New gods

"Well, now that we're done with the skills, let's get to the interesting bit introducing 2 brand new gods"-Jack

"I'm not experienced in this part, so what happens? Do they just appear?"-Nancy

"Well, at first, I had to choose what type and name for my religion and gods, but since that's done already, im guessing we just give them a name and what they do"-Jack

"What kind of gods do you want?"-Jack

"You want me to choose? "-Nancy

"They're going to be the Little Blues gods, and you know them better than I do so, of course"-Jack

"So since there's 2, I think I'll make them brother and sister. Can I do that?"-Nancy

"Can she do that system?"-Jack

[]Yes, host she can do that[]

"Okay, then they'll be siblings and will be called Vens and Vans"-Nancy

"Nice names, so what will they be the gods of?"-Jack

"Vens, the sister will be the god of creativity, and Vans the brother will be the god of curiosity"-Nancy

"Well, creativity I get, but why curiosity it seems kinda odd to choose as a god"-Jack

"Well, I wanted my race to be good at creating and inventing, but now we know there's also magic. I think these two concepts are good for both"-Nancy

"Creativity and curiosity is what some of the best creators all have in common, and I hope that with it they can help the Blues on the journey"-Nancy

"Actually, that makes me wonder if our gods give their other races followers gods blessings?"-Jack

[]Yes, host a member of the Little Blues race could gain the blessing of Renka and the same way for Vens or Vans[]

"That's great!"-Jack

"Wait, I'm surprised I haven't asked, but what or who are your gods"-Nancy

"Oh, my bad, well, I have 4, and I'm wondering if I can bring them here?"-Jack

[]You can host[]

"Okay, do I just call them?"-Jack


"Oh okay, didn't think it would be that easy"-Jack

"Renka, Minerva, themis, Nyx come here!"-Jack

As Jack spoke his voice without knowing, it radiated throughout the gods and Jack's space as it reached them at once.

They all came through differently designed doorways as they all came to the same room as Jack and Nacy and looked at the new person next to Jack.

Nancy was also quite shocked to be in front of 4 over 6ft jackrixis, all with very unique looks and features and who all had an aura of otherworldliness surrounding them.

"Well, the gang is all here, so I'll give the introductions Nancy. This is the 4 Jackrixis gods, and guys, this is Nancy. My new ally and creator of the Little Blues, the new race that was discovered and rescued"-Jack

They all stared at each other before Minerva introduced herself first as she walked towards Nancy with her hand out, and they both shook hands.

"Greetings, Nancy, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance. I am Minerva, god of knowledge. I hope we can work well together"-Minerva

"The pleasure's mine"-Nancy

Not a second after Nancy spoke, Renka grabbed her hand and gave it a wild shake as she spoke like a child on a sugar rush.

"Hi, I'm renka god of emotions, so great to meet you. I'm sure we're gonna have a great time, and I must say your hair is beautiful"-Renka

"Oh...Thank you"-Nancy

"Not to be rude, but I can see you're hurting a little inside. Don't worry too much. You'll see your kids in no time"-Renka

That made Nancy freeze as she looked at Renka and then at Jack for an explanation of how a stranger knew about her kids.

"Oh, don't worry, Jack didn't tell me. I can just see it being the god of emotion as it goes up and down. I hope you're not too mad"-Renka

"Just shocked is all nice to meet you"-Nancy

Next came Themis, who just gave a simple introduction.

"Themis god of order nice to meet you"-Themis

"You too"-Nancy

Nancy didn't know what to say, so she just kept it short.

"Best for last then, hello, I'm Nyx god of war, and I'll be the one making sure your Little Blue fellas don't get squished"-Nyx

"Well, that's a relief pleasure to have you"-Nancy

"That's the Jackrixis gods, and of course, this is Nancy. Would you like to give a little introduction as well?"-Jack

"Sure, well, I'm Nancy Little. I'm 41. I have 4 kids, and I'm from America, and my race is called the Little Blues they may be small, but don't underestimate them"-Nancy

"Nice, but are we here just to meet Nancy Jack?"-Nyx

"Nope, you are also here to see the two new gods that will oversee the Little Blues and will be your new colleagues"-Jack

"Wow, really!"-Renka


"I'm sure they'll be of great help"-Minerva

"This brings more order"-Themis

"But what type of gods will they be?"-Themis

"Well, they are called Vens and Vans, and they are siblings and will be the gods of creativity and curiosity"-Nancy

