Games staff

Aliens of multiple races were in seats watching screens and doing their work while their supervisor watched on making sure everything went smoothly.

Cagra venux was the organizer of the game and made sure that everything was going well and that the candidates would face sufficient challenges.

But it was also to make sure that no one else tried to interfere with the games, which many tried and failed to do constantly.

He also had to repeatedly go on talks with the multiple media empires and real empires to inform them of what was happening that the general public doesn't know.

It was a stressful job, but luckily, I had to be given a massive bonus, which alone would set him up for multiple lifetimes, but it was the fact he only had to do it once.

One time of extreme stress and anxiety in return for early retirement, and it may take a year or two of his life span, but he had plenty of that.

"What happened to Candidate 5s race after they've been released into the world?"-Cagra

"Well, sir, it seems that in some environments, they have done quite well, such as his areas with taller trees or with forest near the plains areas"-Worker

"But they have struggled in areas that are controlled by the candidate races such as the weaver queens that managed to take one down"-Worker

"Well, I know it was a combination of bad luck and timing that the candidate lost, but didn't he and his race have some decent skills?"-Cagra

"Yes sir, would you like me to bring it up?"-Worker

"Sure, I'll take a quick reminder"-Cagra


Creator:Chase Stone

Race name: Giant owls

Food type:Omnivores

Racial skills:Winter winds, lock on, sharp talons

Evolution locks: none

Evolution increase: none

Race bonuses: Wings of wind:

Increases flight speed by 20%


"Wait, isn't Wings of wind his skill?"-Cagra

"Yes sir, but it goes under bonus in the monster system"-Worker

"Well, I mean, overall, they had some okay skills, but I guess it just wasn't the right choice to pick, and as I said, their placement and luck weren't great"-Cagra

"Well enough talk about a dead man, what about the other candidates?"-Cagra

"The others are coming along well, Cagra"-Zenithrax

"Oh, your back already?"-Cagra

"Don't act like you're not happy I can sense it in those scales of yours"-Zenithrax

"Can I have that report on the candidates then Zenithrax"-Cagra

"Of course, well, I'll give you a quick run through how they are doing"-Zenithrax

"Candidate 1 and his race are doing well with some perseverance, and they have managed to evolve using the monster system and are now able to start most fights and win"-Zenithrax

"I also believe that something interesting will happen soon that the audience will just love"-Zenithrax

"Stay focused"-Cagra

"Ok, so candidate 2 is currently in her space, but her race has done well and has now been integrated with the candidate 10s race"-Zenithrax

"Oh yeah, that was quite interesting. The rating have done up a bit after people heard about it they seem to complement each other well"-Cagra

"Indeed then we have candidate 3s race she is doing okay until recently it seems they have some competitors that will be hard to beat they may be the next to go"-Zenithrax

"Don't be so dramatic, old friend they'll be fine... For now"-Cagra

"Next is candidate 4, and her race managed to push make their enemies and are recovering and helping heal their forests and creatures-Zenithrax

"While candidate 6 is doing well, her race has had some infighting over land and food, but they have expanded more and now control the entire forest region"-Zenithrax

"Quite deadly race she has there, but they need to get some evolution locks to be more secure in their position"-Cagra

"I think they look creepy, but I can't talk anyway"-Zenithrax

"Candidate 7 and his race have made some expansions and have been doing better out they still progress quite slowly"-Zenithrax

"Do you think it could be a mix of both how they were made and the area they live in?"-Cagra

"I couldn't see why not, but I imagine it may be that they will only really get off their scally asses if they get a massive threat"-Zenithrax

"On to candidate 8 and his race have done exactly what his type always does and are stripping away all life in the nearby area"-Zenithrax

"The only reason they're not developed further is that they hit a similar enemy, so the war between them is taking up time and resources"-Zenithrax

"I feel bad if this guy wins, he won't know what the other races in the galaxy will think of his creation and others like it"-Zenithrax

"Definitely they are seen as pests and nuances that can grow into major problems that bring no benefits"-Cagra

"Two more left with the next being candidate 9, and she has had one of the easiest rides in the game as her races have completely dominated in its environment"-Zenithrax

"The creatures that can't be as easily killed by them now leave them alone, and the sharks have the same understanding, but they are still exploring"-Zenithrax

"Yes, I have great hope for this race and its creator in the long run"-Cagra

"Cool and last but not least, candidate 10 who's managed to boost his race quickly through the different systems like religion and technology and others"-Zenithrax

"They have integrated with another candidate and become allies while also controlling a modern amount of land"-Zenithrax

"I admit I was surprised by how quickly they developed especially with how they started with the genetic debuffs and all, but they have proven me wrong"-Cagra

"Yep, they all seem to be doing either okay or not great, but I think some clashes between candidates will be coming soon"-Zenithrax

"Yes, let's hope they can give our audience a good game, and it will also forge another strong race we can add to the universes"-Cagra

"Yea, totally I get that so hey want to go get something to eat and drink I'm famished"-Zenithrax

"Zenithrax, you're a pile of floating rocks with crystal eyes and astral tentacles. You can't get hungry"-Cagra

"But I'm bored!"-Zenithrax

"No... maybe later"-Cagra
