Getting through the blizzard part 2

The rixis had left the 2nd igloo and were now making their way to the 3rd when from within the depths of the blizzard a large wolf came charging toward them.

Thankfully most creatures were still quite stupid, to put it bluntly, and wouldn't be quiet while attempting to kill their prey.

This gave the Jackrixis time to quickly turn and ready their weapons for the attack to come while also touching up together.

This was one of the plans if attacked which was to stick together and try to bunch up their spears which would create a small spear wall in front of them.

This would both give them distance from the enemy and also increase the chance of hitting an oncoming target more.

The large carnivorous beast continued to charge not thinking much about the spears in front of it which because of the snow was hard to see anyway.

Once the distance was closed two spears struck the large wolf hitting its shoulder and cutting the side of its leg.

The damage done however was minimal since the spear was wooden and didn't go very deep so the wolf carried on and barreled into the rixis.

The 5 of them were quickly pushed into the snow and had to get up quickly before the wolf could sink its teeth into their necks.

As they got up so did the wolf who quickly pounced onto the nearest rixis and clamped down on his arm and started to swing its head back and forward trying to rip his arm off.

Blood died on the ground but luckily the extra layer of clothing helped the wolf from getting its teeth in further and ripping the arm off.

But the curve clothes would only last so long and so the rixis bashed the wolf's head while his fists tried to make it release his arm.

The other rixis got up and quickly started stabbing the wolf with thief spears which caused the wolf to let go and try to swipe the spears from the rixis.

All the wolf achieved as its vision became heavier and started to sway was a cut on a few of the rixis clothes and managed to break a spear.

The wolf slowly fell into the embrace of death and slumped to the ground as the rixis gave themselves a few seconds to breathe and calm down.

They look at each other and the corpse of the prey they had just finished off and quickly helped their friend up and left the wolf behind not wanting to waste any more time than they already have.

They quickly got back on track following the rope which had snapped in their section lucky it was still attached to the next igloo which they made it to.

They decided to stay there a bit longer and the rixis who lost his spear took a spare one left in the igloo which each one had.

Along with the rations and extra pair of clothes which were ripped up and used to patch their own that had been damaged.

They stayed in the igloo and made sure that the rixis whose arm got bitten was okay to continue and so after an hour they moved on to the 4th igloo.

They didn't have trouble getting to the igloo but as the last rixis was getting in her leg was pulled back and she roared in pain as a large rat monster was trying to pull her from the igloo.

The others quickly held onto her arms and waist as she kicked the rat in its rotten face managing to kick off chunks of flesh from the undead monster.

The female rixis leg was scratched badly but once the others started taking shots at the rat with their spear it let go of her leg and ran off.

They quickly brought her inside and treated her wound as they made sure to keep watch of the entrance.

They used some basic bandages and materials to stop the bleeding and had to stuff her mouth with snow to stop her screams from being heard outside.

Once their wounds cared for they decided to stop here and wait for the next day to move on and dug into the rations in the igloo.

Throughout the night they heard multiple sounds of creatures fighting and being killed and feasted upon with them even hearing the rat running around.

They decide to only speak in whispers not wanting to draw attention from the beasts roaming outside so since they were staying here they had the luxury to light one of the others to keep them warm for the night.

This would mean they would have to take shifts but they would have done that anyway since they didn't want any unwanted guests coming in during the night.

They set the torch on fire using the instruction their god gave Them and then rested while once kept watch of them until it was time to switch.

Around the igloo, a faint light stunned out through the windy darkness of the blizzard as shadows watched on from beyond.

"I still can't seem to breach the force stopping me from seeing what's inside the blizzard but luckily we can still watch the rixis"-Minerva

"Yea I'm the same I just hope it isn't some leviathan or dragon just waiting to break free and cause even more problems"-Jack

"Fret not jack if that is what is to come then we will deal with it to the best of our abilities and will fight whatever threatens us and the Jackrixis"-Minerva

"Very true Minerva but every time I talk to you I have to look up why can't you guy not be extremely tall?"-Jack

"Well jack you made use this way remember besides you shouldn't worry about your height it's unimportant and unbecoming of you"-Minerva

"Hey I'm a short king I know that but still you guys are all over 7ft tall my neck hurts!"-Jack

"Jack are you bored? "-Minerva

"What makes you say that?"-Minerva

"You get like this when you have to wait for something"-Minerva
