Spending points and watching the results

[]Host for Candidate 2 Nancy Littles choice to become your subordinate means her transferred points of 300 have gone to you[]

"So wait does that mean I can use that on the Little Blues?"-Jack

[]No host this is one of the negatives on both sides the Little Blues will no longer be able to be improved by the evolution shop[]

"Wow I guess there's gotta be some balance to the whole thing but at least they will still gain skills and improve"-Jack

"Okay then I guess I'll go shopping for the rixis"-Jack


Evolution shop

"You've got points we've got the power"


Total Amount of EP: 300

Showing available purchases:


Stronger bone density by 1%-Cost 80 points

Increased intelligence by 0.5%-Cost 200 points

Increases Heightened senses by 0.1%-Cost 100 points

Sharper claws increased by 2%-Cost 100 points

Increased regeneration by 0.1%-Cost 100 points

Race skills: Sorry no skills for you today

"Wait so sometimes I don't get skills?"-Jack

[]Yes host but when this happens you get a new choice why don't you have a look[]

[]Unlock two new evolutions cost: 300[]

"Well isn't that convenient just the right amount"-Jack

"Okay fine I'll take it"-Jack

[]Unlock purchased[]

[]New evolutions available at the shop[]


Evolution shop

"You've got points we've got the power"


Total Amount of EP: 0

Showing available purchases:


Stronger bone density by 1%-Cost 80 points

Increased intelligence by 0.5%-Cost 200 points

Increases Heightened senses by 0.1%-Cost 100 points

Increases reaction speed by 0.1%-Costs 100 points

Increases adrenaline by 0.1%-Costs 100 points

Sharper claws increased by 2%-Cost 100 points

Increased regeneration by 0.1%-Cost 100 points

Race skills: Sorry no skills for you today

"Okay better reaction speed and more adrenaline are pretty good and maybe in the future will make the rixis even better at fighting"-Jack

[]Correct host and there is much more to evolve and discover[]

"Well I now think that's finally it and I can get back to watching the rixis use their new gifts and hopefully the integration between the two races go well"-Jack

Once jack got out of the Evolution shop panel and went back to watching the rixis he saw the light roll over them all and shine from their eyes but this time it also happens to the Little Blues.

After a minute of their minds and bodies improving the light slowly dimmed and the rixis broke out of the stupor quicker than the Blues who hadn't experienced it before.

It was still very much a raw and wild experience that no race or being would get used to it but they can learn to get over it quicker.

If you would compare how the rixis looked from when they started minus the defects given by the system to what they were now it was night and day.

They were still just smart cavemen with basic weapons and homes with some rudwmiatry tactics but they were now much more healthy and skilled while also just living longer in general.

Jack sat back and thought about how far both the Jackrixis and himself had come from when they started in this game to jack and this life for this rixis.

He may not have made the greatest of moves and could be on the road to imminent destruction but looking around so far he was proud of what he had done.

At the start, he was just a random 19-year-old kid from England who was just floating through life but now years had already gone by he was physically still 19 but mentally he had matured.

At the start, he was alone, anxious, and paranoid while using humor to try and make it through this mad experience.

But now he had more security both with his race and with the gods but now he also had what he hoped would be a good friend.

Going back to the rixis and we are currently in the Crimson Guard clan tribal home in which the leader was with his mate and their 5 children. Currently, they were praying to the gods with them each worshiping one including the two new gods.

This was even bigger news than the improvement as all the rixis were informed about the new gods who came from the new race discovered in the snow.

News had spread about the Blues but some didn't believe it as they hadn't left the winter forests so no one besides the tribe and those who left to spread the news.

Now it was more than confirmed and they had two new gods who would look after and guide them but also give them the chance to earn their blessings.

It also made a small move to the winter forest as many of both the younger and older generations wanted to see the new race they were allied with.

Some young men and women would join up in groups of 3 or 4 and would make the journey that for some could take weeks and would have to go through multiple biomes.

The rixis were strong but there were still many dangers and threats to them and it would be a long time before they could walk the lands freely with no worry.

This was why the leader of the crimson guard was praying with his children as he was sending them on a mission and pilgrimage to the winter forest. They hoped that they would be able to bring some of the new race back to their tribe and get to learn about this new race and what they were all about.

But of course, not everything was green and bright some didn't like the new race or that they two now had gods and were also making plans or leaving their homes to find them.

Fear can affect even the greatest and strongest of all and when you find out you're not alone and other out there exist who are like you and could be even better is when fear starts to creep in.