Expansion and new findings

It was now a month after the wave and things had stabilized to the point that the tribes began to expand and some of the younger generations went out to explore new lands for them to conquer.

The younger rixis guided by the wisdom of the elders and their families went off to explore and discover while those older stayed at home.

They still and to make sure the tribe was secure and protected from both other tribes and the wild monsters that roamed the lands.

There was no worry about finding other intelligent lifeforms like them since they hadn't encountered the other races.

In the future, they will likely battle and squabble over who has the right to the lands and who was their first but it wouldn't matter right now.

They were in the stone age and were more focused on being able to speak to each other properly than killing everything they see which was nice.

It was estimated by Jack and Minerva that they would need another year before they had a stable language they could use regularly and worked well.

Luckily for the audience of the games they only wanted to see the best bits so they could focus on another race while others went through the tedious process needed to get things such as language.

It was interesting to know the Jackrixis diet had a part to play in their advancement as it seemed some of the plants they are over the decades helped them.

They could just make them healthier but some did have medical properties and also hallucinogenic and other properties.

Of course, they didn't just sit around getting high and tasting the colors around them but over time through the generations the food they are did have an effect.

From what Minerva and Themis could tell the plants helped the rixis intelligence increase slowly over time and helped them with the creation of their language.

It was a slight increase nothing absurd but it did help which was a good thing to see and if it helped and didn't cost points that's a win for jack.

So the rixis went on and explored the new lands and biomes near them and once more after two months of exploring and navigating they had claimed some new homes for the rixis.

The first land was next to the mountains and was a vast canyon that sprawled across the land and could have types of resources.

The other lands found were by the forest biome and were another forest but the environment was different like the trees and animals.

It seems this forest was on the colder side but so far they had only explored the outer edges of the forest like the canyon.

Even though many rixis left to explore these were the only unique lands found as most of the others found were just plains and forests so more normal stuff.

That wasn't bad but the rixis liked the new biomes their tribe was in and saw it as a part of them so in the future it wouldn't be uncommon for them to claim those lands.

Like the Mountain slammers have the mountains while the Sand striders had the desert and it would cause less friction.

The two new lands would need to be explored carefully as they both seemed to be rougher than others with the cold in the forest.

While the canyon would be hard to traverse and had many dark spots where the light could reach and was the perfect place for ambushes.

So as usual time went on as it always does and the races fought on to survive and hopefully thrive so they could ultimately not die.

There was still the threat of the wave to remember but it wouldn't be as bad the second time as there wasn't skill up for grabs.

The waves were at their worst when a reward was given to those who survived so they wouldn't deal with anything like the first wave for a while.

At most animals and monsters would be more aggressive and may come In slightly bigger groups but nothing as insane as the first.

This is what allowed the races to build up their population and not be wiped out by the 2 or 3 waves to come.

It would be nice to see a basic conversation between Jackrixis at their current moment so let's go spy on their private conversations.

In the deep tunnels created by the Mountain slammer a muscular 5, 5ft wielded a large smooth stone they had used to carve and dig the tunnels.

It was hard and complicated work that caused many injuries for them but it was worth it in the end and you may think why well this is why.

A young rixis walked up to the older male digging this rixis was his daughter as already reached his height it was strange.

But it seemed the mounting slammers grew fast but most didn't get over 6, 5 ft so for their race they were short but that didn't matter to the rixis.

"Fartha...Why... Dig?"

Crude and blunt yes but it worked.

"keep... Safe... From... Bad thing"

Riveting but the point was still made he dug the tunnel to protect his tribe from danger.

In the wild desert, the sand striders began investigating the hole they found that contained some stage glittering crystals.

They had explored the cave up to a certain point until they could no longer see in the dark then decide to come back and check out what they found.

"Strange... rock"

"bright rock"


They seemed interested in the rock so they decide to take them back and show them to the tribe as they looked very beautiful and mesmerizing.

In the Harvester clan, an elder was showing a young rixis the different types of poisons used to fight against the prey the hunt.

The elder had 3 poisons in front of him on sticks and he pointed to each one while giving a basic explanation of them.

"cause...prey to slow"

He pointed to the next.

"Make shaky and stupid"

And the last one


This was responded to by a simple nod of understanding by the youngster who ran off to play with the other children.

That was a new tradition the Harvesters clan had adopted which was that if you failed it was better to take your own life than give the prey the honor to do it.