The Twins

While Jack was resting his eyes as he sat on his couch, he suddenly felt the wind get knocked out of his lungs as a pair of feet was standing on his stomach.

"What the hell!?"-Jack

Jack opened his eyes to see Van standing on his stomach with a jester's smile on his face as he started at Jack and leaned towards Jack's face.


Jack felt his eyebrow start to twitch as Van looked at him as if what he was doing was a normal thing to do to who was essentially your boss/creator.

"How can I help you, Van? "-Jack

"Oh, I don't need anything. I just wanted to do something. I'm bored"-Van

"Well, why don't you do something with your sister, then Van?"Jack

"I can't she's too busy talking to Nancy about stuff. Nothing is happening. All I can do is throw around a few blessings or curses and watch things!"-Van

"Okay, well, what about the 4 other gods that casually roam around here then?"-Jack

"Well, I did that too, but they all got annoyed by me with Minerva saying I'm too intrusive, and Renka said I should calm down, and Nyx got mad at me"-Van

"Wait, why'd Nyx get mad at you?"-Jack

"Oh he took some time off his vacation to oversee a large tribe-ending battle so he was acting all serious on his big throne so I sneaked up to him and kept poking him in the cheek until he got mad"-Van

"Van, please do tell me a good reason why you decided to anger the resident god of war?"-Jack

"Because I was bored"-Van

Jack sometimes wonders if it was just his gods that were weird as they didn't seem to act like say the Greek gods he thought they'd be like.

"Okay, besides that ridiculous reason, what about Themis?"-Jack

"Seriously, I tried the man is a stone wall, no emotion, or if he does have any, it's within the abyss of his heart"-Van

"...Van why do you keep pestering everyone so much? I mean, surely you can see why what you are doing might look bad, right? "-Jack

"Light years ahead of you, Jack, but did you forget what I'm the god of?"-Van

"Well, yes, you're the god of.."-Jack


"All the gods still have free will, but you could say our aspects or concepts are our instincts or something deeper it doesn't control us completely, but it's very much present"-Van

"So I find everything and anything interesting for multiple reasons at once that can be overwhelming Jack, but guess what?"-Van


"I won't reject who I am and what I was created for. Maybe it's because I'm still young or that some gods have it worse than others. But you wouldn't tell Minerva to not know something or for Themis to break the balance"-Van

"Luckily, my sister is the god of creativity, so she has a much higher tolerance for me than most"-Van

"Well, thanks for telling me, Van, and I just want you to know you shouldn't deny what gives you strength and makes you unique"-Jack

"And besides I don't just want you to be what you are created for try other things I wouldn't be mad if Nyx took up pottery or, Renka did some partying as long as you still do your job and look after the races it will be fine"-Jack

"Thanks, Jack... So what should I do?" -Van

"Well, first off, you can get off my stomach"-Jack

"That's fair"-Van

Van jumped off Jack before landing in front of his multiple screens that showed different places of the Jackrixis and Little Blues.

"Hey, how do I get one of these?"-Van

"What do you mean? Haven't you customized your space yet and added what you wanted?"-Jack

"Nah, I left that to Ven"-Van

"Hmm, actually, I just had an idea. Why don't you go down there and check up on the mortals and maybe see how they live? "-Jack

"Why they don't do anything crazy interesting they won't live long anyway"-Van

"Trust me, just give it a try. Maybe you can even find some of your followers"-Jack

"Well, I guess it couldn't hurt, so why not alright? I'll see ya later, Jack!"-Van

Van water jack goodbye as a grey and gold cloud swirled around him and dissipated after a few seconds, and Van was gone.

"Haaa, well, then I'm going back to the couch"-Jack

Meanwhile, on Lundum Mundi near a tribe that houses a small group of blues and rixis, a lone god wondered the reeds.

"That's a cool flower wondered what it does"-Van

"Look at that flock of reptiles very interesting"-Van

"Am I lost?"-Van

Van wondered as he looked in awe at the nature around him, releasing how much he was missing down here.

