First skill from the wave

[]Well, host now that your race has survived the wave you can choose a skill to give to your race. Please do choose wisely[]

[]Would you like to choose now?[]

"Yes system, please show me my options"-Jack

[]Affermative host[]


Racial Skill choices:

In touch:

This skill makes the emotional stability of your race higher, which means they are less likely to have things like depression or anxiety, and mental breakdowns.

10% boost to the psyche and soul

Master class:

1 in 1000 of your race will be naturally gifted at whatever skill or trade they go into and will be very proficient at it.

10℅ boost to intelligence

5℅Boost in wisdom

Golden eyes: a genetic mutation that is a 1 in million chance of getting this skill, which changes the person's eyes to bright golden yellow.

This skill gives an overall boost of 100% to the person, making them better in every way possible, making those with this skill some of the greatest of their race.


[]It's to be noted host this isn't the full description of these skills and the rest will be shown once chosen[]

"Wait, so this is just the basic explanation?"-Jack

[]Yes host[]

"Okay, well, let's think this through"Jack

"They've shown some of the benefits, so let's think what the negative could be"-Jack

"I'm guessing in touch for the bad bit would possibly make the rixis colder and uncaring towards others since they would have a different emotional spectrum in a way with this skill"-Jack

[]How so host[]

"Well, if I get this skill in a hundred years, the rixis wouldn't be as emotional, but they may also think other races are like that as well"-Jack

"Like how something that becomes normal to the rixis may be distressing or scary to others and make them less interested to interact with them"-Jack

[]I see, I guess that's a possibility[]

"Onto master class, it seems quite good, but if you think about the route I'm taking with civilization, it will already do what this skill does but on a wider scale"-Jack

[]Go on[]

"Well, one of the benefits of civilization is the massive increase in the collective intelligence and skills of others around them"-Jack

"I remember one guy said that innovation started at the creation of cities as there was a lot of cross-pollination between people with ideas"-Jack

"Basically, if you live in a first world country 9 times out of 10, you can probably read or write or at least count to 100, you know the basics"-Jack

"So while that skill may make that 1 person slightly better when there are 999 other people who can still do the same job"-Jack

"Then the amount processed and created will be more and worth more than the one person even if that personal creation is slightly better"-Jack

[]Host is this a political view?[]

"Um, no, I mean, I'm talking about civilization and how I prefer having over 900 hundred good workers instead of one great worker quite simple"-Jack

"Plus politics isn't very fun, just a bunch of people trying to control you using different aspects of life and history to manipulate you"-Jack

[]Is that true host[]

"I don't know that's the beauty of not caring about that stuff anyway on to the next skill"-Jack

"This skill is quite interesting. The golden eye skill seems like the master class skill but even crazier and is an extremely strong skill"-Jack

"I mean, I know that percentage stuff gets confusing and may not have any meaning besides making things look strong on the surface"-Jack


"But anyone looking at that skill knows a boost to everything by 100% is crazy so I wonder besides the rarity of the skill how bad the downside is"-Jack

"So there are still some benefits hidden as well system? "-Jack

[]Possibly host[]

"I may be wrong, but if you get a boost of 100% in everything and it said it's a genetic mutation, I'm guessing another benefit is a longer lifespan"-Jack

[]Is that something you are looking for host?[]

"Well, it would only be for one person... Rixis, sorry, I need to remember they aren't human, so anyway, the impact is the same as master class skill"-Jack

"But the gold eyes skill is much better as it doesn't just make someone slightly better but are great at many things they do from the description"-Jack

"It says making them some of the greatest in their race so it really must make them stand out amongst the crowd"-Jack

"I'm not going to lie. I want golden eyes, but I'm worried about the negatives that I can't see"-Jack

"I can imagine this skill being incredibly strong when the Jackrixis have a much longer lifespan and population size and this skill would thrive"-Jack

[]Explantion, please host[]

"Well, imagine in the future there are a billion rixis, and in that group, there are hundreds of golden eyes all great at what they do from fighters to builders and so on"- Jack

"This skill makes you a prodigy who is also stronger than everyone else"-Jack

"And if they all help the rixis survive and thrive, it would speed things up greatly"-Jack

"I think that even with whatever negative this skill has in the future, it will be a massive boost"-Jack

"Okay, system, I want to choose the golden eyes skill"-Jack

[]Are you sure host?[]

"Yes, I just have to hope the negative isn't race ending"-Jack

[]Skill golden eyes chosen[]

[]Jackrixis now have the skill golden eyes[]

"Can I now see the rest of its description?"-Jack

[]Yes host[]


GOLDEN EYES-A genetic mutation that is a 1 in million chance of getting this skill, which changes the person's eyes to bright golden yellow.

This skill gives an overall boost of 100% to the person, making them better in every way possible, making those with this skill some of the greatest of their race.

Also, it gives +20 extra years on the lifespan.

They are beloved by their race being the best teachers and generals and doctors, and the feeling goes both ways.

However, there is a downside, which is that every person who has this skill will suffer from a random psychological problem.

This will give them a good reputation in their race but are disdained by other races who don't want to be near them.

This is because they are loyal to their own, but the problems they suffer are put and directed at other races. Some examples of problems are arsonists, torturers, supremacists, mass murder, cold-blooded, and so on are the possible things they get from this skill.

"Whelp, that's that"-Jack