Back to work

"So this skill is amazing because it makes a bunch of crazy fanatics for my race which is good for the Jackrixis but not so much for those who get in their way"-Jack

"I mean it's like having Ted Bundy or Jeffery Dahmer who is nice to you and wouldn't lay a hand on you but your new alien friend... Well let's just hope they're nice to the rixis they know"-Jack

"If I'm being honest though I'll take that so long as they don't hurt the rixis and their allies and just genocide their enemies I'm okay with that"-Jack

[]I think you made the right choice host[]

[]And don't forget host you can be kind but do you think the other 8 candidates will be as well and if

you make it what about the tens of thousands of civilizations watching this right now[]

"It's amazing just how easily you fill me up with confidence and existential dread it's truly something to see I wonder how you do it"-Jack

[]You are very rude host[]

"So are you! come on you just reminded me billions are watching and trying to think of the best ways to kill or slave or whatever else they want to do to my race"-Jack

[]Very rude host no talking for 1 day[]

"Wait what you can do that!?"-Jack

[]Yes host I can decide how much I interact with you besides the necessary announcements and if you ask questions that I deem important[]

".... You know I love you like a sister right"-Jack


"Godammit fine ill see you tomorrow"-Jack

Jack went back to work watching the rixis and gave his talk with the gods on the problems that arose after the wave.

Some tribes and clans had survived for now relied on the blessings the gods gave them while some tribes survived but we're also in need of guidance and blessings from the gods.

It was a delicate balancing act where you didn't want to favor one over the other but also need to bite the bullet and choose one and hope for the best.

There was also the problem with the rogues that were being a nuisance even though they couldn't do a lot of damage.

It was mostly just making the process of building and hunting take longer which just annoyed the rixis and the gods.

That's where the curses come in handy and even though they weren't at their peak use yet they still did good enough to hold the bad apples back.

In the future, rixis weren't living in tribes but cities and kingdoms, and beyond these blessings and curses will start to thrive even more.

A week after the wave and most of the damage had been repaired since it was the tribal stage they had no roads or massive buildings to repair.

The rixis went back to doing what they did best which is hunting and fighting and maybe a bit of thinking in their free time.

Things seemed to quiet down for the whole planet as a large portion of the wildlife either died in the wave or we're in hiding and recovering.

There was still wildlife out and about but it was almost like the world was in an ice age without any ice which is ironic.

It did make things seem more peaceful however which was nice for the rixis as it allowed them to feel what their ancestors did a hundred years ago.

This also allowed the leaders and elders of the Jackrixis to think more about the future of their tribes and what they wanted for them.

But also how they would better deal with the wave that would come again next year and the plans they would make to help them survive.

They made decisions they hadn't done before by looking at the terrains around them and how they could use them better.

Another thing was the rixis started to think of things in the future now they had a slightly longer life and had to think of the group now instead of just the family.

Instead of just caring about your kids you had to even if only a little bit careful about the health and security of your fellow tribe members.

Many of the clans were using this time to recruit rixis to their groups like the Harvesters and Bloodied hydras.

Other clans didn't find it necessary as they controlled their tribes like the Mountain Slammers and Apexian order so they were fine.

The crimson guard did control their tribe but to be honest, if you were like them they didn't need to recruit you came yourself.

That didn't mean there weren't 7ft tall rixis in other clans since not every tall Jackrixis had red on them the crimson guard just had a higher amount of them.

Some new clans and tribes had also come out of the wave with different reasons for their coming together whether it is for survival or new beliefs and ideals.

This would mean that new rivalries would be made but also new alliances could appear and this was the first sign of the complications that come with civilization.

From here things would get more complicated and would fluctuate as grudges were forgiven or forgotten and new ones were forged.

It was kinda like a large bowl of string that you need to unravel the longer time goes on the hard it will be that's why sometimes. People won't even be sure what they're fighting for or why they hate another and it's normally because of their elders and parents.

But it wasn't all bad because it created competition and rivalries that would make the rixis want to be better than their rivals and things would blossom from it.

"Hey system are you not going to talk to me for the whole day I mean I don't want to take up too much of the god's time since they have to do more than me I'm just basically an overseer"-Jack


"This is gonna be a long day"-Jack