"May I ask why those were their chosen concepts"-Renka

"It's because it's what fits them best, Renka"-Minerva

"Oh okay"-Renka

"How do you know that?"-Nancy

"Oh quite simple, it's like with Renka, but knowledge once you joined Jack, I gained all the knowledge you had, so I already knew about you before I came here"-Minerva

"So you know about my race and their skills"-Nancy

"Yes, some things are hidden by the system, but yes, and I agree with your decision"-Minerva

"Thank you"-Nancy

"Yep, so we thought it would be a good way to introduce each other and you lot be here to meet the new gods"-Jack

"Well, introductions have been done. Let's get our new gods here, and then we can get back to work"-Nancy

"Indeed system we've finished choosing"-Jack

[]Is this the final form you would like?[]


Jack gave Nancy a quick look before they gave each other a nod, and Jack spoke.


Once Jack spoke, two bright lights burst forth in front of the group as two 4ft tall shapes formed, and the male and female forms came into being.

The female had blue-colored skin with short dark hair and silver-colored eyes and two hands and feet with 5 digits on each.

The male also had blue-colored skin but had white long hair and bronze-colored eyes with the same body features as his sister both of them were skinny and small for the other gods but to their race, they were very tall.

The light slowly left them as they wore basic cloth clothes and were staring at the group in front of them with wandering gazes in their eyes.

"Hello, I'm Jack it's nice to meet you"-Jack

The two new gods looked at Jack for a few seconds before they spoke for the first time.

"Hi, I'm Vens"-Vens

"And I'm Vans"-Vans

"We hope to work well with each other"-Vens/Vans

They both seemed very well-mannered and kind, which is always nice, and so the gods all introduced themselves, and nancy got to meet her new helpers for her race.

Once the introduction had been made, Jack now had decided what blessings and curses the two gods would have.

[]Now you must choose 1 blessing and 1 curse for your new gods[]

[]Here are your options[]

[]Vens curse and blessing options[]


Active mind: Increases creativity and productivity of a follower by 50% and lasts for 3 days.

Stroke of genius:For 1 day, it increases a group of followers' creativity and ingenuity by 125% but has a 1 month cooldown period.

Go with the flow:Causes the stress and anxiety that comes with creating or inventing to disappear and lasts for 1 week.


Stone mind:causes the target's mind to struggle to think of new or unique ideas or strategies and lasts for 2 days.

Clashing thoughts:Causes the target to have multiple thoughts at once, making them unable to think straight and lasting for 1 month.

Dull and down: Make it so that the target can not see the beauty of things and doesn't care for the loss of their property and lasts for 3 weeks.

"What do you think?"-Jack

"Well, I would go for the stroke of genius and clashing thoughts"-Nancy

"Why those skills?"-Jack

"Well my race will be under the protection of the rixis so I don't think they will need blessings with short periods, so I think it would be better for them to get a powerful blessing every month"-Nancy

"As for the curse, I think it would do well against an enemy commander, nothing more"-Nancy

"I think that's true while the rixis would need quick bursts of power at regular intervals the Little Blues have the luxury of longer waiting times"-Jack

"Well, if that's what you want, then we just need to decide on Vans"-Jack

[]Van's curses and blessings options[]


Cats' curiosity: increase the chance of the target discovering or finding what they seek lasts for 1 day.

Curious character: makes it so those who see the follower are more curious about them and will increase the chance of something positive happening to them.

Lasts for 1 week.

Wonders marvels:Causes a follower to have an increase in random encounters when they are travelling and last for 1 month.


Dead kitten:Causes the target to get lost easily in both thought and place, making them likely to lose their train of thought and get lost easily in known areas and last for 4 days.

Deadly curiosity:Causes a target to have an increase in fatal on counters when trying to find or understand something and lasts for 2 days.

Mind your own: This causes the target to be seen in a more hostile light when trying to learn about other people's business and lasts for 1 day.

"You can choose this one Jack"-Nancy

"Are you sure?"-Jack

"Yep, he's all yours"-Nancy

"Okay then, I'll choose curious character and dead kitten as they both are quite strong skills I think work well if used correctly"-Jack

"Is that it then? "-Nancy


[]Congratulations host you now have 2 more gods added to your pantheon who will help your races strive for greatness[]