The gods all made trips down here, but it was mostly short-lived with only Renka spending a solid amount of time down here with Themis only coming when asked or if they all went.

Van was strolling as he felt his hands brush against the reeds and flowers as he listened to the insects and animals speaking out to each other.

The sun on his skin and the wind flowing up his back as he walked his feet cause the grass to crunch under his feet, and his toes felt the soil.

It was at this moment that he saw something that seemed unimportant to others but would stay with him for all eternity.

A group of young Jackrixis and Little Blues all ran around together, playing in the trees and foliage with smiles and laughter in the air.

He was so focused that he didn't even notice the small blue girl looking up at him to his left as she wondered who he was.

Van quickly felt her stare and looked at her as he didn't know what to do or say as he had never been in this situation before.

Yes, he met a group of them with his sister at the battle royal, but that was in a more religious and worshipping way than now.

"Hel...Hello their child"-Van

Vans said this as he felt sweat drip down his back, which he didn't know was even possible as he felt so awkward. But the young child didn't seem to mind as she smiled at him, showing that she still had most of her baby teeth now, and she spoke to him with a thumb in her mouth.

"Hello, mister, are you alone?"-Young girl

Van was shocked at how well she spoke and thought that she must be quite intelligent.

"Well ur yes I am"-Van

"If you want, you can join us"-Young girl

"Oh, why thank you so much. I would love to, but I'm too old to play, so I'll just sit and enjoy the scenery"-Van

This was still a child, so she didn't understand everything that Van was saying, so she took that as a yes and dragged him to her friends.

All the children said their hell is, and hi, while running around the god with vans, realized this is what the others felt he acted like.

He sat down in the dirt so he could be at their level when interacting with them as they all rambled on his various ways and multiple things, with most jot making any sense.

The young girl sat beside him and now and then asked him questions some random others about himself

Van found himself surprisingly happy with the kids as they showed so much unfettered curiosity and joy that it was contagious.

"Mr, do you have any siblings?"-Young girl

"Indeed I do I have a twin sister"-Van

"Is she nice?"-Young girl

"Oh yes, she's very nice and creative. The things she comes up with are just brilliant. I'm lucky to have a sister like her"-Van

Van didn't know why, but he felt comfortable talking to the children about his thoughts and feelings as if they would judge or overthink things.

As time went on, the children convicted him to play a quick game with them where they had to make bracelets out of whatever they could find.

This wasn't Van's speciality, so he didn't do well at all, feeling slightly embarrassed that children did better than a god.

But the young girl once again brought a smile to his face as she gifted him her flower and grass bracelet that she had made by herself.

"Well, it's getting late, children, so I think you should go back home to your parents and friends it was nice seeing you"-Van

The children said goodbye, but Van stopped the young girl as he decided to give her a little parting gift as well.

"What is it, mister? Do you need help?"-Young girl

"No, no, sweet child, I just wanted to thank you for being so kind and curious, so I thought I'd give you a gift"-Van

"What is it?"-Young girl

She couldn't see anything in his hands except his gift to him, and he wore basic and tribal clothes, so she wondered what it was.

"Just a little blessing of mine child I hope it helps you keep that spark of curiosity alive"-Van

Even though she didn't feel different and wasn't given anything, she was still happy, so she gave the man a quick hug on the leg before she ran back home.

Jack made sure to watch her reach the tribe entrance a few minutes away with a grin on his face he couldn't rip off if he tried. And as he was about to leave, another thing he sensed made him smile even if others would have found it terrifying.

5 Jackrixis, all with spear, pointed at his position and been there the entire time watching from afar in the foliage to see if he would harm the children.

It brought him joy knowing how much the children were being protected and looked after, and we're being safeguarded for future generations.

"I think I'm going to like it down here"-Van

What he didn't know was the other person watching from afar who he didn't sense and who also had a smile on her face.