Tendeix system
Sector 3
On the wild jungle world of Vena 5
Currently, an alien was running through the jungle floor while riding the occasional rock or wild animals that lept from the trees or ran from predators.
The lush blue and purple plants glowed in the darkness, which was thanks to their bioluminescence, which caused the jungle to light up like a star.
This alien slammed his feet into the ground as a bug was crushed under its boot and pink blood splattered over its shoes.
This alien's name was Qutell, and he was running back home to his village that was on the outskirts of the enormous jungle that sprawled across the planet.
He was a short and plum fellow with orange sleek skin with a normal humanoid body beside his head that had two yellow thermal receptors that swayed as he ran.
He and his family were colonists in this new and unclaimed world, and they were one of the thousands of families that came to try and make a new home. It also helped that they got paid to discover and learn everything they could about the wildlife and materials found on Vena 5.
But most of the major research and discovery had finished 8 years ago, so now most families were starting to either leave or would come together to start creating cities.
For Qutells, the family decided to stick near the outskirts of the jungle but still made trips to the cities further away from the jungle and made sure to barter and buy the things they wanted.
Like how recently Quell's father made a significant discovery when it comes to a particular species of tree that secreted a blue liquid that had medicinal properties that could be used for medicine.
His father Qutenia was given a choice between money or the option to choose an item they wanted, and they could have 5 options to choose from.
You would think he would go for the money, but it would mean if we had to go on the journey from the cities and then have to deal with the inflated prices of off-world items. While also counting for taxes and other boring but necessary points that need to be considered and the chance of him being robbed was still a possibility.
It was normal for newly discovered worlds to be given strict security and oversight, especially for those looking to work or live there, but some would manage to slip through.
It was inevitable, so crime was still rampant across the universe and galaxy with the amount varying from planet to planet.
Just because advanced races and gods were fighting and conquering didn't mean there wouldn't be any pickpockets running around.
So his Qutenia chose to pick an item, and this was his options:
1-Modern all-terrain vehicle
2-3-day holiday to a temple planet.
3-Universal television
4-Vitality boosters
5-4% discount on whatever he buys for 1 year
The first option was nice but not needed much since it would help with travel, but paying for fuel and maintenance costs would slowly stack up.
As for the second option, they weren't followers of any gods, let alone one that had a temple planet, which was a paradise and luxurious world.
The third option is what Qutenia decides to go for, which shocked his family and caused quite a few arguments at the dinner table. But Qutenia had his reason for it, which he explained to them and laid out why he chose it.
The 4th and 5th options were nice but were a small time bonus compared to what he believed the long-term befits of the tv brought to them.
With the tv beside the added entertainment came the ability to watch the game of evolution, which was Qutenias main reason for getting the television.
The games had an enormous effect on all known life in every galaxy and system or empire and religion as its affected rippled across the stars.
Watching the games would allow them to see the new possible race that would appear and inevitably try to spread and dominate.
While a small minority of winners stayed on the planet that they had won, most would be eager to leave their world and challenge both the other winners and the other races.
The television brought them vital information that they could use if they ever met anyone of this species and gave them a basic understanding of what they would be like.
In a place where multiple universes were fighting and trading and tens of thousands of new and old races and societies were popping up and thriving and then disappearing, it caused a lot of chaos.
It's a large part of why so many join religions as it helps slow down the insanity to more manageable levels.
Getting back to the topic, Qutenia felt that the television would allow them to be a little more prepared and would have a greater understanding of universal affairs.
The price of this television also agreed with the man's thoughts as it would have taken his family at least 2 years of saving none stop to afford it.
It came 1 week later, being escorted by two sentinel guards for safekeeping while being transported on a wild planet and was set up in their home.
Their house was half bio-dome and half normal house, which was an odd place to live, but it worked, and they all now sat early in front of the large television.
Since it was universal television and many different types of races lived in different types of environments and evolved their sense in a multitude of ways and had different sizes the television could change and adapt to fit its consumer and its home.
Currently, Qutenia and Qutell were sitting in their seats while his mother was cooking up some fried gatherlax lizard cubes.
His two sisters were younger, so they sat on the floor and played on their devices as the universal news channel was currently playing.
Qutenia felt they should look at the more normal channels such as the news and sports channels before getting right into the gore of the games.
And who knows, maybe his family could learn something important or gain some knowledge, usually kept secret that they could use to help them in life or for the kids in their education.
It was no secret that if you worked as a staff member on the games, you were set for life and wouldn't have to worry about anything besides the games.
On the news were the usual reports of a galaxy being sold to a god after that god managed to win a war against another god, and that was the god's award.
In other news was the destruction of an out-rim battle outpost that had fallen to the great enemy.
And finally, were the games, which were always a hot topic and had created a large industry around itself with people betting and guessing what will happen. While also selling merchandise and conducting interviews and creating channels on the universal web to talk about their new favourite race or player, with some even getting fan clubs.
You also had Laxy the show host, which was more dramatic and had more flare to her show and was the main source of news from the games.
She would spend time talking to the audience but also go out and speak to the average alien on the street.
Changing the channel to the games, they were given multiple options on the screen from past games to the most viewed clips or going to the news run of the game.
Qutenia used his remote to press the new run as his wife gave them their dinner, and the kids quieted down to watch the show.
They watched the introduction talking about what the game was about and who the candidates were, and what races they had.
It then made a quick run-through of the major events that happened with each candidate, with one of them already losing the game.
The family each chose who they liked, either the person or their creation, such as Qutenia liking the swarm as they seemed to have a strong start.
The two daughters liked the light sprites and the giant owls even if the owl's creator had lost their still-life and their weird but graceful look.
Qutells mother wasn't much of a fan but said that she thought the weaver queens were an interesting race to see. But to Qutell, his favourite was between the Shark men or the Jackrixis, and he couldn't decide on which.
They both had done very well and had a good chance at winning the game, but he overall liked the Jackrixis because of their colors and hunter lifestyle.
"Why choose the 10th race son their creator isn't too great"-Qutenia
"What do you mean dad he seems fine to me?"-Qutell
"Listen, he's made an impressive race, but he's taking massive risks from what we've been told, and he isn't as cold-blooded as some of the other candidates playing"-Qutenia
"Maybe, but I think he's just trying to put himself in a position to react to whatever situation comes up and doesn't want to be put in one box"-Qutell
"Maybe but he's gonna have a hard time from the looks of it from at least 3 of these races and ill give him his due his race had advanced faster than the others but that isn't everything"-Qutenia
"Some of the races who have this monster system or whatever they call it could create some real disasters if they get lucky"-Qutenia
"I think you're just jealous of these future neon hunters!"-Qutell
"Ha boy, you've still got some growing to do, but hey, let's make a deal if your guy wins. Then I'll pay for you to have all you can eat at your favourite place"-Qutenia
"Yes, but if my guy wins, you'll have to go get a job"-Qutenia
"Wait, how's that fair?"-Qutell
"It's not, but I'm your father, so shut it now. Are you in?" -Qutenia
He reached his hand out to his son while taking his eyes off of his food as a small bit of it lay on his stomach somehow always managing to get on his clothes when he was eating.
"Fine old bones deal, but you better not back out"-Qutell
"I'm confident you'll fail, son"-Qutenia
That comment got him a quick smack to the back of his head from his wife.