and survival situations.

They were currently in large groups of up to 30 who swam in together and would use their skills to help them sneak up on larger predators.

They now acted like piranhas, who once they found their prey would all attack and rip it to shred, leaving nothing left.

The veniods no longer needed to run away and hide and could now stand on their while still having some predators they couldn't easily kill yet.

There was an understanding that if they met or saw one another, they would simply move on as it wasn't worth the hassle.

Candidate 4

Name: Gabriela Campos


Main race:Light sprites

Currently, the light sites had managed to hold off the swarm of termites that had plagued the forest they called home.

They weren't exactly sure why, but the termites seemed occupied with another fight somewhere else against another enemy.

It seemed they were angrier and much more frenzied as if they had found a terrible discovery that caused them to mostly ignore the light sprites.

There were still some battles on the borders of the forest, but things had now calmed down, and the termites had mostly moved on to focusing on fighting another enemy.

Candidate 5

Name:Chase stone


Main race: Giant owls

The aptly named race was currently dropping down in a fight against a hive of centipedes that were trying to crawl up the trees and into their nests

The centipedes had hard armour carapaces and many legs that allowed them to move extremely fast and were ravenous in their hunger.

The owls tried simply grabbing the centipedes using their claws, but this caused some of them to be brought down. By the many legs and the fangs of the centipede that shrugged in the owl's grip.

So they now resorted to smacking the centipede with large branches and dropping whatever they could onto the creatures as they tried to climb the trees.

Candidate 6

Name: Naya Kabir

Age: 34

Main race: Weaver queens

In the now completely covered forest that the weaver queens inhabited was a blanket of webs at every turn, and the ground could no longer be seen.

The caves they use to inhabit we're now used to store extra food and to hatch the young, and most of the large arachnids live in the forest.

There was no more life in the surrounding area as it had all been devoured and given to the young who had an endless appetite.

Overall, all things seemed to be doing okay for the spiders except for the males, of course, who were barely past 1-year-old before being devoured.

Candidate 7

Name:Wagner Hoffman


Main race:Draconic fledglings

The lizard man had a name, and it was, of course, a hint at what their creator wanted from them, which was to one day become dragons.

This would take a while, however, currently, as they were constantly in a state of a battle in the swamps they lived in.

This is what happens when you try to challenge and dominate all other creatures in a biome without much planning.

This did push them to work together more, and they were gaining valuable expertise from this event even if it put their race on a knife edge.

Candidate 8

Name:Hyun jee Park

Age: 27

Main race:Ever-swarm

The Ever swarm has continued to expand and grow and expand, especially underground, having a vast labyrinth in the ground.

They didn't expand as fast as they wanted since they needed to make sure that the queen was safe and secure from any threats.

Now that the queen was far below ground with a swarm of guards, they could start the harvesting of resources to fuel the ever-growing swarm.

They had hit a wall in certain areas, and when fighting some prey but they would eventually break through and continue to consume and produce.

Candidate 9

Name: Evaline Sato


Main race:Ocean lords

Once more, a name that fit the description and these gain shark men and women had went business as usual.

They crushed some creatures who tried to fight them in large groups and others who thought they could take them on by themselves.

This was a problem. However, since they had such good skills and started, they were starting to be lazy and not work as a group to take over the ocean.

From the looks of it, they didn't have much drive besides fighting and finding a mate, but even then, they didn't care much for their young once they reached maturity.

But they were still one of the strongest races. I'm the sea and competitor in the game and would contain to explore the oceans.